Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1765: Arrange Harry, start Di Simon

After a few more days, there was still no movement on Harry's side.

Luke thought about it, and simply replaced the first-level clone that was restored, and continued to closely monitor the female doctor.

The self-healing experiment of the first-level clone was smooth, and the data collected was very pleasing.

With only the aid of Life One, the missing two half limbs grew out within ten days of the split.

You should know that this is still the first-level clone with the lowest strength attribute. Changing to a second-level clone or deity should still be twice as fast.

Before shifting, Luke went around Tony with a stunned look.

Ten days of limb rebirth is not as exaggerated as the Extremis virus, but it is not ordinary magic, at least Tony has no similar technology in his hand.

In addition, the desperate virus has huge defects and cannot be popularized, but Luke can be practically used on a small scale.

The news was also made public to the Bat Battalion to quickly eliminate the negative effects of the Cavaliers' disability.

That night, although Ivan only stabbed Tony directly, it would be impossible to say that no one else would order anything.

Now that the Cavaliers are fully recovered, everyone recalls the situation of the day, and it really can't rest on Tony's head.

You know, even the team's safety rules were made by Luke.

He had not been seriously injured in so many battles before.

Pushing backwards from the results, it was only because the Cavaliers had a way to regenerate their broken limbs that they would harden Kirian.

In this way, the little tortoises who feel that they are quickly becoming sandwich cookies are finally happy.

They are simple and not stupid.

Since the last mission, I found that the team's attitude towards Tony is very subtle, but they are just children and neither dare to say nor ask.

But to say who in the squad is best for Tony's senses, there are only these four forgiveness beasts.

Who makes Tony play generously?

Tony is the one who has invested the most to the Turtles except Luke.

Minty has a good relationship with the little turtles, but she is more pink Batman. In private, she has not talked to the little turtles much, and it gives them the most pressure.

Now Luke came out and said he was cured, then nothing was a problem.

Anyone in this group who has n’t had a few serious injuries and experiences, it ’s not a disability.


Here Luke exchanged avatars and returned to New York to start a full investigation.

He had to dig out all the information of Simon-Neppel, so that he could know himself and know everything.

This time in Tijuana, this "treasure boy" was run away because he didn't understand Simon's ability at all.

Otherwise, he still has a chance to catch each other.

The deity was not idle, and he started with the spiritual receiving device, trying to find a way to counter Simon's possession.

This problem is not solved, except for Luke and Selena in the symbiotic state, the rest of the Bat Team may be unlucky when they encounter Simon.

For a long time, Luke has rarely encountered such a powerful mental superpower, making him little research on related equipment.

The Battalion's armor uses part of the spiritual remote control device, which has a certain resistance to mental ability, and it is unlikely that it will be controlled during battle.

However, in daily life, it is impossible for anyone to wear a battle armor 24 hours a day, and it is easy to be succeeded.

As long as one person has a problem and may be involved in the bat squad, this is the most dangerous.

Luke must study nano helmets such as hats, glasses, headbands, and headbands to prevent this possibility.

However, in the face of Simon's huge workload, Lukele was in it.

As the saying goes, fighting with people is endless.

Fighting bad guys with super powers is even more fun.

In return for discovering Simon's first "meritor", he did not forget to go in hiding and helped Margaret do several psychological treatments.

After being "abandoned" by her sister, the little widow who has been in a mood is inexplicably feeling better and is at a loss.

Interestingly, the two avatars of Luke gave psychological treatment to the sisters at the same time, and felt a completely different spiritual world.

If Luke judges, he ... still chooses Harry.

This does not include the factors that female doctors like to swim at night, nor is it because the female doctors are white and elastic.

It's just that Margaret's spiritual world is too simple, similar to children's colored strokes, while the female doctor's spiritual world is as gorgeous as a kaleidoscope.

From the difficulty to the fun, Dr. Harry is much more fun.

And when it comes to self-interest, Luke is ultimately more of a bad guy.

Margaret, who has made many charitable donations, has always been a light green kind person.

Harry has changed from the yellow neutral two years ago to the little red villain now.

The female doctor who chooses to live uncommonly and wants to live by herself has naturally become a researchable object.

For the sake of her past friendship, Luke will "hire" Joker's "temporary worker" after she completes the bait task, ensuring that she will live a wonderful life.

Don't you like playing games? Then help the Ugly Lord to design games and fight against the big baddies of the world.

Of course, this temporary worker plan is not urgent, depending on whether the female doctor can catch Simon out.

But after a week has passed, this guy is unlikely to come back to find Harry.


In mid-September, Luke finally touched the vine and dug out Simon's foundation.

Simon-Neppel is actually a young master of wealthy people, although only a "second-hand".

Simon's own father and mother Gina had an open marriage, and their specific identities are no longer available.

At that time, Gina was just an underage girl who mingled on the streets. There was nothing special about it.

Until Simon was six years old, Gina met Simon's stepfather Raman Vorobiev, and began a legendary life.

Raman is a second-generation Xiao Fu with a car and a house, and his parents died.

I met Gina in a fool and fell in love with her crazy.

Without elder objection, he married Gina smoothly.

After the marriage, the two got along harmoniously, Raman prodigal son turned back, Gina wolf girl took heart.

For fifteen years, Raman has developed an "ancestral" ordinary small company into a small and medium-sized pharmaceutical company with a net worth of about two billion US dollars, but has no children.

Simon's towing oil bottle logically became the only "second-hand" young master in the family.

What's even more amazing is that ~ ~ Raman treats this stepson as his own, and he takes it very seriously.

Simon was able to be the research leader of the sanitarium, rather than being the research material directly, largely because Raman spent a lot of money.

Luke was surprised to see this plot as legendary.

Could this be the American blessed newspaper version of "I smoke and drink, I tattoo with a grass and grass, but I am always a good girl"?

With this confusion, he found an opportunity to observe Raman and Gina up close.

The results were as expected, and both had abnormal mental fluctuations and slight brain damage, but not severely.

Apparently, the second-hand man, Simon, had tampered with the brains of his stepfather and mother-in-law.

This can explain Simon's bad luck for his wife, and why Simon is so favored.

Not every bad girl has good luck unless she has a son with super powers.