Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 790: Flame Skull and Blueskin 4

It took a while for the driver to calm down, looking at the bills and muttering, "What a nice guy."

He only drove a little, and the fare was thirty dollars.

Not only did Luke save him, he also paid extra for the fare, and he was definitely a good man.

The great man Luke was already in the dark and nowhere, took out a triumph motorcycle from the storage space, put on his helmet, and quickly walked on the road that just appeared abnormal.

On the far street you can still see a fire line extending westward.

He followed up decisively.

He saw a motorcycle passing by in the electric light flint that the taxi just flew up.

There are so many people who like to ride motorcycles in the United States.

But the retro Harley-Davidson motorcycle with sparks exploding all the way, and the front and rear wheels flaming, soared more than 200 kilometers per hour, the first time in his life.

Following the line of fire that stretched all the way, but also kept disappearing, Luke looked at the situation by the side of the street.

The glass of all kinds of cars and street buildings were shattered by the shock wave of the retro Harley-Davidson motorcycle just now. After the fire on the ground disappeared, it was a wheel print melted by high temperature.

The cars on the streets were also burnt, the lampposts and parking meters were melting and bending, and the trees were turning into flames.

What the **** is that? Luke murmured in his heart, but he was also glad that this thing was heading west, and they were not in the same direction as Drex's northwest.

He twisted the throttle and chased wildly.

In view of this destructive power, it does not look like what ordinary ordinary beings can do.

The moment he passed by, he saw the smoke on the retro Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and it seemed to be on fire.

But in the air, he didn't smell the smell of roast meat.

But this is not a stuntman, and the stuntman will not blow up all the mess along the way!

After chasing that line of fire more than ten kilometers out of town, Luke saw an old factory building.

The scorching breath of the retro Harley-Davidson motorcycle has entered into it.

He found a quiet place to stop the car, took the motorcycle back to the storage space, pulled out two drones, and watched the surveillance data on the counterfeit mobile phone while taking out a new set of armor.

This is not a white wolf armor, but a prototype war armor with different ideas.

It's just a prototype, like Selena's Best Battlegear, with only the most basic protection and camouflage functions.

Unlike the white wolf armor, which is a white box, this new set of armor is divided into three parts: head, upper body, and lower body.

Luke stepped on the grooves of the feet similar to a flat box, hung the unfolded upper body armor on one hand, and brought the open helmet armor on one hand.

The flat box quickly popped out of the folded armor, rising all the way from the calf, and the upper body armor quickly opened downward from the shoulder blades.

Ten seconds later, the upper and lower armors were joined, and the head armor was also joined to the upper armor at the same time.

Luke's activities were not particularly satisfactory.

But this is only a prototype for the technical reserve of the follow-up Warframe, and dissatisfaction is normal.

Accelerating at his feet, he jumped more than ten meters lightly and jumped onto the roof of the factory building.

The weight of this armor is greatly reduced, the protection is reduced slightly, the flexibility is greatly enhanced, and the concealment of action is stronger.

In layman's terms, Batman belongs to the frontal knight armor, the new armor belongs to the assassin armor, and the white wolf armor is somewhere in between.

Therefore, when Luke ran lightly on the factory building, he made almost no noise.

Soon, he rushed to the center of the plant. Below is a relatively empty maintenance workshop.

Frowning, he had found a corpse lying at the door of the factory building, his body was blue, and he had a strong smell of sulfur.

The killer of the bar massacre is here!

Luke was refreshed and looked at the two sides standing in the field.

On one side are four weirdoes with different shapes.

The other side was the man he followed, riding a fiery motorcycle.

But at this moment the man was screaming loudly, and at the same time, gray smoke erupted from his body, flames rising from his face and hands, and his skin and muscles seemed to be constantly melting in the flame.

Finally, in a growl, the man became a fiery ... skeleton?

Although he was still wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, his skull and exposed hands turned into white bones, burning with red flames.

This flame skull raised his hand and pointed four fingers across from them: "Go to hell!"

Among the four people opposite, a young man with gray-blue skin spread his hands: "It seems that we have nothing to talk about."

Where the words fell, a strange man next to him suddenly blurred, turning into a roaring smoky wind and spinning and rushing towards the flame skull.


The violent wind slammed into the flame skull's chest, knocking him upside down and hanging on an iron chain more than ten meters behind him.

Luke raised an eyebrow: This guy is weird.

To say that this weird turned into a gust of wind is really not a description, it is indeed like a small tornado.

Even if he stood still, his figure was slightly blurred, and his body was looming.

After the flame skull was hit on the chain, it hung its head and the flame on its body disappeared.

The young man with gray-blue skin smiled proudly: "It seems that you are not as powerful as my father said. All evil knights are all dogs!"

Luke didn't move.

Although he has now determined that the gray-blue-skinned young man among these four must be the murderer, or at least one of them.

In the bar, he also noticed the smell of the other three people, but he was not sure that they and the young man with gray and blue skin had caused the bar massacre.

Four people are standing together now, even if they are not associates, they are still watching the young man assassination.

But the flame skeleton just turned Luke's taxi into a sky, and caused serious damage to the city, and Luke was not seen.

Besides, flame skulls are not like lame goods that can be easily handled.

Sure enough ~ ~ The blue-skinned young man's voice just fell, and the skeleton hanging from the iron chain once again blazed a raging flame, the hanging skull suddenly lifted up, and he tore off the iron chain on his neck , Strode to the foursome.

The freak who turned into a wind strikes again.

The Flame Skull was prepared for this time, and although he was beaten and shaken, he was not hit by another blow.

On the side of the group of four, a person climbed onto a large truck outside the warehouse, accelerated suddenly after launching, and directly hit the two entangled.


The big truck collided with an abandoned big truck, and the flame skeleton had been sandwiched between the two cars.

The wind monster entangled with the flames and skulls got out from the big truck, and his illusive body like the wind was not afraid of such an impact.

As soon as the door of the driver's seat of the large truck opened, a thin, bald middle-aged man came down, looked at the head of the car, and scorned: "He's not very strong."