Super Devouring System

Chapter 3281: Big competition is coming

In just three days, the entire third cosmic human race can be described as turbulent, and the changes are amazing.

This kind of fascinating genius, which is said to be rare and rare, has suddenly smashed out four times, but they have not yet grown up. Only the eleventh dynasty Xuanguang’s ninth-order cultivation is done. People join hands and do not affect the so-called general trend.

But now it is different, the situation of the three cosmic planes is tightening, and there is a possibility of a full-scale melee at any time. At this time, the Terrans suddenly have four geniuses, and they are still eager to appear in just three days. And the drop, this thing is very strange, can not be thought-provoking!

Perhaps once the full-scale war of the plane level really broke out, with the current level of cultivation of these four generations of enchanting, there is still no way to influence the overall battle, and it is impossible to shake the points.

However, they suddenly emerged at such sensitive moments. From a certain point of view, it is very likely that it is related to this thundering gas. If there is a heaven in the sky overlooking the vastness of the people, their birth is undoubtedly heaven. The embodiment of air transport.

Although this kind of speculation is unwarranted, it cannot be said that many people think that the three cosmic situations that were extremely tense are immediately slow.

The first cosmic hegemonic singer who was in the dark was still silent, without any obvious reaction.

The federal groups in the Second Universe are obviously quieter. The high-level leaders of the powerful ethnic groups such as the Yin and Dai people who have been following the pressure to the Federal Headquarters are rarely able to temporarily listen. They are watching and want to see how the future will be reconsidered. .

Unfortunately, although the external pressure has temporarily eased some, but within the third universe controlled by the Terran, the situation is still tense, even more serious, and the chaos will become more and more obvious!

Although the four generations of enchanting singers who were born in this time belonged to the human race, they did not take care of the two camps that took over the power of the Terran.

The science and technology camp is still a good point. Although Yinxia Fairy and Xiaoyaozi are not smashing the dynasty, at least there has not been a conflict.

But the comprehension camp is not so comfortable, and the demon and the magic dust are more than a hot one. When they are born, they will kill a lot of star-studded powerhouses, except for some second-line sects and forces. Even the Dominion Palace, which is the overlord of the repair camp, was included, killing more than a dozen Tiangong disciples.

Zhao Lingling, who is the devil's dust, is still the princess of the sixth house of the tenth. This is completely the rhythm of the rebellion against the cadres. The top ten of the Tenth Heaven Palace can't stand it even if the temper is good!

Therefore, the comprehension camp will soon be chaotic.

Each of the strong men headed by the Ten Heavenly Palace formed a crusade army, and launched a comprehensive search for the two women, the magic dust and the demon. Of course, Ye Xuan’s devouring is also one of the goals of the incident, and the undead phoenix !

The fierce battle soon appeared, and there were casualties. The magic dust woman and the scorpion demon, swallowed the avatar, and they were smashed out on the same day. In the face of the many strong people in the camp, they all suffered a bit of injury, but the three were injured. In the end, without exception, all of them escaped safely.

This battle, the magic dust woman and the scorpion demon two two generations of enchanting magic flame is still, but even more amazing is the devour of Ye Xuan.

It was only then that the outside world suddenly realized that his cultivation was a realm. Only the ninth-order ninth-order grand perfection was completed, and the eleventh-level imaginary ninth-order grand scorpion was completely different from the two realms.

There is also a tenth big hole in the middle!

Two days before the night of the birth of the konjac, the two men clearly had a long battle in the secluded starry sky, only the ninth-order devour of the original ninth-order scorpion, the ninth-order scorpion, did not fall. In the end, it is more calm and easy to walk.

This is simply unscientific and unacceptable!

The true bottom of the devouring avatar is still a huge question. Whether it is the comprehension camp or the top of the technology camp, it is impossible to determine whether he is a celestial avatar or a avatar.

Compared with the magical flames of the demon and the magic dust, the savage avatar is more mysterious than the arrogant tyrannical, and the scorpion is slick and slick.

For this reason, some people boldly guessed that he must have concealed the cultivation, otherwise it would only be the ninth order of the origin and the 9th-order battle with Xuanguang, and it would not fall into the wind. How enchanting is this?

It’s said that it’s a boulder, and it’s not a big deal for hundreds of millions of loads!

In comparison, the speculation that the swallowing occult hides the cultivation is obviously more reasonable and credible, at least not difficult to accept.

It is a pity that the questioning voice against this kind of statement soon appeared. Although it is still not completely certain that the speculation is not true, it has basically been overturned.

Because on the same day, I swallowed the face of the major squadrons of the comprehension camp to fight against the army, fighting alone and fighting, all kinds of amazing magical means have been used to the extreme, but even in the end of the serious injury, he The demonstrated combat power is still only the original 9th-order grand perfection.

If you are fortunate enough to escape, the final result is definitely the hand of a powerful person who has fallen into the Ten Heavenly Palace!

This kind of life and death, who will bite his teeth and continue to hide and repair?

I can't stand the scrutiny!

Realizing this, the entire third cosmic human race once again screamed, and the original person who still knows who is the avatar is the real horror and horror, and the ability to fight the demon through the gap between the two realms. Don't fall, it's just that people are angry!

The search for the follow-up corps of the comprehension camp has risen sharply. The heavy head has been transferred from the scorpion and the magic dust. The devour of Ye Xuan has become the main goal, and the counterattack is on the way!

In this regard, the immortal dynasty of the science and technology camp did not react, although the other party may have the avatar of the dynasty 嫡 龙 轩, but before the matter was confirmed, the dynasty could not be here because of this unsure reason. A sensitive moment broke out with the Ten Heavenly Palace.

The three major cosmic chaos gradually became apparent, and the Terran of the Third Universe could not be civil strife. Although the dissatisfaction and resentment of the two camps were very strong, they chose restraint tacitly!

However, just in the evening of the news that the news came from the camp of the comprehension, the immortal star of the emperor’s inner city was deep, and the figure of the emperor’s emperor and the immortal emperor appeared at the same time at the top of the National Teacher’s Hall, looking up at the night sky. Private conversation.

Specifically, no one knows, even the royal family in the old pavilion, can not easily try to glimpse the conversation between the two of them, the immortal emperor is not the case, the key is the national division emperor II, even they are extremely incomparably fear!

However, at the end of the secret talk, before the immortal emperor turned away, the national division emperor II smiled happily, and then the voice of the words was slightly larger, and was blown by the night wind, faintly audible!

"Ha ha ha..."

"In addition to the boy who had just been taken away, in the short three days, there were four test seeds that were on the right track. The system source that was released in the past was huge, and it was not wasted!"

"The real competition is about to emerge. It is really looking forward to it. After all, I still see hope..."