Super Devouring System

Chapter 2768: Suspicion

The crazy mosquito in sight seems to be dozing off, but the moment when the mosquitoes shake their hands and shoot the eleventh-level slave, its closed eyes are suddenly open.

At that moment, the fine mans flashed, although it was a blood red, mad, but in the depths of that crazy, Ye Xuan clearly felt a kind of wise light.

This moment, Ye Xuan’s mind suddenly flashed.

This crazy mosquito is really crazy, but people are not really crazy, it is... loaded!

With this flash of light flashing, Ye Xuan didn't even think about it. When the sound was reminded to the mosquitoes, it was the existence of the ninth-order grand perfection of the original point, and the mosquitoes could be killed by a finger.

Even if his reminder is not of much use, at least it can alert the mosquitoes.


"Is there still a demon?"

"The emperor said, this spirit of branding is so strange, it is not a mosquito family..."

At the same time as Ye Xuan's exclamation came out, the huge **** crazy mosquito king in front of him had already opened his mouth for the first time. He said that it was the language of the devil. It is obvious that it is not crazy.

At the same time, a huge and indescribable pressure of the atmosphere is also a moment of shrouded Ye Xuan, with the meaning of shock, the sound of humming, directly breaking his perfect shock, Ye Xuan's body is like Falling from the void, it appeared in awkwardness.

His mouth is even hanged with a trace of blood. The perfect volatility and mental skills have been forcibly cracked, causing his mind to be countered and almost collapsed. This is a sign of a minor internal injury.

"the host……"

The look of the mosquitoes changed dramatically, and I didn’t pay attention to the lasing. At this moment, it was like a layer of invisible wall, and it was suspended at the eleventh slave outside the madness. It was printed, and the mouth screamed and turned back to Ye Xuan.

"As a mosquito, and still gave birth to a mature and intelligent black hole strong, I actually recognized a demon ants, mainly you are the shame of my mosquito family!"

The crazy mosquito king was originally light and light, whether it was Ye Xuan or Limos, it was a cat-like attitude of the cat, but at the moment, after hearing the mosquitoes call Ye Xuan as the master, it is almost instantaneous. Then I got angry.



As the voice of the crazy mosquitoes rang, the entire space of the hundred miles seemed to violently tremble with high frequency, and a very strange humming sound came out.




Almost as soon as the sound of these humming sounds resounded, outside the area of ​​the hundred miles of the huge camphor tree canopy, countless mosquitoes suddenly became angry, and turned around and flew here, in all directions, endless The mosquitoes are turned into a black wave.

This wave of black waves is composed of at least 10 million black mosquitoes. Ye Xuan casually glanced at the weakest presence captured in the line of sight and is the powerful mosquito in the third world.

And the thousands of mosquitoes and beasts in the forefront, which are in the forefront, are the supreme existence of the eighth largest black hole. Although they are only a second-order black hole, they are swept in an instant. The violent breath of the coming, let Ye Xuan even collapsed with his heart!

"As the top elite of the mosquito family, I actually recognize the devil as the main, and the devil wants to harm the emperor, you **** it!"

"Give me all!"

With the crowds of millions of mosquitoes and monsters flocking in all directions, Ye Xuan and Lie Mosquito can't move in an instant. Facing this momentum, plus the pressure of the crazy mosquitoes, even the mosquitoes The seventh stage of the black hole is not used.

A desperate meaning in the heart of the mosquitoes suddenly rises, this time, it is really it is tired of Ye Xuan, his master.

For a moment of anger and anger, the mosquitoes roared and snarled at the madness.

"What about you? You are the most powerful emperor of the mosquito family, what have you done for the tribe?"

"Since you have clearly developed mature wisdom, it is not mad. In those years, why did you never do anything? Let your people be arrested by the devil?"

"Yes, my mosquitoes recognize the owner, but I was almost killed by your crazy madman, and I left after I was disheartened..."

“Even if I return today, I also ask the owner to take away 10 million mosquito elites and go out to find a suitable planet to spread out as a group of Vulcan...”

"What about you? What have you done? You obviously have this strength, but you don't care about all the people, you... don't deserve to be the emperor of our mosquito family!"


"What kind of ecstasy soup did this magic man give you, how dare you say this to the emperor?"

In the face of the roaring roar of the mosquitoes, the crazy mosquito king calmed down and said, an invisible breath has already enveloped the mosquitoes.

After a few moments, the crazy mosquito king rang again with a horrified voice: "Slavery? Actually it is slavery? How is this possible? In the devil family, this slave has long been lost, it is impossible for today's magic emperor. Own, unless it is in the forbidden land, perhaps there is still the possibility of inheritance..."

"How can a small meteor ants have the ability to condense their slaves?"

"So, this spiritual brand in front of the emperor is also a slave print? At least it must be a slave of the tenth level or more? Hey! The little doll is quite big, even the emperor wants to enslave. ......"


As the cold noise rang, a humming sound came to Ye Xuan, and his body was shrouded in an instant. Then, Ye Xuan’s unmovable body felt a touch of water-like power, including the sea in his own body. In the middle of the scouring, the whole person was seen transparently by the other party.

"Hey? The source nuclear has entered the five-level transformation?"

"No, you are not a demon..."


"You are human!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"After waiting for so many years, human beings finally... Emperor I, Lao Tzu is not defeated, there is hope!"

"Ha ha ha..."

With Ye Xuan’s entire body and the sea being explored by the other side, the crazy mosquito king was surprised to laugh, not only instantly recognized the human identity of Ye Xuan, but even took out the name of the Tianji tribe It seems that there has been a big fight between the two people, and the crazy mosquito king originally thought that he had lost, but now, because of the appearance of Ye Xuan, he has seen the hope again...

All of this was combined and suddenly turned into a huge mystery, and the whole mind of Ye Xuan was shrouded.

In the vagueness, he felt that the crazy mosquito in front of him was not as simple as what he saw on the surface.

It is only the existence of the ninth-order realm of the ninth-order realm, and wants to fight with the patriarch of the Tianji nationality?

That is simply an idiotic dream!

With these thoughts flashing in my mind, Ye Xuan only noticed a shock in the sea, and then found that all the jelly in his mind was condensed together, turning into a thick purple nucleus of the size of a soybean.

The fifth transformation of the source of the nuclear source was completed in the other hand in an instant...