Super Devouring System

Chapter 1415: Showing flaws?

“Do you know these people?”

The teenager took out a few portraits from the Qiankun Ring. These portraits are Ye Xuan and a few of them.

"I haven't seen it. There are a lot of people looking for it along the way, I don't know..."

Ye Xuan shook his head, but he had not finished, his head was a sting.


This boy, directly used Ye Xuan charm.

"My day!"

Ye Xuan screamed in his heart.

He didn't use the eye of the soul to control the other side, but the other party actually started to attack him. This is really a dog.


The teenager is also somewhat surprised.

Ye Xuan is not a long-lived duo. He is a long-lived triple, and he has also become a fascinating sorcerer and a fascinating singer. He used charm for a low-level person, but he did not succeed.

"Some skills..."

The boy’s heart whispered a word and said, “Give me your view.”

Then, Ye Xuan also took off the ring of the hand and then threw it to the boy.

Under normal circumstances, everyone will not give you the opportunity to check it out, even if the other side is higher than yourself.

However, Ye Xuan has encountered a lot of people who want to see the Qiang Kun ring, so it is very calm.

He only hopes that after the boy has finished viewing, he will leave.

The teenager took over the Qiang Kun ring and took a closer look. He did not find anything strange and immediately returned it to Ye Xuan.

"Why can you resist my charm?" The teenager couldn't help but ask.

"Because I have been more than a thousand years old this year, I have taken a lot of heavenly treasures to enhance my soul strength." Ye Xuan casually replied.

The older the age, the stronger the soul, so this is justified.

After listening to the teenager, he did not ask again, and then directly crossed Ye Xuan to leave.

Ye Xuan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, because at the sight of the insight, he saw that there was still one person passing by in the distance. If the other party started, he would probably be exposed.

However, after he ran for a while, the boy’s footsteps suddenly changed.


When the voice of the boy came, Ye Xuan stopped subconsciously and turned and said, "Is there anything else?"

"You are really the elders of the North Wind Mountain?" The teenager's eyes picked up slightly, and some did not believe it.

"Not bad!"

Ye Xuan’s heart was shaken and he nodded on the surface.

"Well, then you will go to Beifeng Mountain with me!" said the boy.

It seems that this boy is discovering something.

Ye Xuan was very surprised. He used this identity to deceive several people along the way, but he was discovered by this boy. He couldn't figure out exactly where the scorpion was.

Perhaps, just a teenager's intuition?

"You want to visit Beifeng Mountain. I am naturally welcome to Beifeng Mountain, but there are still things to do next. I have to take the first step." Ye Xuan has some awkward fists.

"What if I don't want it?"

The dawn of the boy suddenly became cold.

"You may not be able to stop me."

When the voice fell, Ye Xuan had already applied the shadow step to the distance. At the same time, the Shadow Fox boy immediately chased it up.

The speed of the two is almost the same!

"This kid, the speed can catch up with me."

Ye Xuan felt the shadow fox teenager who was chasing behind him, and couldn’t help but tremble.

In the case of his full exertion of the shadow step, even the four-strong powerhouse of the long-lived environment can't catch up. However, this long-lived triple-aged teenager can, and seems to be somewhat capable.

Just when they hadn’t run a few steps, the boy behind him also shouted: “Beifeng Mountain has only one long-lived triple-armed warrior. Your speed has surpassed the long-lived four-fold. You are not a north wind mountain. People!"


Ye Xuan took care of him and continued to run. If the teenager continued to chase, then he broke open the void and returned to the previous place, and then walked around.

Big deal, a few days late!

"Oh, it seems that I am looking for the right person, you are my mission goal!"

The Shadow Fox boy suddenly snorted, and then sacrificed a dagger to stab the back of Ye Xuan.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, you can't blame me!"

At the front of Ye Xuan’s glory, he suddenly turned and made a direct move.

"The killings broke out!"

"Xuan Tianjian!"

This time, Ye Xuan did not display the true fire dragon unparalleled, because he was afraid to burn the body of this shadow fox boy, since it has been exposed, then he used this shadow fox boy to investigate some things.

"Sure enough, you!"

Shadow fox teenager brows a face, facing Ye Xuan this is not weaker than his attack, his body turned into a black streamer, successfully avoided Ye Xuan's swordsman.

At the same time, Ye Xuan also flashed the attack of the other side.

"What about me, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Ye Xuan angered a word and shot again.

"Hey, you are the goal that the two adults are looking for. Just grab you, and the two adults may be able to accept me as a disciple. Today you want to leave!"

After the Shadow Fox boy finished speaking, he immediately raised his hand and responded.

For the two adults in his mouth, Ye Xuan is naturally no stranger, that is, Xuan Ming’s eyes.

It seems that Ye Xuan is also looking for the right object!

Before the white man Ye Wen was bombarded by him, he did not ask where the other party sent the Xuan Ming Shuangyu to where he was. Now, after hearing the words of the Shadow Fox boy, he immediately realized that he had encountered a clue.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

The two began to move, in order to prevent the shadow fox juvenile intolerance, was burned into ashes by the real fire dragon, and even the body did not stay, so Ye Xuan used the Xuantian sword of Xuantianmen.

However, he also knows that this is a quick fix, because he has also passed a long-lived triple master.

The movement here is so big that it might lead him!

This shadow fox teenager, while avoiding the attack, while attacking, at the same time the eyes have already turned into pink, is using the charm to attack Ye Xuan.

But the next moment he understood, not only he would attack the soul.

"The Eye of the Soul!"

Ye Xuan’s light flashed, and the shadow fox’s head was a sting.

If it is more than the power of the soul, Ye Xuan can not be weaker than the long-lived triple shadow fox teenager, plus the soul of the eye several times advanced, in the soul attack is more than the Shadow Fox boy.

"Good guy, if that's the case, then I will kill you first."

The Shadow Fox boy suddenly moved to kill the heart. He suddenly remembered that the two adults could search for the supernatural powers of the soul, whether they are living or dead.

"Northern Heavenly Water!"

The shadow fox boy thought of a move, and suddenly there were some black water droplets coming around. These black water droplets, all of them like the arrow of the string, rushed toward Ye Xuan.

Intuition tells Ye Xuan that these black water droplets are not simple.

Under the eyes of insight, these black water droplets contain enormous energy. If they are smashed by thousands of water droplets, they must be riddled with holes.

However, this trick is not only the Shadow Fox Junior Club!