Super Devouring System

Chapter 1137: transaction?

"A group of mosquitoes, I have to see how much you can!"

Ye Xuan’s heart is cold, and since it’s not a hit, it’s twice. Anyway, he has two hands.

This group of giant mosquitoes is almost ready to get a head, and a few mosquitoes are close to Ye Xuan, and then poke a sharp mouth.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

In the two muffled sounds, the armor of the Megatron was broken, and the brilliant gold armor was the same.

The sharp pointed mouth pierced Ye Xuan and began to **** blood.

"Look at how fast you suck, or the blood of my life is so powerful!"

Ye Xuan did not care at all, but also used this sharp mouth to pass the instinct of the body and the power of Vientiane.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

These giant mosquitoes that sucked his blood suddenly burst open.

Ye Xuan, who has the blood of the **** of life, the speed of hematopoiesis is really against the sky. After all, the last random task rewarded the progress of a life tree.

Ye Xuan's wounds are constantly being healed, and they are constantly pierced by giant mosquitoes and sucking blood.

Therefore, Ye Xuan, regardless of the other, directly let Megatron protect his head, specifically, two eyes.

This group of giant mosquitoes is clever. At the moment when Ye Xuan removed the defense, there were two giant mosquitoes that pierced the tip of the mouth into the heart of Ye Xuan.

They thought that they could kill Ye Xuan and then **** the blood with great pleasure, but they were wrong and wrong.

"The Eye of Silence!"

"Mosquito Killer!"

"Mosquito Killer!"

Ye Xuan ignored the attack of this group of giant mosquitoes and kept cleaning up. At this moment, he is like a perpetual motion machine.

Will not die, the infuriating will not dry up, can continue to fight.

The wood spirit in the middle of this group of giant mosquitoes was very surprised. After realizing that it was not good, they turned around and left.

"Good guy, your uncle's egg has been pierced, now you still want to run?"

Ye Xuan angered a word.

From the beginning, his attention was placed on this wooden spirit. This wood spirit is too weird. It can actually drive these giant mosquitoes. If you control this wood spirit, you might be able to drive the tiger. The swallowing wolf, destroying the entire Rizal City team.

However, this wood spirit is a strange animal, not a heavenly beast, and Ye Xuan’s eye of control has no effect on it.

"You mosquitoes, give me away!"

Ye Xuan directly displayed the cards and sacrificed a long sword. In the blink of an eye, it was a huge golden sword that condensed dozens of meters long.

Overlord Promise Sword!

"Give me a shock!"

The huge golden sword fell, and the thousands of giant mosquitoes in the air were under tremendous pressure, all of which shook the ground.

Not only that, but they will all be killed!

The Emperor's Promise Sword is much easier to use than the Mosquito Killer. It only takes a day to cool down.

Now, Ye Xuan has no obstacles. He looks at the wood spirit in front and immediately chases his past.

The flying wooden spirit turned his head and looked at it, scared to lose his soul. Then, the vine ocean underneath suddenly found the change, and all the vines rushed toward Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan’s heart was cold and sly, avoiding these vine attacks in a clever way, and then approaching Muling, directly catching the void.


A huge palm, easy to grasp the wood in the palm of your hand.

"This time, see how you run."

Ye Xuan hurryed closer and caught Mu Ling.


Mu Ling beat Ye Xuan's hand, but he could not get away.

"Megatron, give me a translation!"

This wood spirit is a strange animal, Megatron is also a strange animal, it should be able to communicate. And Megatron and Ye Xuan can communicate in the heart, naturally it can be translated.

"I said that I stepped into their territory and asked me to get out of the box immediately, or kill me?"

Ye Xuan brows a pick.

These are translated after Megatron and Muling exchange.

"Good guy, the tone is not small, I am now easy to pinch you. If you take me to find treasures, you can let them go."

Ye Xuan said.

After the translation of Megatron, Mu Ling called a few words.

"What, you said there are no treasures here?"

Ye Xuan brows a pick, he will not believe this ghost, angry and said: "Do you bullshit, believe it or not, I pinch you?"


"Well, take me to see, or kill you."

Ye Xuan nodded.

This Muling is a compromise, willing to take him around to see, no longer drive things to attack.

Ye Xuan held the wood spirit in his hand and left the vine ocean.

After leaving the vine ocean, the Thousand Tree School was separated, but it was already ruined.

On the way, Mu Ling told Megatron that there is still a large amount of Muling, which was previously housed in the Qianshu School.

The disciples of the Thousand Tree School generally sign a contract with Muling, which can enhance the effect of Vientiane on plants.

Thousands of years ago, the Thousand Tree Schools were in a hurry, and these wooden spirits have been here for a long time.

Not only that, but this wood spirit also tells Ye Xuan that he is the king of these wood spirits.

"Wood King?"

Ye Xuan brows a pick, slightly surprised, but he wraps around a large circle, with the eye of perception, really did not feel anything useful.

In addition to the tree demon, there is no treasure in heaven and earth. It is indeed not like a treasure.

However, it is at this time.

"What, you want to make a deal with me?"

After the translation of Megatron, Ye Xuan was also very surprised to see the wooden spirit in his hand.

Fang Cai, the king of the wood, said that he wanted to make a deal with him.

"Why are you making deals with me?"

Ye Xuan’s eyes were awkward, which was beyond his expectations.

"Because I have a strong life!"

This time, Ye Xuan understands.

In his body, there is a blood tree of life, so the life is very strong. The last time he used blood, let the mini dragons hatch in advance.

"So what do you want to do, what benefits can I get?"

Ye Xuan asked again.

The transaction is to be satisfied by both parties. If the Muling King can't get the reward he is satisfied with, he will not help unless his conscience finds out.

"Help me save the heavenly tree and give me a sacred tree?"

After the translation of Megatron, Ye Xuan also paused.

Tongtian Baoshu, this is the name for the plants of the Tongtian level, and the sacred tree species is naturally a tree species. After planting, you can plant another Tongtianbao tree.

"This sacred tree species is of no use to me, it is not right, maybe it can be swallowed..."

Ye Xuan turned to think.

Anyway, his blood doesn't need money, even if it's snorkeling, he can't die, and the rate of hematopoiesis is amazing.

"Take me to see first."

Ye Xuan said to Muling Wang.

Then, under the guidance of Muling Wang, he continued to wander around the Thousand Tree School.

I have to say that this thousand tree school itself is a huge labyrinth. If no one leads the way, I am afraid it is difficult to find a point.