Super Devouring System

Chapter 2779: Heaven falls

"Let the beast? What is that?"

I heard that there is actually a more intensive World of Warcraft than the black mosquitoes in the demon's star field. Ye Xuan couldn't help but be interested. Even if he asked: "Is the starry sky swallowing the beast?"

"No, no, it’s a long way..."

Hao Fangfang even shook his head into a splashing drum, with a slightly pleasing color, explained in detail: "The starry sky swallows the beast is rare. It is said that the adult starry sky swallows the beast and even large enough to directly devour ordinary small meteors. And they are born to feed on the star nucleus at the core of the star, which is extremely sensitive to the origin of the star nucleus..."

"However, if the starry engulfing beast is used to find the origin of the star nucleus, it is a great beast, but if it is about the ability to devour, it is compared with the emptied beast, and it is simply a few streets!"

"The empty beast, as the name suggests, is a starry beast that can devour space!"

"This kind of beast is rare even in the first universe, which is vast and vast, because once they form a certain amount, their harmfulness is simply sensational. Therefore, if the fleet of the Tianzu nationality encounters the emptying of the order, The beast is basically doing its best to kill on the spot."

"I just said that the blood of this starry beast seems to have some kind of mysterious talent, so that even the universe can be swallowed up. Once a large number of emptied beasts are gathered together, it is like A group of super termites, but the latter are generally ruined by buildings, trees and the like, and the emptied beasts are ruined by the empty beasts.

"The hordes of emptied beasts are rare, but we have a group of devils in the stars, oh right, this time to go to the magic star, just to pass by the empty black hole star field, It is quite thrilling to think of it."

Ye Xuan frowned, not explaining: "Is emptying the black hole star field? What is this?"

"It is a black hole. It is said that there is still no more than 10,000 years ago. It is completely a normal universe void. Later, I don’t know when it started. Because some of the emptied beasts have been gathered, they have not been discovered for a while. With the proliferation, the entire ethnic group is getting bigger and bigger, thousands of tens of thousands of people, the whole universe of the universe of the universe is swallowed up by them, turned into a huge black hole."

"And, this black hole is still expanding outwards, but because its territory is already vast, the speed of expansion does not seem to be very fast."

"Black hole? A black hole that was eaten by a starry beast?"

This result was too unexpected. Ye Xuan was shocked and opened his mouth. He never thought about the fierce black hole in the universe. He could still appear in such a wonderful way, and he was eaten hard!

"Yes, so the star field was named as the black hole star field. The territory of the whole star field is about a few light years in diameter. There is nothing inside, only the worms, they will not be empty. The black hole rushed out, but if you passed by, you could hear some of the roar of the beast faint."

"This empty black hole is also the most famous place of the murderous land of the entire Devil's Star Field. The edge is basically invisible to a single star. It is completely absorbed by the mysterious suction of the black hole, and it is turned into nothingness..."

After a chat, Ye Xuan found an excuse, finally got rid of the entangled Hao Fangfang, got up and entered his room, the door was closed, the whole person was quiet.

It is said that it is a retreat. In fact, what Ye Xuan wants to do is to study the two spiritual imprints left by the high priest, Greyhate.

After sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Ye Xuan closed his eyes and returned to the inner view of the gods. He quickly saw the outside of the sea and saw these two spiritual imprints.

On the surface, it seems that nothing unexpectedly can be seen. The two imprints only refer to the size of the belly, quietly suspended there, but Ye Xuan clearly feels a pressure that makes him extremely uneasy from these two imprints. The inside is faintly exuded.

After all, there is nothing to be prepared in the original point of view. Don’t look at the small and inconspicuous, but the energy contained in it is obviously terrible!

Regarding these two imprints, the gray bones did not give any activation method. They only said one of the gray ones. After the holy magic is forbidden, it will naturally react once the trigger condition is reached.

And another black one, but when Ye Xuan Xuan encounters the crisis of life and death on the way, just throw it out, and then this spiritual brand will automatically activate, and in a moment will show the equivalent of the gray bones full blow. Terrorist forces help him through the crisis!

After seeing that there was no clue, Ye Xuan tried to throw the two mental imprints to the phagocytic system for identification. Unfortunately, the results were still the same. Even the phagocytic system could not be directly identified, but it suggested that Ye Xuan could be decomposed.

Although there was a bit of movement, but after Yang Xuan hesitated, after all, he still dismissed the idea. He did not dare to let the engulfment system decompose at will, and the trouble would be troublesome.

After letting go of this incident, Ye Xuan even took out a large number of star nuclear sources from the immortal world, and all the bones and brains were thrown to the phagocytic system, and issued instructions to let the system cooperate with the stars to engulf the blood of the beast and to extract these stars. The source energy in the nuclear crystal!

Although he had just broken through the realm not long ago, he still crossed a breakthrough in a big realm. However, after entering the second largest realm of meteor, the elevation of each small step is obviously more difficult than before. The situation that the original source of the star nuclear will be swallowed up will not appear again.

Therefore, as long as there is time, Ye Xuan will throw out some of the origins of the star nuclear source to capture the source energy in it, and keep the constant accumulation of less, so as to ensure the speed of the realm!

Time flies, and three days have passed. In these three days, Ye Xuan has always retired in his own house to extract the energy of the star.

This time, the star nucleus he threw into the phagocytic system had three cubes, all of which were four-level green. If it was before, it would be enough for him to advance two times in the star's nuclear environment, but this time, three whole cubes. The four-level green star nuclear source was all taken away in just three days, and Ye Xuan had no feeling of breaking through.

After opening his eyes, Ye Xuan smiled and sighed, then he got up and opened the door and walked out.

It was also at this moment, amazement, and no signs of abrupt!



With the huge bombings coming, everything around it swayed violently. This feeling is like a strong earthquake. The entire spaceship is crumbling, giving people a possibility of disintegration at any time. The feeling of falling apart.

Didn't wait for Ye Xuan to react to what happened, the sharp warning of the fortress's central control center was quietly heard on the central square of the villa outside the villain!


"Encounter the attack! The fort is slipping into the empty black hole! Everyone immediately assembles and abandons the ship to escape..."