Super Devouring System

Chapter 2628: Horrible purple shuttle

"Isn't that an eight-level black? There will definitely be, haven't the nine-level nine colors appeared before?"

Green Luo snorted: "Maybe I just took out a cube of seven-level purple, and there will be eight blacks in my hands. After all, there are so many purples in his hands!"

"Do you think they are two people?"

The purple skirt girl’s face floated a touch of laughter, the words in her mouth seemed to explain, and it seemed to be self-talking: “I suspect that they are simply a person, including the previous exchange hall in the Tianhexing Federation. The guy who took the purple electric shuttle is also his, really strange..."

"Since the purple electric shuttle branded the speed array method, it is not too precious. Even the purple electric shuttle has not let go, indicating that this person's cultivation is not very strong."

"But in this case, how can he have so many high-quality star nuclear sources? Is it like the young lady of the three great emperors who came out to try out?"

"Even... from the emperor?"

"Oh my God, look, eight blacks really appear!"

It was also at this time that the green radish suddenly exclaimed: "Our imaginary piece was originally taken away. I don't know who the eight-level black star nucleus was, but it was full. The best of energy!"

The green skirt girl smiled a little, and the mouth was quite fascinating, and it became more and more intense!

For the emergence of this eight-level black star nuclear source, all the bidders in the entire auction venue are now completely numb.

This time the auction was really weird. There was a cubic seven-level purple, and then the size of the fist, the energy, and the eight-level black of the highest quality, plus the previous nine-color, Hey, it feels like this top-level star nuclear source is already bad, it’s worthless!

This is obviously impossible!

Then the only explanation is simple: whether it is the seven-level purple of that cube, or the eight-level black and nine-color nine of the size of two fists, if there is no accident, it is taken by one person.

This person, either hit the Universiade, dug a star with a large number of high-quality star nuclear sources, or it is extraordinary, strong background, these resources are obtained from the family behind.

This kind of existence may be rarely encountered in other stars, but in the funeral domain, the chances of encounter are obviously greater.

However, judging from the action of the glazed jade phoenix, the person is really noble, but his cultivation is definitely not too high. After all, this glazed jade phoenix is ​​actually purple. The skirt woman used to use it!

Because of this, the current auction has not ended, there are already many people who are secretly concerned about this matter, but these guys know that the guy with a lot of high-quality star nuclear source is in the box area, but specifically Which box is inside, but it has not been checked.

When the people in the box bid for the auction, the serial number of the box will not be displayed on the big screen. Only the people in the auction center can know that the strong people in the venue are all using their own. Relationship, inquire about this intelligence clue.

It is foreseeable that although Ye Xuan has not been exposed yet, it is a matter of time.

The entire Tianhe auction center is so large that the number of staff inside is difficult to count. It is impossible for all people to resist the temptation. His exposure is only a matter of time.

For this, Ye Xuan himself knows well, but he really doesn't care.

Because when he handed over an eight-level black star nuclear source, in exchange for a vain, and looked at the immortal world in his body, his mind finally sounded a long-lost sound of the phagocytic system. .

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the third fusion is completed, and you get the best battleship purple shuttle!"

Ye Xuan sighed with relief, and the heart hanging over the eyes of the blind man fell half way.

With a strong expectation, Ye Xuan looked at the purple squid that completed the three fusions: its shape is different from that of the previous sacred, and it has become a very expensive purple warship.

In terms of attributes, the intensity of energy protection has improved, and the star guns are the same, and the hidden array method still exists, and the various mysterious runes that originally covered the entire surface of the ship have changed, adding the speed array. The rune of the law is more complicated and difficult to understand.

The most obvious improvement is the speed. The previous sacred shuttle has been very fast. Even the large-scale battleships with star ratings can't catch up. Now it has doubled the speed based on the previous speed.

This result made Ye Xuan never think of it, and was surprised.

"It seems that the quality of the purple electric shuttle is still above my original expectations. Otherwise, the purple silk shuttle obtained after three times of integration is almost impossible to reach this level..."

Nodded, and muttered to himself, Ye Xuan’s success after the auction ended, and confidence was even better!

But he still can't leave now!

Because of his nine-level nine-color color star nuclear source, it will be officially entered into the auction at the end of the entire auction, and the commission of 200 million stars has already been paid, not to mention the eighth-level gene culture solution for him. Important, Ye Xuan can't give up on this.

Right now, there are thousands of pieces waiting for the official auction, and Ye Xuan counts the time. It is estimated that it will take another day.

If you continue to merge the warship four times, it will be too late in time. He now has two choices, or a second fusion of the comet sword that has completed a fusion, and the addition of the star-red red iron essence.

Either a fusion of his streamer star, of course, there are also two choices, one is to join the first fusion of sputum iron essence. One is to join the glazed jade phoenix for the first fusion.

After some sinking, Ye Xuan made a choice.

Now is the time of crisis, with his cultivation as the realm, the most need to perfect now, obviously still defense, so, Ye Xuan decided to merge the streamer star!

As for the treasure that was added to the first fusion, Ye Xuan chose the scorpion iron essence. Although this star-level refiner is extremely difficult to melt, it does not exist for the fusion system.

And his other main feature is extremely hard. Ye Xuan has just taken four shots. If you add two to the streamer, its solidity will obviously increase.

In the unlikely event of an accident, this is also a layer of defense!

After the decision, he even took the streamer and two star-level scorpions and put them into the small space of the fusion system. So, the system's prompt tone sounded the first time.

"Hey, find a fusion of treasures: streamer star! Starry class iron core essence! Is it fusion?"

Ye Xuan immediately made a positive reply, and at the same time threw a bunch of five-level red star nuclear source into it, as the energy needed for fusion, and then, the fusion began...