Super Devouring System

Chapter 1751: Lost paradise

Megatron’s current magic form is very practical. After Ye Xuan’s use of Megatron’s ascendant to climb the road for a long time, he finally came to his destination. This is a dangerous place called Paradise Lost. There are a lot of souls inside, even if it is too Yi to Xian, they dare not enter easily.

Ye Xuan directly sneaked in, ready to find a place, first to spend a day and eight days to say.

Just as the three magic weapons of Megatron refreshed, there was something called a dementor bell, which happened to be the nemesis of the soul.

"Megatron, you go to absorb all those souls." Ye Xuan gave orders to Megatron.

The soul-sounding bell can absorb the soul and then refine it into a soul-bead. If this thing is swallowed by the fairy-level phagocytic system, it is also profitable.

Before, the Shura Ghost Respect was refining a sacred soul bead, and then proceeded from the sinister emperor to the sorcerer.

As for the repair of the ghosts and the old trees, it is to protect the law around.

In this way, three days passed quickly.

"Hey, the host breaks through, and it is currently a six-product pure yang fairy!"

"Hey, the thunderstorm breaks through, and the realm is raised to Jiu Pin Chun Yang Zhenxian!"

"Hey, Shura ghosts, Megatron breakthrough, currently a product of Taiyi to Xian!"

Along the system prompts the sound, Ye Xuan finally broke through again.

However, he did not go out because of this, because he felt that Tianbaodibao was enough for him to break through twice.

It’s been a few more days.

"The host breakthrough, currently the seven products pure Yang Zhenxian!"

"The breakthrough of the thunderfire, the realm is upgraded to a product too B to the fairy!"

"The repair of the ghosts, the Megatron breakthrough, the current is the second product Taiyi to the immortal!"

The realm has once again improved. Ye Xuan estimates that in another two months or so, Shura Ghost may break through to Xianjun.

In this breakthrough, Ye Xuan still has no heart, because he can still come again.

However, it is at this time.


In the paradise of paradise, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and then, a burst of laughter sounded.

The laughter was very immature, like a child, but it was mixed with a hint of gloom.

"what happened?"

Ye Xuan in the retreat suddenly opened his eyes and his expression was a bit stunned.

At this time.

"Hey, Megatron is dead! Hey, Megatron is resurrected!"

Suddenly two system prompts, let Ye Xuan could not help but open his eyes.

"What happened? How did the second product, Taiyi to Xian, Megatron, how dead?"

Ye Xuan brows a pick, and quickly asked.

"You mean, I saw a black shadow wrapped around you, and then it was eroded?" Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

Megatron is now at the same level as Shura Ghost. Even if it is a Shura ghost, it is difficult to strike Megatron with a spike.

It seems that there is something in this paradise park. The speed is so fast that even Megatron has not reacted, and it has been eroded.

"Sura ghosts, Megatron, old trees, you all go out and see." Ye Xuan said.

At the moment, the three are quickly leaving the cave and going out to explore.

As for Ye Xuan, I will continue to stay here.

However, shortly after the departure of the three men of Shura, there was a strange laughter that fell into Ye Xuan’s ear again.

This time, very close!

When Ye Xuan opened his eyes and saw it, he saw a black shadow flashing into the cave.

"I didn't even sense it!"

Ye Xuan’s eyes widened.

In addition to his knowledge, he also has the eyes of killer instinct and perception, but he did not find out how this group of shadows came in.

If you don't hear laughter, he might be sneaked!

"What the hell?"

Ye Xuan quickly looked at the eye with insight, but found that he could not see through the black shadow, and he did not wait for him to open. This group of black shadows turned into a black streamer and flew to Ye Xuan.

"Fast speed!"

Ye Xuan was shocked.

I hurriedly summoned Beiming from the planting space, and then caught it in front of me to block the black shadow.


The North Ming smoked in the cultivation, unable to understand the situation, found that he was surrounded by a black, wrapped in the shadow.

She has the magical armor, even if it is the devil, she can't help her, so Ye Xuan is taking her as a shield.


When the black shadow wrapped the North Ming smoked, Ye Xuan quickly flashed aside, and then broke through the void, and quickly picked up the old three trees.

"Hey, what have you done, how is it so dark?"

It’s just a scent of pure scent of the pure yang, and it’s said in a fog.

In fact, Ye Xuan does not know what this black shadow is.

This group of black shadows, after seeing the devour of the North Ming smoke, is also separated from it.

However, it is at this time.

"Northern smoked, you are North Smoked!"

This group of black shadows suddenly sent out the voice of a child.

After the North Ming smoked, it was very stunned, and someone even recognized her.

"What kind of ghost thing are you, how can you know me?"

"Knowing? I won't know you? It's your sister, who will smash my body and stay in this black soul ball."

After Beiming smoked and heard this, his body trembled and seemed to suddenly remember what he was, exclaiming: "You, you are the ghost demon?"

"It turns out that you know me, yes, I am the ghost demon." The black shadow admitted.

It is said that Ye Xuan is not far away.

Nima, I really went there, where is the trouble.

Unexpectedly, this group of black shadows turned out to be a master of the demon level, and was still killed by the North Minghua rain.

Now, this ghost Monster has seen the sister of North Minghua Rain, and it is naturally like seeing an enemy.

However, the North Ming smoked body has a magical armor, this ghost of the demon is even the peak period, but also can not hurt the North Ming smoked.

"It turned out to be your ghost. When I was stunned by my sister, I was beaten by my sister. I didn't expect to die. I was boarding in this black soul ball."

North Ming smoked suddenly glanced disdainfully, cold and shouted.

"In my current situation, I can't kill your sister, but I can take you out of anger!" The ghost of the demon is cold, and it is directly wrapped in the North Ming smoke.

"It’s useless. I have a magical armor on my body. Even if you are at the peak, you can’t hurt me.” North Ming smoked.

"I naturally know this thing, I know I can't kill you, but I can make you faceless."

When the Ghost Monarch finished, it was the dress that began to erode the North Ming smoked body.

This dress, although not comparable to the Heavenly Magic, is not a product, it is a gift from the North Ming smoked sister Bei Minghua Yu.

Fortunately, this is a magic weapon, otherwise the North Ming smoked now is probably naked.

"Bastard, already dead, but the nature does not change, Ye Xuan helped me kill him!"

North Ming smoked and angered, immediately violently shouted.