Super Devouring System

Chapter 1611: Closed fairy channel

"What is the position of the Cavaliers?" Ye Xuan asked curiously.

"Anyone who passes the gold assessment, or the realm of the six heavens can become a regular knight. At that time, he will join a knight, and every knight is at least a platinum knight."

When the old man finished, suddenly the thief laughed and said: "There are a total of 50 knights in the Gladiator Knights, and the old man is one of them!"

This time, Ye Xuan understands why the old man gave him a small stove. He originally wanted to accept him to his majesty.

"It turns out!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and then directly took the platinum badge to the blood and recognized the Lord, and then received the body.

"Everyone who passes the gold assessment will be assigned to my majesty. My name is Ma Li. In the future, I will be your knight." The old man said.

"I have seen the Cavaliers!"

Ye Xuan once again clenched his fists.

"Well, I didn't expect anyone to pass the Platinum assessment this time, so the reward is not ready yet, and I will give it to you later. In addition, those who pass the assessment can choose a mount, but I don't think you can see the following. Mount." Ma said


Ye Xuan brows a pick.

There are about 500 passers-by in the square on the square, and the strongest has reached the triple of heaven.

Even if they participate in the lowest bronze examination, they will need to kill the Tongtian, a six-day Tongtian beast.

If Ye Xuan asks, it would be fine to have a six-horse mount of the Heavenly Beast.

However, if the realm of the realm is so large, it is impossible to sign a contract. Can you not use the mount of Tiantian, what is the use of Ye Xuan of the Platinum Knight?

"The Cavaliers are long, the mount is even." Ye Xuan said, but also fell on Megatron.

Mounting, only a prestige, can not keep up with his speed of cultivation, unless there is a special talent.

"Okay, then I will give you more points on rewards. Go out."

The horse nodded and immediately waved his hand. He and Ye Xuan appeared directly in a square.

Only those who pass the assessment can come to this square.

Ye Xuan immediately felt it. There are already tens of thousands of people in the square. Most of them have passed the bronze examination. There are dozens of them through the silver examination.

As for the Golden Knight, there are only five people who are jealous. The Platinum Knight, only Ye Xuan one person!

These people also integrated the Knight's badge. When Ye Xuan appeared, he immediately felt it, and everyone was shocked.

"God, it turned out to be a platinum knight!"

"Platinum, turned out to be a platinum knight, he has more than six realm challenges to succeed!"

"Where through the gold assessment and above, you can directly become a regular knight, he actually passed the Platinum assessment, in history, it seems that five geniuses who passed the Platinum assessment directly!"

"However, the realm of examination through Platinum is generally low, so it is relatively easy. The soul does not destroy the triple realm, it is really a good realm!"

The people in the entire square have boiled up.

Then, they also focused on the horse who was also the Platinum Knight.

Most people are badges issued by regular knights. Only the five golden knights are awarded by some powerful people.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan was actually awarded by the Platinum Knight, which is a bit powerful.

"This kid... It’s no wonder that the assessment is so slow. It turned out to be a Platinum assessment. It’s amazing."

After passing the golden test of the waywardness, I saw the leaves behind the leaves, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Originally, his request to Ye Xuanding was a gold assessment. I did not expect Ye Xuan to take a higher platinum badge, which was beyond his expectations.

Of course, with his strength, Platinum assessment is not a problem, but he thinks this is too swaying.

As for the other four golden knights, the realm is still lower than him, but it is not bad. After all, it comes from the big forces around.

Ye Xuan also noticed the waywardness. After the horse left a high platform, he directly joined the wayward.

"Not bad, passed the Platinum assessment, and really did not let me down."

"It took the war of consumption to win."

Ye Xuanyi opened his mouth and smiled, then used the real gas to condense the wire, directly to the wayward voice: "The knight is long, what is the realm?"

"Tong Tian Jing Jiu Jiu Feng Feng, they are all suppressing the realm, there is no breakthrough. Although it can not be soared, but without exception, the soldiers must be repaired, but there is a deadly place in the immortal..." .

"What is the deadly place?" asked Ye Xuan frowning.

"After the military dismantling and dispersing the immortals, every thousand years will come to a fairy robbery, and once more dangerous than once, if it can not withstand it will be smouldering. Although many people have the means to postpone the genocide, but once it can not be delayed, then工具了了."

After the waywardness, I couldn’t help but paused. “So, once you become a fairy, life expectancy will be greatly shortened. Some people will be killed by immortality after living for a thousand years. However, if the robbery is successful, then the strength is doubled. Upgrade."

"Life is so short..."

Ye Xuan locked the brow.

We must know that the strongest people in Tongtian can live for tens of thousands of years, and once they become a fairy, then only a thousand years of life can live, so many people suppress the realm and resolutely do not break through.

Ye Xuan suddenly remembered a question and asked: "Why is the fairy passage closed?"

"Unclear, no one knows the reason. Anyway, no one has ever successfully climbed to the fairyland and become a true immortal." The wayward shrugged and shook his head.

After listening to it, Ye Xuan was silent.

He has a super-phagocytic system. If he reaches the peak of the world, he does not know whether he is flying directly to the fairyland, or like everyone else, he can only solve the problem.

At this time, the horses on the high platform have not seen the gold appraisers in the assessment secrets, so they directly said: "If you pass the gold assessment and above, come with me!"

Of the thousands of people present, only five passed the gold assessment, and Ye Xuan, who passed the Platinum assessment.

So this sentence is to give them six people to listen to.

Those who have passed the examinations of bronze and silver can only look at the six people with envy. Of course, the most eye-catching thing for them is Ye Xuan, the Platinum Knight.

Platinum Knight, that is the glass knights near the highest level of the knight, you can get the huge resources of the glass knights to cultivate, the future achievements will naturally not be low.

As for the examinations of them through bronze and silver, they have to join the preparatory knights. Only through the gold assessment, or reaching the six heavens, can they become regular knights.

During the period of following the horse, the four golden knights except the wayward looked at Ye Xuan with a look of adoration. One of them was a hot woman, and she continued to wink at Ye Xuan.