Super Devouring System

Chapter 3003: Kikikijin star region

There are many cosmic planes!

In this way, some natural cosmic wormholes in the three cosmic planes are connected to some unknown voids and planes, which can be inferred in general.

However, there are only three cosmic planes that have been identified as safe, stable, and have stable natural cosmic wormhole connections.

They are the first universe, the second universe, and the third universe.

The former was occupied by many servant groups under the celestial genius, and the second group of the universe and the people who occupied the third universe joined forces to form the Federation of Wanluo and resist the celestial family!

The war between the Celestial and the Vatican Federations broke out every few decades, sometimes in the funeral star field of the Third Universe, and sometimes in the Second Universe.

But sometimes, the coalition forces of the Federal Republic of Varo will also enter the first universe.

The second universe leads to the wormhole exit of the first universe, in another star field, but the third universe leads to the wormhole exit of the first universe, in the magical star field.

Therefore, once the Terran empire of the Terran empire broke out with the celestial family, and also voluntarily rushed from the third universe to the first cosmic plane of the enemy's position, the war was all started from this magical star.

If it is said that the funeral star field is the front line of the third universe.

Then, the Devil's Star Field is the front line of the first universe.

Just as the Devils have a great understanding of the funeral universe of the Third Universe, the army of the immortal dynasty, who is also very knowledgeable about the Devil's Stars, has led the team into the immortal regiment of the Devil's Star in front of the First Space Front. Will Naples, even can not tell you this is the first time to come to the Devil's Star!

But the most recent one, more than 50 years ago, was the last battle between the Tianzu and the Terran.

Today, after 50 years, because of the battle between Xuan Huangzi, the Tianji and the Terran technology camp, it has finally started again!

With the arrival of the fortress fleet led by the Admiral Napoli, the Devil's Star Field will soon reignite!

There are eleven space bastions, ten of which are the same as the demon sacred by Chanas, which are mega-fortresses with a diameter of 20,000 meters. In addition, there is a flagship 50,000-meter-diameter small fortress.

This force, not to say sweeping the entire magician star field, but the black mosquito star area that is crushed from the wormhole exit is still completely no problem.

At least, because of the first cosmic squad that was issued by the celestial family, and the rushing corps of the celestial servants who came to the arrival, the team was absolutely absolutely!

At this moment, the eleven immortal regiments from the imperial empire of the Terran empire, rushing out of the wormhole and descending outside the demon's horoscope, all of them opened the occult method in the first time, and immediately caught the traces. Then he whispered quietly.

Goal, pointing to the black mosquito star...


At this moment, Ye Xuan is in the flagship of the royal fleet where Chanas is located.

Neither he nor Chanas, or all the magical powerhouses of the entire Royal Fleet, do not know, at the moment, there is a powerful immortal army from the Terran empire, and after the advent of the Devil's Star, it is still hiding. The state, at a very fast speed, is coming towards this side!

"Is this true?"

After listening to Ye Xuan’s confession, he usually showed his words to him. Chanas’s glimpse of the brilliance, although he strongly suppressed the anger in his heart, but the face of the moment was clearly sold out at the moment. Thinking of what you think!

"Is this kind of thing still a joke? Besides, if I don't have this, I can't make it out. It's really awaiting. I have to check my own analysis. Is there still no answer?"

Seeing Chanus's reaction, Ye Xuan's heart was dark, but his face was quite aggrieved, and he was questioned by his heart.

After a short period of time, this seems to have figured out something, and then continued to pick up: "This is also a coincidence. I used to see Wenxing when I was in the forbidden valley of the inner city of the emperor. The old goods are not in the right direction, saying that I care about my cultivation, let me go back to the black mosquito star and don’t leave. He will come over and check my diligence results soon... I am really a fool? I clearly doubt me. There is still a lot of jingjing in my hand. I was remembered by the thief."

"I am afraid that he will make a fortune, and the key is to kill him. In order to prevent the news from leaking, I will kill me. I will finally sit on the position of the black mosquito. I haven’t enjoyed it yet. I am not worried. Ah I?"

"So, as soon as he heard that he would come over with the fleet of Chadeng, I immediately panicked. In order to save my life, the point that I had privately intercepted, I was thrown out more than half, all used to buy people's hearts, gray bones And Zuo Fengtai two people are the Eight Diagrams of the Holy Crystal, one person took me four..."

"There are black holes in the black hole of the top ten black mosquitoes. Which one doesn't have any blood and sweat in my hand? Well, this guy is also interesting enough, but most of it is because I deliberately revealed the appreciation of the seven males, and The Emperor of the Emperor also received a lot of benefits for me. The investigation and the arrival of Wen Xing together, they still played with me, and finally let Wen Xing suspicious, these days have not been to me. Shoot!"

"Coincidentally, it is precisely because of the benefits of receiving me, plus that I will be called to the Magic Emperor in the future, and then the people at the foot of the Imperial City, so the black mosquito star is responsible for the Star Network. Black hole, I will only report to me secretly, saying that it is the gray bones with Wen Xing, through the star network center of the black mosquito star, quietly contacted the upper level of the star network, sent a secret message to the devil !"

"This matter is just now, the investigation leader has just left, he has a small report behind him, saying that the investigation is the spy of the Tianji nationality, has been bought by the Tianzu people, and such words, this is clearly a careful heart, I am really can not watch anymore……"

Speaking of this, Ye Xuan deliberately put on a smile, and then turned out a space box, and then put it into the pocket of Chanas.

At the same time, the voice was depressed, and the tone was nervously said: "Inspect the commander, you also know that I have offended this old goods. Now I have such a good opportunity and naturally hope that he will be finished."

"But this thing can't make you hard work. Hey, there are still some of the crystals I have at hand, but there are not many, and the gossip is also nine. After I left three, I used the head office myself? The remaining six , all here..."

"Inspected the leader, can you go to this heart, but you can count on you, in addition, the gray bones over there, there will be opportunities in the future, check the commander also have to help me back. I ... I will sit in the future The position of the high priest of the black mosquito, there must be a return!"

"It’s a bit of a ambition for your kid! Just sitting on the seat of the Son, is this eyeing the high priest of the gray bones?"

Chanus apparently believed in Ye Xuan’s words and smiled happily. For Ye Xuan’s face, his heart was disdainful, but he thought it would be good for himself. If there is a chance in the future, he will be easy. It’s not a big deal.

More crucially, today, Wenxing actually came with him. In any case, this person must not stay any longer, lest he always blow in the ear of the devil, so no one can stand it...