Super Devouring System

Chapter 3299: All the way

"God, the magical blade of breath!"

"The starry sky is the treasure! This blood black magic blade is also a starry sky to treasure!"

"Is it his own refining? This is really against the sky. The warriors and trenches are all starry to the sky. This kind of thing has never been heard before, and only the master of the refiner has this kind of handwriting. The future of this child is limitless. Today, I have already offended him. I must leave him anyway!"

"Yes, otherwise, if you let him anger and succumb to the enemy, I will be the sinner of the Terran. Everyone will come together. For the future of the Terran, this enchanting ghost is too important. Once he is allowed to vote for the enemy, it is the disaster of the Terran..."

Seeing Ye Xuan also sacrificed the trenches and the warriors, all of them were all starry to the treasure level. These guys were shocked and once again exclaimed.

It’s just that the words are really horrible, and it’s as if they are all teachers of justice, and Ye Xuan has become a traitor who wants to renegade the human race.

"Ha ha ha..."

"I have to say that your guys have once again refreshed the awareness of the words of the young masters who have no shame on people. They say that they are useless and they have to fight and fight. Anyway, it is a group of pigs and dogs that are not as good as today. How can the young master kill a good one?"

Listening to these words, Ye Xuan was extremely angry, and the last trace of hesitation in his heart disappeared instantly. The laughter suddenly waved again: "Since today is already the case, this little master will give you a rock-shatter!"

"The three basic treasures of the strong stars, in addition to the war, the trenches, and the battleship!"

"Today, you have a bunch of shameless old men who have joined forces to attack this young master. The warriors and trenches of this young master have all appeared, and the battleships can stand by and watch?"

"Come out, cave!"

With the last scream of Ye Xuan, the hole in the immortal world was sacrificed and hung directly over the top of his head, rising rapidly and reaching a height of 10,000 meters.

"Activate the shipborne killing system immediately!"

Ye Xuan's face has long been gloomy to the extreme, sneer and devour the system to issue an attack command: "Array mode: short-range burst-style killing! Attack mode: no difference coverage in the whole area!"



As his instructions were issued, the imaginary shuttle of the 10,000-meter-high head responded for the first time. As the tremors of the tremors of the roads came out, the hull of the snails was steeply brilliance, representing gold. The numerous elements of the symbol of the five elements of the wood, fire and earth are dense and dense, and the radiant light is shining, and the lasing is radiated toward the hull at a very high speed.

In this moment, countless different colors of the fringe energy are intertwined like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, the vast void is shrouded. It seems that a light energy giant net is spread over the sky, replacing the sky, covering one side of the world. Eyes!


The roar of terror soon blasted open, and the five pillars of energy light columns with different colors were displayed around the light energy giant network, representing the power of the five elements, pouring invisible pressure, standing in the air and suppressing one side.

Since then, the vast emptiness of the 100-mile radius of the light energy giant network has been completely banned, including Ye Xuan and the many star-studded powerhouses and warships surrounding him, all of which are enveloped.

It all happened so quickly that no one could react.

By the time their exclamations sounded, the ship-borne killing system of the cave shuttle had already started, and the five energy forms could kill the pile and hang the sky, covering the void below the hundred miles.

"God, what's the situation? It's clearly a small private battleship, but this scene..."

"The starry sky is the treasure! It is the starry sky to the treasure. This kid is crazy. The three basic treasures of the starry sky are all refining to the level of the starry sky to the treasure. What a horrible refining talent? what?"

"Yes, this kind of thing is that the refining masters of the comprehension camp can't do it. The warriors and the trenches are still good. If they are allowed to refine a small private warship into a starry sky, they must The top battleship builders in the tech camp will join hands!"

"These are not the key. I just want to know what the emptiness of the surrounding air is going on. Isn't this a small private warship? How can there be a void? The emptiness of the hundred miles is all banned. We flee. Can't escape, what are the five energy giants above? Look at the breath is terrible..."

"Yes, my whole person is not good, there is a feeling of heartbreaking!"




As the guys who were killed in the squabble screamed and shrouded the entire edge of the murderous squad, the five ray of light, like the pillars of the heavens, stood in the sky. Masterpieces, the different colors of different powers of killing energy, like a hang of the big river venting, continue to surge, with the overwhelming temperament wrapped in a terrible atmosphere, banging down!

In the blink of an eye, you will kill the vast void of a hundred miles inside, and completely cover it!

Still the same as last time, these killing energy not only have different powers, but even the manifestations are changing. There are round and small thunderballs, big and small, with lightning and lightning, and even magic weapons. , flying swords and other killing soldiers, as well as a variety of beasts of horrible demeanor, fierce flames!

The form of the killing energy is different, and the way of attack is naturally different. At this moment, the bones and brains are rushing away at the same time, making people instantly stunned, and completely do not know how to deal with it.

In the face of all this, looking up from the bottom, the mouth is still exclaiming the constant crowds of the offensive strong collective dumbfounded, one by one completely lap!

This type of attack has never been seen before. It is so complicated and horrible. The number is terrifying and desperate. All the slain strongmen are now dull, even if they see it with their own eyes. They still can't believe it.




Without waiting for them to react, the hodgepodge that had been overwhelmingly rushed down, the sound of the explosion was ringing, and the whole siege army was in full chaos.

The tragic and raging, roaring voices are intertwined, instantly rendering a scene of tragic to extreme...

This is still the result of Ye Xuan’s failure to fully open the killing power of the big five-line extinction system. Compared to the last time the bombing of the cosmic zombie army, the current killing system of the virtual shuttle only opened. Half of the killings, and the unfolding full coverage attack mode.

Otherwise the image will be even more fierce!

Of course, although Ye Xuan is also in the area covered by the main killings at this moment, all the energy attacks that fall in the sky will not pose any threat to him, even if Ye Xuan actively meets an energy. Attacking away, the latter will also quickly change the bombardment route and avoid Ye Xuan under the control of the five arrays that can be killed.

All of this is the manipulation of the phagocytic system in Ye Xuan. In this environment, Ye Xuan is simply invincible. He is wearing a battle armor and holding a warrior. He is almost all the way, and he is invincible...