Super Devouring System

Chapter 1082: Variance

"good chance!"

Taking advantage of the sneak attack after the successful attack, Ye Xuan once again used the burning eye against the red blood corpse king, and then, it was the eye of control.

"Hey, control failed!"

The system prompts to sound.

The Red Blood King is the number one corpse in the Temple of the Dead. The realm is very close to the Vientiane. However, as long as he is still in the category of Vientiane, his end can only be reduced to leaves. Xuan's servant.

"The eye of control!"

"Hey, take control of success!"

Another system prompts the sound, this time, the red blood corpse king was successfully controlled by Ye Xuan.

Although the blood corpses that had been smashed out by the red blood corpse have spread the blood plague, they will not continue to expand.


Ye Xuan immediately gave the order to the red blood corpse, and at the same time, it also released the fall in the pet space.

"It’s finally the turn of the girl to go out, and the hundred foxes are separated!"

After the fall, it is divided into hundreds. Among the hundreds of avatars, forty is the infuriating avatar, plus one entity of her deity.

With so many drops, all of them hold a chain of lightning, this is the hundred chains of the scorpion king of the day.

At this time, the fall suddenly smashed the chain in his hand.

"Hundreds of shackles!"

Hundreds of chains were tied to the nearest one-eyed corpse, and there was the hundred chains of the fallen.

"What, a hundred chains?"

The one-eyed corpse king was shocked and hurriedly avoided.

Hundreds of hundred iron chains have scared him, but he immediately reacted, and there must be many illusions.

Indeed, even if it is the forty-nine instinct that falls, the hand held in the hand is also a hundred-chain chain, but it is also formed by the infuriating.

The real hundred-inch chain, only the one in the hand, but now also fell out.

"Want to go?"

Just as the one-eyed corpse evaded the attack, suddenly two golden hands appeared. He escaped one, but was given another one.


The face of the one-eyed corpse king has changed again. Even the corpse of the corpse has no magical powers.

After being caught by the golden dragon, the fall is also to control the chain of the real gas chain, and at the same time, the real hundred chains.

If it is to limit the ability, Ye Xuan's golden dragon hand is actually not as good as the one hundred shackles. After all, Ye Xuan is not a Vientiane, and he can't play the true power of Shentong.

When I saw that the one-eyed corpse was locked, it was also directly smashed by the hundred-inch iron chain, and Ye Xuan’s flash of light flashed a punch.

Ghosts and gods!

"One-eyed corpse, dead!"

This punch is enough to kill anyone in the land of the dead. Even the one-eyed corpse hidden in the corpse of the corpse can't take it.


After a booming sound, the one-eyed corpse king was directly smashed and smashed and fell directly.

Now, there are only five of the seven corpse kings. The strongest one at that time is the king of thorns.


After seeing the power of Ye Xuan, the King of Thorns knew that the Temple of the Dead was finished, so he immediately entered the blood plague.

However, this blood plague is not effective for Ye Xuan.

"The red blood corpse king has been controlled by me, falling, you and him killed the remaining four!"

Ye Xuan shouted and plunged toward the King of Thorns.

In addition, the strength of the four corpses is not bad, but they are besieging them, but there are ten ghost ancestors, and now with the red blood corpse king and the fall, they can not run even if they have long legs.

The thorny corpse was originally far from the battlefield, so Ye Xuan immediately fell to the ground and chased him eighteen streets.

After a second, Ye Xuan was catching up with him.

"I know that you have died once, and now you are going to die again!"

Ye Xuan left his hand and found a golden dragon hand. However, just when the golden dragon hand was about to seize the king of the thorns, a corpse spot suddenly appeared at the foot of the thorn king. The hand came and dragged him directly into the ground.


Ye Xuan was shocked and did not know what happened.

However, the next moment, he immediately responded, only the hand that dragged the king of the thorns into the ground, the breath that exudes, is no weaker than the king of thorns.

"Digging the corpse king?"

Ye Xuan brows a pick, this is possible in the mind.

It is no wonder that he could not find the dig corpse before. It turned out that he was coming back to the corpse of the corpse. Now that he saw the corpse of the corpse, there was a big problem, so he helped.

"Where is the digger coming, I am not afraid of picking seven, but I am afraid that you will join hands?"

Ye Xuan’s eyes widened and leaped high, then he punched down.

Ghosts and gods!


The earth cracked, and the whole corpse temple seemed to tremble.

However, the digger and the king of thorns at the bottom of the earth are missing.

"The speed at which the dig corpse is hitting the hole is fast, Megatron, chasing!"

Ye Xuan immediately threw the Zhentian sword. The next moment, the Zhentian sword was transformed into a drilling machine and directly fell into the ground.

If it is more than the speed of drilling, Megatron can be no worse than to dig the corpse.

However, Ye Xuan himself did not follow, but relied on himself and Megatron's induction to follow on land.

"Well? Going down?"

Ye Xuan’s footsteps, he felt Megatron began to deepen the ground.

At this time, he looked back and found that the fall and the red blood corpse king had solved all the remaining four corpse kings. After all, they had the faint, ghost river tens of ten ancestors to help.

Falling is Ye Xuan's pet, and the red blood corpse is controlled by Ye Xuan, so they can represent Ye Xuan.

Now, the entire corpse temple is left with only two digger kings and thorns.

"The system sounds not sounding. This means that you have to kill the digger and the king of the thorns, or directly destroy the entire corpse..."

Ye Xuan glimmered and turned around and looked around.

The Temple of the Dead, one of the two overlords of the land of the dead, many disciples in the door, but when the one-eyed corpse was fallen, they were scattered and scattered, and there was no one in the corpse.

"Young master, all solved!"

There was a sound of falling in my mind.

"Very good, come over and arm, be sure to find the digger and the king of thorns!"

Ye Xuan nodded a sentence.

Megatron is still tracking, and the two corpse kings are the key to completing this serial random task.

However, next, he knew that the digger and the thorn king were not the final goal of the random task.


Suddenly a loud bang spread, disturbing Ye Xuan and others, the entire corpse palace began to tremble.

"what happened?"

The faint people and others are unclear and start looking around.

(I want to celebrate the New Year, and I wish you all a happy New Year in advance, and ask for a monthly pass and a reward.)