Super Devouring System

Chapter 1856: Super genius


The old man sighed and said: "You stand by!"

The floating crystal spar can prove that Ye Xuan’s words are true. After all, the floating shadow spar can not be forged by the old man himself.

On the other hand, Jiang Xingjun learned a little bit of regret after learning the death of Jia Boyuan. He knew that when he was outside, he could start. At that time, it is estimated that no one knows that Jiaboyuan is dead. Ye Xuan has no background. The person will also be won by him.

Then, the rest continued to verify, and then the old man used the messaging spar to send messages to the elders.

"Boy, although you are a person in Jiabo's far-sightedness, is your strength a bit too low?" The old man asked casually.

"The kid is a beastmaster. My pet has already merged two hundred pieces of dragon scales." Ye Xuan said directly.

"What, two-and-a-half-step true king, is the integration of two hundred pieces of the dragon scales?"

The old man was shocked and stared blankly at the ghosts.

Even if the black dragon family who grew up in the blood flaming hall grew up, it would not be so easy to integrate three hundred pieces of the dragon scale when the two products are half-step true.

However, Ye Xuan’s Black Dragon can do it.

"Well, Jiaboyuan brought us a good seedling this time!" The old man was very satisfied.

Soon, there was a man who came to the door of the Blood Flame Hall and was an old-fashioned person.

"What about Bo Yuan's body?" the old man asked directly.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan said nothing, and he handed over the Qiang Kun ring with the Jiaboyuan body.

"Oh, life is not good!"

The old man shook his head with a sigh.

This person Ye Xuan knows that Jia Boyuan's father, Jia Yuanzheng, after all, Ye Xuan searched the body of Jiaboyuan.

Secondly, before Jiabo was dead, he had already been handed over to his father, grandfather and other relatives, so they knew it.

Then, the Canadian dollar is turning to look at Ye Xuan, said: "You should be Ye Xuan, come with me!"


Ye Xuan nodded slightly, just followed the Canadian dollar.

Jiang Jiangjun and Jiang Xingwen looked at the back of Ye Xuan’s departure and couldn’t help but communicate with each other.

"Brother, that black dragon must have a noble blood, but the two-and-a-half-step true king has merged two hundred pieces of the dragon scales, I must get it!"

"Don't worry about my sister, how many days will die in the middle of the road, as long as he enters the Blood Flame Hall, I kill him like an ant!"


Ye Xuan followed the Canadian dollar and left. On the way, the latter couldn't help but ask: "Ye Xuan, I listened to Bo Yuan, can you have a pet with Sanpin Zhenjun?"

"Yes, seniors!" Ye Xuan said back.

"Two products are half-step true, you can fight three products, really, this is the more ten realms, it is..."

The Canadian dollar does not know what words to use to describe the devils. This is also the case that Jiabo far gave him a message before he died, so the Canadian dollar did not say it clearly, but used the sound.

Such a good seedling is naturally hidden. If anyone is known, who knows what will happen.

Although the Canadian dollar is a bit unbelievable, it can be thought that this is a thing that Jiabo Yuan confirmed with death, so I believe it.

After a while, the Canadian dollar is taking Ye Xuan and seeing his own father, that is, an elder of the blood sacred hall, adding a penalty.

There are only five in the ancestral elders, and there are only a few in the blood sacred hall. This is a higher level than the ordinary elders.

"Father, people are here!"

The Canadian dollar is bringing Ye Xuan to a room and then talking to the old man who is facing his back.

The old man heard the words and turned around.

"Bo Yuan’s body, brought back?" asked the sentence.

"Bring it back, I will go to the burial later!" The Canadian dollar nodded.

"it is good!"

After the sentence, he sighed and said: "Young people, before Bo Yuan dying, he said that you saved his life. At that time, he was an enemy three, and the other three were still three products. How did you do it? ”

At that time, Jia Boyuan did not say the realm of Ye Xuan. In fact, at that time, it was only a half-step truth.

Now break through to the second half of the real step, so the day of the addendum and the Canadian dollar are thinking that he is only fighting for more than ten realms.

However, this is shocking enough!

"It's very simple. My black dragon has actually integrated 500 pieces of dragon scales!" Ye Xuan directly replied.


As soon as this was said, both the penalty day and the Canadian dollar were shocked.

Five hundred pieces of dragon scales?

How can this be?

"This is impossible. Even if it is me, there are only five hundred blocks of extinction dragon scales..."

I can't believe it.

Who is he, he is a master of the eight-pronged king level, but only merged with 500 pieces of dragon scales.

It’s just that the two-and-a-half-step singularly singular ghosts, how can they fuse so much?

At the moment, the Canadian dollar is taking out a spar. This is to verify the number of fusion dragon scales, just to test whether it is more than 500.

Ye Xuan tested the Ghosts of the World, and the spar glowed for a long time.

"It’s really more than 500 pieces. It’s incredible. Bo Yuan made a great contribution this time!”

The sentence was increased and the eyes widened.

In fact, if they take out the spar that tests a thousand pieces of dragon scales, they will succeed.

Because the number of extinct dragon scales that have been merged into the world has far exceeded this number.

Even if it is the blood-steam hall, it is impossible to have a half-step true to reach five hundred scales.

If the Ghosts of the World are growing up, it is enchanting!

"This qualification, we may not be able to accommodate this separation, Yuanzheng you take him to rest, remember not to let anyone know about this!" said the sentence.


The Canadian dollar is nodding.

Before he left, he added another sentence: "This is a thousand pieces of dragon scales. It is the reward for bringing back Bo Yuan’s body. As for the other four thousand, you can use it!"

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Ye Xuan was out of sight, and even directly got five thousand dead dragon scales, which is cool.

In fact, this destructive dragon scale is more to give, after all, the current sentence of the sentence only thought that the destructive ghosts and dragons combined with 500 pieces of extinction dragon scales, only five thousand, enough for a lifetime.

It is just that the five thousand pieces of extinct dragon scales can raise the growth rate of the demon world to the fifth realm.

At the same time, Ye Xuan also knows that the day of the punishment is now holding his thigh. After he arrives at the main hall, he will definitely be trained in the key points, and he will definitely not forget the sentence.

Then, the Canadian dollar is carrying Ye Xuan, staying near his house. Because Ye Xuan’s current situation is special, he is not good to send people to protect, otherwise it will cause other people to be suspicious.

Ye Xuan does not matter, anyway, he has already received the other five thousand pieces of extinction dragon scales, which is really big.