Super Devouring System

Chapter 2893: Zuo Licheng, who is proud of the spring

Previously, the fierce mosquito number carrying the ten sacred sons to the magic emperor to carry out the trial of the black mosquito tribe was to start from the black mosquito star field ten days in advance.

When you vacated the black hole in the middle of the road, it took half a mile to lie behind it.

It was also at this time that the murderous mosquito number was destroyed. More than 10,000 demons in the space fortress were damaged by a small half, while the other ones and more were all entered into a star-rated battleship prepared by Zuo Hongwu. .

This warship is a big commander of the black mosquito tribe. Zuo Fengtai has spent a lot of money. From the outside of the devil's field, not only can the space fortress jump in the long distance, but also inside the hull. It also uses the perfect space folding technology of the Tianji family.

Therefore, do not look at the appearance of the battleship and the general star rating, the captain is only three kilometers, but the internal space is very large, more than 10,000 devil strong, or can absolutely accommodate.

On the same day, this special star-rated warship named Fengteng successfully launched the long-distance starry sky jump at the same moment of the disintegration of the murderous space fortress. Zuo Hongwu and Zuo Licheng uncle and niece also I have laughed and celebrated privately.

Although thousands of devils have been lost, this is not the case for their uncles or the black mosquito tribes, Zuo Fengtai. In fact, they don’t care at all.

It’s the murderous mosquito number and some of the resources in it that make them feel a pity, but in Zuo Fengtai’s view, this is not a problem. After all, on the surface, the murderous mosquito number is accidentally met with a normal accident. In this case, he can apply to apply for another space fort to replenish.

In this way, their father and son actually did not have any loss. Instead, they removed Zhang Wuji, the only one that was only a meteor, and they had a super-metamorphism of the horrible five-level spiritual source. The feeling of being big.

After all, their father and son are obviously having a bad relationship with Zhang Wuji. If they don’t get rid of it early, they will be metamorphosed to a heinous spiritual strength. Once they grow up, then the end of their father and son will come. It is.

What's more, don't get rid of this person, with his horrible spiritual strength, this time the other people of the black mosquito tribe to carry out the trial of the Son, including Zuo Licheng who originally thought that he was a reading prince, no With one exception, all of them have to be found in the bookboys who accompany him to study.

The new Son of the Black Mosquito will not be this person.

Now, the name of this saint, with the fall of Zhang Wuji, has returned to the hands of Zuo Licheng without any suspense, this is extremely determined, there is no suspense!

Although the space bastion of the Black Mosquito tribe started ten days earlier, before the murderous mosquitoes collapsed, half of the star road behind them had been spent for three full days, that is, the far side of the other half, The Fengteng battleship has a full seven days.

Although its space jumping ability can't compete with a real space fortress, the difference is not to be more than half of the degree. According to Zuo Hongwu's estimate, the Flying Space Fortress originally only needs three days of distant stars. On the way, they have the Fengteng number, which can be reached in about four days.

As a result, there are still three days of surplus.

Even so, on this road, Zuo Hongwu still did not dare to relax, most of the time to stay in the Feng Teng ship's general control room sitting and supervision.

After all, this trial is about the position of the Son of the Black Mosquito tribe. Can it fall smoothly into the Zuofengtai system. Since then, it has not been as usual, and it has been held by the high priest Zuo Hongwu did not dare to take it lightly!

As for Zuo Licheng, Zhang Wuji was calculated from the heart of his heart. After falling into the black hole area, his whole person was instantly different, and he was proud of the spring breeze.

In the next few days of the voyage, Zuo Licheng had nothing to do with the other seven quasi-sacred scorpions. These seven guys obviously knew that they were only the bookboys who came to accompany the prince to read, and the heart was early. I recognized it, because almost all of my words and deeds are flattering. After four days, I almost didn’t send Zuo Licheng, who is more and more sensational, directly to the sky!

Until the evening of the fourth day, Zuo Hongwu, who had been sitting in the general control room of Fengteng, personally came and said hello, saying that it would be possible to arrive at the Magic Emperor Star tomorrow morning, let them raise their spirits, so as not to be rude tomorrow. The three talents, such as Zuo Licheng, suddenly came to amazement. This time, they finally got together again. They all went back to their respective villas and the caves were properly prepared! ~

In fact, even Zuo Licheng, who is a young man of the black mosquito family, realized that after the arrival of the Emperor Star tomorrow morning, his heart also showed an inexplicable tension.

This magical star, even him, has never been here!

It is not that there is no such opportunity. After all, among the top ten tribes of the Devils, any one of the tribes has a space fortress. Although it is not used frequently, it is basically necessary to go to the Devil Star at least once a year. Zuo Licheng is willing to be a tribal master, he can follow the same sentence with almost one sentence.

The reason why he has never been here, in fact, there are also reasons. To put it bluntly, it is afraid of trouble.

As the emperor's main star of the devil's group, the devil's star also has a high priest in addition to the supreme demon. And there is more than one.

One of them just happened to be from the black mosquito tribe. This person is called Wen Xing. It was the former high priest of the black mosquito tribe. At that time, the high priest of today’s high priest is still only the son of the tribe. .

With this relationship, the other black mosquitoes are better, but with the identity of the Zuo Licheng tribe, if you come to the magic star, but don’t go to visit it, the matter will be greatly The ground lost the etiquette, and it is even more likely that it will be misunderstood by the high priest of Wen.

In the unlikely event that he caused a heart to the left-handedness of the black mosquito tribe, it would be a big joke.

For this reason, Zuo Fengtai has not allowed Zuo Licheng to go to the Magic Emperor at will, fearing his temper, in case he accidentally offended Wen Xing, I am afraid that he still does not know.

The latter is just as extremely repugnant to this boring appropriation, so that it gradually fades away to the magical star to open the eyes of the interest, and suddenly, unconsciously has passed for many years!

At this moment, Zuo Licheng’s heart was slightly nervous, because it was because of the high priest’s death. Although he did not see it for this person, it is rumored that his strength is quite terrifying. It has already broken through the original point and entered the tenth dimension of the world.

In addition, the level of the spiritual source core is reached the sixth level of terror, second only to the magic king with a seven-level source.

In the face of this level of existence, Zuo Licheng said that it is not nervous, it is absolutely deceptive...