Super Devouring System

Chapter 2363: Zongmen site selection

"Hey, the system prompts, the host should pay attention to the force division system, you can upgrade by belief value and other special means!"

The system prompts that the belief value is upgraded?

However, Ye Xuan is even too lazy to check, and can also know, I am afraid, the value of the beliefs required will be terrible!

However, since it is possible to upgrade the force division system with the value of the belief, then naturally, the faith value can be exchanged for the soldiers!

In this way, this is also a disguised form in urging Ye Xuan to complete the task of rebuilding faith.

Of course, Ye Xuan has never been relaxed. He has always been serious about completing the task.

Since the force division system is not expected, then, Ye Xuan is better to establish the Zongmen first!

Ye Xuan got a Zongmen card. Now, it is also time to establish. After all, Ye Xuan has wanted from the beginning, and wants to use this door as his temporary festival to make the hall.

Look at the people around who are cleaning the battlefield.

Ye Xuan gave up the idea of ​​establishing Zongmen here.

Because after all, the people in the field of the demon gods invaded from here, then Ye Xuan, naturally can not establish the Zongmen here.

"System, expand the map, help me recommend a few places suitable for establishing Zongmen!"

Ye Xuan said to the system.

“Hey, the system prompts, in the data analysis, the analysis is successful!”

"Hey, the system prompts, the host can choose to establish a Zongmen recommended location, Longzhou!"

Among the six thousand squares in the Longzhou, the most prosperous one, the population has a population of 15 billion, of which 100,000 are superior to Shenjun! And the power is rich, and the natural resources are also very abundant!


Ye Xuan slightly frowns, compared to this Longzhou environment, whether it is the original, or the Fengjing, it is really worse than the country!

However, Ye Xuan gave up directly here, as for the reason, because it is too rich.

After all, Ye Xuan is even a festival, but if he rushes to establish Zongmen in Longzhou, he will only let people feel that Ye Xuan is going to grab resources.

So, it is not suitable there!

"Hey, recommend location two, wilderness!"

The wilderness is ridiculous, but there are so many resources for the beasts, and there are countless powerful beasts, and there is no power!

this place?

Ye Xuan shook his head and gave up. The reason is very simple, that is, it is too ridiculous!

For Ye Xuan, this sect is his degree, so it is impossible to build a place that is too ridiculous!

"Hey, recommend location three, the city of the Nine Secrets!"

The city of the Nine Secrets is the most central position of the 90-party environment. However, there is only one city here, and there are no other forces in the surrounding 30.

However, there are nine mysterious secrets around the city of the Nine Secrets. These secrets are the kind of deadlands that have not yet been opened up!

"System, what is dead?"

"Hey, the system prompts, the dead, refers to a special secret that cannot be entered. This kind of mystery has a common point, for whatever reason, it is impossible to enter!"

Can not enter?

Ye Xuan is going to have a look, what is the so-called inability to enter?

Perhaps it would be a good choice to establish a sect in the city of the nine secrets!

After all, this is the core position of the nine-party 60,000 environment, and there is no power around, and these nine dead are waiting for Ye Xuan to explore, how to see, how are all very good choices.

Of course, Ye Xuan still has to go and have a look.

Not hesitating, Ye Xuan directly commanded, and took out the carriage and left quickly.

Although Ye Xuan is expensive for the festival, but now everything is being carried out in an orderly manner, the recruiting has not yet been completed, and the things that fly the smoke are not coming so fast.

Therefore, Ye Xuan also has no important things in a short time. Besides, there is really something, and people have a way to contact Ye Xuan.

Whether it is the nine-party festival or the law of the gods, it is naturally privileged, for example, using a special transmission matrix!

Therefore, Ye Xuan has only experienced a transmission, and has already arrived in the city of the nine secrets!

This is a very strange city, and there are only less than 5,000 people in the entire city!

However, the repair is not small, as for the reason!

It is because the people who came to the city of the nine secrets are directed at those dead.

When Ye Xuan walked into this city, it did not attract anyone's attention. After all, people often come here with various ideas and want to see the dead!

It can be said that any death, often represented, is a great opportunity. Whoever can enter the first one, as long as he can be lucky, then the gains will be great!

In fact, on the way, Ye Xuan also wants to collect a little purple blood in the mysterious lake.

However, Ye Xuan has a kind of hunch in his heart, and the premonition tells Ye Xuan that he must not be near the mysterious lake!

Although this is Ye Xuan's unpredictable hunch, Ye Xuan chose to believe!

Later, he still sent people to go and see, and then decide whether it is going to pass. After all, purple blood is too strange!

Breaking away the blessings of the ancient demon gods, causing the return of the ancestors, these things, let Ye Xuan have to pay attention to this purple blood!

Ye Xuan came to the only inn in this city. In this city, most people are free to find a place to build a house.

However, Ye Xuan is too lazy to trouble. Anyway, if you really want to establish a Zongmen here, it is a waste of time to build a house now.

The inn is not big, but it only has five houses. However, there are quite a few people here. At this time, there are no fewer than 100 people in the inn hall!

"I heard that, some days ago, someone ran to try the fifth secret. As a result, there were twelve people, but only one person came out, and the person who came out has become a madman! I really don’t know what is in the fifth secret. !"

"Forget it, the fifth secret is still a good point, you don't want to think about the third secret, how many people you go in, as long as you come out from it, you will definitely break the gods, not kill you, let you lose your cultivation. This is even more painful than killing you!"

"Yeah, I heard that the first secret seems to have hopes to get through, and I don't know if it is true or not!"

Ye Xuan casually found a position to sit under the ear, but has been listening to these people's arguments. Obviously, these people are specially dedicated to these nine major deaths.

"It should be true. The gang of people who have studied the first secrets have been studying for tens of thousands of years. They say that they have no gains. I am afraid no one will believe it, but the family is really unlucky. As a result of the nine-party family of sixty thousand, the result is just because of a deadland! It’s only tens of thousands of years, but only a few people are lost!"