Super Devouring System

Chapter 3295: Open the loser mode

There are always people outside the hospital who are guarding the family. They are working day and night. Once Ye Xuan in the house speaks the words and says which medicine is needed, someone will immediately pick it up and meet him in the first place.

For this reason, when Ye Xuan’s big laughter came out of the house, when he finally succeeded, the several extensions of the family waiting outside the hospital were stunned, and the face was stunned. Immediately, someone went to report to Tuo.

The latter did not believe it. It took only three days to refine a new ten-grade liquid. It’s incredible, just like dreaming.

With the doubts of my heart, Tuo Xiong and several old family members of the Tujia family soon came, just as Ye Xuan opened the house door and threw a tube of blue genetic fluid.

"Hey, my little ancestors, this is a ten-level liquid, something that Wanjin is hard to find..."

Seeing Ye Xuan, just like a garbage dump, he threw himself over the door directly. The extension was so scared that he was stunned, and he quickly took a few steps, while sipping a cool breath and carefully taking the tube ten. The grade liquid was received in the hand.

Where did he know that after the success of the first tube, Ye Xuan had refining ten tubes, and only one tube was thrown at him. The other ten tubes were all packed in space boxes, and they were filled into the body. .

Of course, the herbs needed to prepare the 10th-grade liquids are all provided by the extensions. Because of this, Ye Xuan is extremely generous and waved his hand. He said: "This thing is not like garbage after it has been refined. If this is what the Lord wants, open it at any time, how much is there!"

Although this is indeed a bit of a match, because the ten-grade liquid has a mature formula, it is not every time it can be successfully refining. The refining pharmacist alchemy of the comprehension camp has a Dandan rate. The reason is the same. of.

However, Ye Xuan said this at the moment. However, none of the extensions and other people felt harsh. Instead, they felt that it was such a rationality. People could easily create a new ten-level liquid in less than three days. It is the enchanting enchanting, maybe the success rate of people is really ten to ten, it is also very likely.

It was also at this time that the group of old people who came along with Tuo Xiongxiong had been looking forward to carefully examining the tube of the blue liquid that had been handed over by the former.

The final result is no suspense, and all the old people are screaming excitedly...

"Ten color! It really is ten colors! The patriarch, this is really a ten-level liquid..."

"Yes, that's right, it's really a ten-level liquid, and it's ten colors that make up a rainbow of ten colors. It's different from the ones that we've expanded. It's one orange less and one more purple. This is definitely another kind. The tenth grade liquid is not smashed out according to our formula!"

"Ghosts, the little friend of the fox is really a ghost!"

"Even if we open up the home, after unintentionally getting out the ten-level liquid, the old men gathered together and studied for a few months. With the ready-made ten-level liquid formula as the blueprint, I want to deduct the first Two kinds of ten-level liquid formulas have never been successful, and they can only give up."

"I didn't expect Xiaoyou to succeed in three days, but afterlife is awesome, and the future is awesome..."

After confirming that Ye Xuan really made a brand new ten-level liquid formula in just three days, Tuo Xiongxiong was completely convinced by him at this time. Now his heart is very excited and forcibly suppressed. Did not keep the mood calm.

There was always a feeling of trembling in the tone, and I asked carefully: "Little friends, I don't know what to expect? First, let me know what to do to collect the 11th grade liquid."

"The genius of refining medicine like you, no, it should be a ghost... In short, how can you do things like collecting materials? You can study genetic fluids with confidence, and we will work hard outside. The lang is guaranteed to do its best."

"That, then I am going to study the eleventh grade liquid. Although you have not succeeded in the extension of the home, the research pens that have been left have a reference to me. If there is no accident, about half a month, it should be Can get the eleventh grade out."

During the speech, Ye Xuan handed a piece of paper to the past: "Hey, this is the formula of the second ten-level liquid that I have screamed in the past two days. You take it to study, and turn back to the eleventh level. All kinds of materials were sent over. In addition, the materials of the 12-stage liquid had to be collected. In the case of the 11-stage liquid sputum, the 12-stage liquid could not be stopped..."

"This kind of research has gotten a sigh of relief. Sometimes the inspiration is for a while. The young master can't stop. At most, when you have a mouth, you can swear by God. Imagine that Wangmei will waste some time!"

"No, no... I don't know what Mei, if you study so hard, you have to add it when you add it!"

Seeing that I haven’t asked for it yet, Ye Xuan has taken the initiative to give the new ten-level liquid formula to himself, and listened to the meaning of his words, and then immediately started to eleven or even twelve. Development of grade liquid.

Look at this meaning, and then the formula of the eleven-level isogenic liquid that will be smashed out will be given to himself as it is now. This kid is clearly a research madman. What people care about is the research process, not the final research result. .

The science madman is generally this kind of problem. It is no wonder that the talent of this kid's refining and refining equipment is so amazing. It was originally a scientific madman. All the thoughts have been thrown into the study, and there is no way to take care of the so-called fame and fortune.

This is a good thing for Tianda. It’s even easier to control it in the future. There is no other hobby in this kid’s eyes. It’s just a bit of a slap in the face. Although the mouth is broken, the ability to create wealth is even more horrible. It’s scary to think about a new ten-level formula.

With this metamorphosis of the enchanting, it is difficult to expand the home to think of it!

I thought about it, and even if I took the chest to the mountain, I was extremely impressed in the face. "From now on, at noon and at night, the old man will send the food to the people on time. Although I have studied it with one heart, I can't delay my diet."

"Reassure, although the blood of the blood is difficult to do, can not guarantee that there is every day, but the old man assured Xiaoyou that every meal, at least one dish is either braised or simmered with dragon liver, or it is made of the top ingredients of its grade. Little friends can only study with peace of mind."

"As for the various materials needed to study the eleventh grade liquid, I will send it to Xiaoyou later..."

After that, he and Ye Xuanhan sneaked a few words, and Tuo Xiong took a group of old people and hurried away.

After a short period of time, the various materials needed to refine the eleventh grade liquid were delivered. Since the formula has not yet been determined, the amount of various materials sent is very large and numerous, all of which are extremely rare and rare. Lian Yexuan did not have any hands. He couldn’t see the golden light in his eyes. When the family’s family was gone, Ye Xuan directly used the space box to pack 80% of the income into the immortal world. Only 20% remained outside. It will also look like it.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan grinned and said: "From now on, the loser mode is officially opened..."