Super Devouring System

Chapter 1164: Dragon Ball


Jiao Chong was scared by this scene. Before that, he felt that the earthquake was extraordinary. He wanted to kill Ye Xuan to win the treasure. Now, after seeing so many great swords, his heart has risen a sense of crisis.

"Give me out!"

Jiao Chong broke out numerous lightnings and shattered the surrounding giant swords. However, due to the large number, he was still bombarded to the ground by the earthquake sword.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

Jiao Chong's body is much larger than the giant sword of the earthquake, but fortunately, the number of giant swords in the earthquake is quite large. When Jiao Chong is photographed on the ground, the giant sword of the earthquake is a falling stone.

"Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!"

A stabbing giant sword stabbed into Jiao Chong's body, and it hurts to scream and scream: "Bad boy, I must kill you!"

However, the blockade ability of the giant sword is very strong. In the blink of an eye, Jiao Chong has only one faucet left.

"Hey, I wanted to spare you a life, who made you die?"

Ye Xuan, a pair of human and animal harmless appearance, went over.

"Don't fake it, kill it and kill it. My Xuan Shui Thunder family will not let you go!"

Jiao angered and shouted.

"Well, since you are so anxious to get on the road, then I am naturally..."

Ye Xuan has not finished, Jiao Chong is a big mouth, but also a thunderbolt breath.

"I haven't figured out the situation yet? I won't be in the first time. Will I still be in the second time?"

Ye Xuan once again opened up a door to the void, and this bit of dragon's breath was absorbed by Jiao Chong himself.


Jiao Chong snarls and screams.

But at the moment he opened his mouth, a silver sniper fell into his **** mouth.



I only heard a series of crisp sounds, and the entire head of Jiao Chong was cut down and instantly fell.

Because this Jiaochong is a Yaozu, the body is of some use to Ye Xuan, so Ye Xuan directly received it in the planting space.

With the current level of planting space, living people can't get in, but dead people can.

Ye Xuan wants to use this rushing body as a fertilizer for Tongtianbao to promote the growth of Tongtianbao.

As for the body of the thundering dragon, Ye Xuan decided to swallow the beast, and then the body also gave the Tongtianbao tree fertilizer.

The five people in the curtain day know that the body of Lei Xiaolong is in Jiaochong. If he takes out the body of Lei Xiaolong to change his heart, isn’t he not arrogant, is he killing Jiao Chong?

"There is nothing in the Qiankun martial arts. You are still the young master of the Xuan Shui Thunder family."

Ye Xuan sighed.

However, he also knows that the rich is only the Xuan Shui Thunder family, not this Jiao Chong.

Now, Jiao Chong is dead, he also accepted the quenching of nine Tianlei, then the next step is to start making money.

The target is the heavenly beast in the forbidden land of the thunder.

However, just when he was ready to leave.

"Young master, there is a dragon ball in the body of the thundering dragon."

Suddenly there was a sound of falling in my mind.

"Dragon Ball?"

Ye Xuan is slightly different, and Dragon Ball is rare.

He sinks his mind into the planting space and sees a blue electric ball in his hand. Presumably, this is the Dragon Ball.

"Hey, Dragon Ball can be used as a magic weapon!"

The system suddenly reminded me carefully.

"magic weapon?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan’s brow was picked.

He remembers that the refining magic weapon requires the spirit and the artifact, and the spirit is the conscious thing, but since the system prompts this, the dragon ball can be used as a spirit.

As long as you find another carrier, you can refine a magic weapon.

He quickly looked at the magic weapon system and found that the Thunder Dragon Ball could be made into a magic weapon called Lei Mingzhu.

The effect is very simple, it is throwing out and exploding.

"This magic weapon refining is simple, but my realm is improving fast, so we must sign a common growth contract..."

Ye Xuan also sinks his mind into the redemption system.

Megatron has signed a joint growth contract with him. As long as he swallows ore or weapons, Megatron will also upgrade.

The co-growth contract requires a little swallowing point to be redeemed, and now Ye Xuan does not have a swallowing point, so he can only put one.

"This thunder bead is not bad, as long as it is made into a magic weapon, then you can use it countless times, and then it will become a card for me."

Ye Xuan thought in his heart.

Refining the magic weapon of Lei Baozhu, as long as you ask the people in the Temple of Heaven to refine one, so he decided to refine a magic weapon and then sign the contract.

Forging the heavens is a matter of money, so Ye Xuan will start to make money, and then let people create a second-order medium-sized machine.

With his current strength, no one or beast can threaten him in the forbidden land, so he is directly a two-pronged approach, and the deity and the avatar are killed together.

Tianlei Temple gives a genius to the forbidden land of Tianlei a welfare, that is, the body of the Tongtian beast is exchanged for the demon.

When Ye Xuan was preparing to return to the entrance, it was already collecting the body of the Tongtian beast with a price of 10,000 hearts.

Then he left.

"Hey, Ye Xuan."

When Ye Xuan rushed back to the entrance to the forbidden land, he found that many people had already come out.

After seeing Ye Xuan, Ling Xiao also hurriedly said hello.

However, among these people, there are also those who helped Jiao Jiao to kill Lei Xiaolong on the same day.

"How is it possible that this kid is not dead?"

Ling Tiantian and others were shocked.

They all thought that Ye Xuan had been killed by Jiao Hong, who was surrounded by the four times, but now Ye Xuan has appeared in front of them.

Could it be that Ye Xuan pleaded for mercy, and then Jiao Chong spared him?

In their hearts, Ye Xuan, who is a double-dark environment, is impossible to fight through the four-pointed Jiao Chong.

Or, is Ye Xuan attached to the Xuan Shui Thunder family?

This is possible!

However, Lingmentian and others will never think that Ye Xuan has already rushed the Jiao to kill.

"This kid is a big life."

Ling Tiantian and others did not care, because among them, three of them broke through to the four times.

In addition to the curtain sky, there are Gu Han and Xu Liang, as for the other two in Lingjia, there is no breakthrough.

"Ling Xiao, congratulations to breakthrough!"

After Ye Xuan took a look at the curtain day, he was holding a fist.

With this trip to the forbidden land, Ling Xiao successfully broke through to the three-way gateway, but Ling Xiao did not, but it is estimated to be faster.

"Haha, luckily."

Ling Xiao opened his mouth and smiled.

When Mr. Ling Qiang saw Ye Xuan took it out, he was relieved. He was afraid that Ye Xuan was killed by Jiao Chong. It seems that he is worried.

"After an hour, it will be time. After an hour, we will return to the Temple of Heaven."

Elder Ling Qiang said, it is also to Ye Xuan: "Ye Xuan, do you have a corpse of Tongtian beast to redeem?"