Super Devouring System

Chapter 1948: Giant rat ruins

Two days later, he came to the place where the day and the four middle-aged people stayed.

Here is a small town with a lot of strong atmosphere.

Ye Xuan walked in to see if he could find some news about the four-beast family, and by the way, look at where it is.


At this time, a notice at the town gate attracted his attention.

This is a mission to hunt the holy beast. The sacred beast called the white-haired rat, as long as the white hair on the forehead of the white-haired rat is taken, the holy stone can be exchanged.

Ye Xuan feels a little strange. After inquiring about it, I know that it is called the ruins of the giant rat.

Here, it used to be a super-powerful force. It is said that there are strong people sitting in the town.

However, I didn’t know where the rat sacred beast came from, and began to prosper and multiply. At the beginning, this force did not agree. Later, when the rat tide broke out, the surrounding forces were completely destroyed.

In the end, the big forces had to move away.

Therefore, this place is called the ruins of the giant rat!

The task of hunting white rats is the release of the surrounding forces at their own expense.

The white hair on the forehead of the white rat is very tough, and if there is a large amount of it, it can be made into a good defense.

Therefore, there are many forces around the ruins of the giant rat, which can reduce the number of giant rats, and secondly, they can make a small profit.

However, the ruins of this giant rat are very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will be eaten by the giant rats. If you don't go to the realm of the Holy King, you will die when you go in.

Of course, even if it is a high-ranking holy king, it may be damaged.

"The few people, who entered the ruins of the giant rat, can they say that the four-beast family is in the ruins of the giant rat?"

When Ye Xuan turned to think about it, he felt that it was impossible. After inquiring, he realized that the four-beast family was behind the ruins of the giant rat.

The master of the four-beast family is going through the ruins of this giant rat.

"The ruins of this giant rat are dangerous, but for me, it is not a big deal."

Ye Xuan thought in his mind that he stepped into the ruins of the giant rat.

This town was previously built outside the ruins of the giant rat, but as the rat surges, the town is also within the ruins of the giant rat.

However, shortly after Ye Xuan entered the ruins of the giant rat.

"Hey, the host triggers the hunting mission!"

A system prompts to sound.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan brows a pick, and quickly checked it out and found that this hunting mission is to kill the white rat.

No, to be precise, it is the white hair on the forehead of the white rat that can be exchanged.

The highest, you can exchange the swallow point!

"Not bad, I can exchange the swallowing point. It seems that this time I can improve my strength!"

Ye Xuan’s eyes are bright, he has not been swallowed for a long time.

Now he has two more swallowing points to use for backup. If you come back four points, you can open the second fairy level bloodline.

However, this hunting mission has a time limit. From now on, the white-haired rat hair that Ye Xuan received within ten days can be exchanged.

Therefore, Ye Xuan hesitated.

"Now the king of the broken palace is caught, and the sky is very anxious. If I am here for ten days, I don't know what will happen!"

Ye Xuan thought about it.

Finally, he decided to go through the ruins of the giant rat at full speed, not to find a white rat.

At the moment, Ye Xuan is chasing the scarlet killing in front.

With the great sacred realm, I dare to step into the ruins of the giant rat. I am afraid that there will be no other people except Ye Xuan.

However, now, even if he encounters a high-level holy king-level sacred beast, he is not afraid, because it will soon break through again.

The ruins of this giant rat are indeed dangerous. Ye Xuan just stepped in and encountered a group of white-haired rats.

This group of white-haired rats is only the middle-level holy king level, but the highest is the six-product holy king, so it is easy to kill it.

The higher the realm of these white-haired rats, the stronger the white hair is, which is equivalent to more low-level white hair.

If you compare it, redeem it in the system with white hair, which is much more than redemption.

Next, Ye Xuan went straight all the way, not looking for a group of white-haired rats.

Soon, the breaking of the sky is to break through the realm of the Five Spirits, and Ye Xuan himself has also entered a product of the Holy Spirit.

At this point, it is already the third day.

The ruins of this giant rat, in addition to allowing Ye Xuan to get white hair, can also provide a large number of sacred corpses to the refining gods, which can make the black horn and the falling quickly improve the realm.

After three days of hunting, Ye Xuan received a large number of rat hair and sacred body.

The current state of the black horn is not low, and the power of oneself is enough to kill the giant rat of the seven-level king.

Therefore, the small soldiers are solved by the black horns. Only when they encounter tricky ones, such as a large number or a realm of eight princes, they will be shot by the sky.

However, just as Ye Xuan went all the way, the rear suddenly had two more figures.

"That big man is only a low-level holy king, but he can kill several white-haired giant rats of the seven-level holy king level. I am afraid that it will not be small!"

"The seven kings of the district are gone. If I see it, I will only be killed by the spike. However, the other party should have reservations."

"Don't say so much, we rely on the past, as long as you take him down, you can know the reason for the more so many levels of fighting!"

These two figures are a man and a woman. The man’s face has a knife and is very embarrassing.

Due to the realm of the situation, Black Point did not notice the two people behind him, even he did not, Ye Xuan, a product of the Holy Spirit is even more impossible.

After all, the realm gap is really too big!

The two kept moving forward, and Ye Xuan was a little faster because he wanted to leave the ruins of the giant rat.

The two men who were originally in the original are ready to wait for Ye Xuan and Black Point to encounter the rat tide again, but then they have never encountered it.

Therefore, they decided to shoot!

"Go, we accelerate, don't cause them to be suspicious."

The man made the decision, and after that, he was actively accelerating, and Ye Xuan and his two men were close.

The other woman quickly caught up.

Soon, they entered the range of perception of the black horn.

"Two little brothers, wait a minute!"

A shout broke away, and after Ye Xuan and Black Point heard it, they couldn't help but stop and looked at the two men.

"Is there something?" Black Point said cautiously.

"This is the case. We lost our way in the ruins of the giant rat. Can you tell us the direction of Hualan Town?" the man asked.

"What is Hualan Town? It's not clear, you can ask other people!" Black Point shook his head.

This place, he did not know, because the town that Ye Xuan came in before was not called Hualan Town.

After that, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Wait, even in other towns, it will help us to leave the ruins of the giant rat!" the man cried.

"Go straight to the direction behind you, you can go to Liyang Town." Black Point replied.