Super Devouring System

Chapter 3093: Taste of conspiracy

For everything that happened in the top command cabin of Li Feng’s flagship fortress, Ye Xuan was unaware of it and didn’t have that interest. At this moment, he had just finished coping with the endless robbers of Napoli and Xuanyuan Ziyan. Just want to fire immediately to fire, first give the other party a command of a dead light energy beam to open the stomach.

The call request from the flagship fortress of Liefeng was also received at this time by the star brain of the Thunder Fortress control center.

As I said before, the Thunder Fortress is produced by the Tianzu people. Under normal circumstances, it is only necessary to sit in the whole fortress and have a self-conscious person who has given birth to the self-conscious people. It can also guarantee the normal and efficient operation of all functions of the entire fortress. .

Therefore, the top-level command module of the Thunder Fortress has no communication officers and the like. At most, some high-intelligent robots are used. The entire fortress is basically in an automatic mode.

In this mode, Ye Xuan, who has refining the starry sky as the central control center of the fortress, can issue any instructions only when he is in the middle of the battle, even if he is in the cabin of the fortress.

But the same, if the general control center receives any active network signal, no matter where it comes from, and whether Ye Xuan is willing to accept it, as long as he did not specifically say hello in advance, the starry sky will be the first time. The received ditch signal will be transmitted to Ye Xuan!

In addition, with the request sent by the ditch and the signal, the Thunder’s starry sky super brain also completed the automatic reading by default, and it was also passed over at the moment, in a word in Ye Xuan’s brain. It’s impossible to show up, want to reject it!

"Rely! I forgot this! I almost let the other side drill a hole, and asked no questions. The signal attachments sent directly appeared in the mind of the emperor. Fortunately, it is not a mouthful, but the emperor is too late to guard against it. Suffering from this catastrophe, can't you die on the spot?"

At the same time, Ye Xuan mouth squatted, and also passed the new instructions to the fortress super brain, and then turned to look at Naples: "Hongdu Lifeng, do you know this? A communication request came over, and the message also contained a few postscripts. The tone of the word was respectful..."

"Not only lowering the attitude, taking the initiative to show your identity, and opening your mouth is the honorary name of the emperor. You even said that you even said that the inspector of the federal headquarters only asked the emperor to go back and cooperate with the investigation. He has absolutely no intention to offend. Finally, I also ask the Emperor to be more considerate!"

"Hongdu Lifeng?"

Napoli heard a sigh of relief, and took a sigh of relief, his face immediately dignified a few points: "Others are better, if it is him, it is impossible to lower the posture so respectful, among them, fear of conspiracy!"

"This person is the first of the five deputy chiefs of the Federal Institute of Supervision. Although it is not a royal family, it has won the weight of the dragon. The city is the deepest, the expression on the face is unchanged forever, even the dawn is almost the same. It is said that this For centuries, no one has ever seen any emotional changes like joy and anger on his face. It is definitely a highly dangerous guy!"

"Oh? So it’s a bit weird."

Listening to the other party is such a presence, but it is so low in front of him, and the breath revealed in these episodes is so obvious, as long as someone who knows him a little, will be guilty, this point, the other side It is impossible not to understand.

But he still did it!

Is it intentional? So... purpose?

Ye Xuan does not know that this is just a minor misunderstanding that a negligible communications officer has inadvertently made, but at this moment, his curiosity is precisely the result of this misunderstanding.

With his temper, this communication request would have been ignored directly, and nothing else would be said.

But now, with Ye Xuan’s interest being successfully attracted, the idea of ​​rushing to the first shot was immediately thrown behind him. After a little indulging, Ye Xuan quickly decided and went to the fortress at the first time. Star Brain has issued new instructions.

That is to accept the request of the other party, temporarily open the restricted permission, let the other party's ditch connection signal enter, complete the communication connection!

"Hangdu Liefeng is it? Hey, this prince wants to see what medicine is sold in your gourd!"

With a grin, Ye Xuan walked down the corner of the command cabin, and sat down on the sofa, waiting for the other party's call signal to be transferred.

At the same time, Ye Xuan’s mind is also quickly calculated. In fact, according to his original plan, no matter what the outcome of the confrontation with Longkui before, whether or not this **** fleet is coming, what is the attitude? After the corners have been processed, he will eventually return to the immortal star.

Only when it comes to the immortal star, everything is officially opened, and everything that happens on the way is just an appetizer!

And, no accident, with the end of the upcoming newsletter, Ye Xuan and his entourage to the immortal star, in all likelihood, will also begin immediately.

What about the other party’s conspiracy? The prince has the same calculations, and the winner is in the grip, and he is guilty of intrigue. Who is afraid of who?

A touch of light smile slowly from the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth, which clearly reveals a scent of rich and incomparable fun!

For all of this, Ye Xuan has not had time to express his words to Naples and Xuanyuan Ziyan. Anyway, it is still early, and it is slow to catch up. Even if you start immediately, and as far as possible, wormhole jumps along the way, at least for several days. In order to arrive, there is time to tell them about it.

The eccentric face of Naples, Xuanyuan and Zijing, turned their eyes to look at each other, and soon followed the rest area and sat down on the sofas on both sides. Although the matter was different, it was better than saying nothing. It’s a good fortune, but it’s a blessing in the unfortunate...


In the eastern part of the immortal star far from the endless star river, there is a vast plain that has been loaned indefinitely and unconditionally to the Federation of the Faroese. The central area of ​​the plain stands a huge modern steel city. This steel city is The headquarters of the Federal Republic of Varo.

The Supervisory Institute, one of the eight largest federations of the Federation, is located on the west side of the headquarters of the city!

At this moment, in the deep building of the Supervisory Institute, a cold and screaming sound of endless haze, quietly sounded unscrupulously, and then, monitoring the sound of the words of Changlong’s sly, it floated intermittently...

"Hey! Terran Heroes? Federal Idols? I am! A daring, the fake genius of the genius is fine!"

"But it’s just like this. With the myth of Xuan’s emperor shattered, the whole royal family’s amnesty is tantamount to hurting the bones! Under this attack, the existence of that person has to be collected, and the inheritance of the imperial power is of great importance. It’s been a long time since swinging, and now it’s time for it to settle down...”