Super Devouring System

Chapter 3472: Like God

The monks in the starry environment, no matter which ethnic group, which kind of life species, the body and body have long been a form of appearance, even a crystal life, can change the shape, possess human flesh and blood, and Similar to the second universe of the various ethnic groups, although they are not human, but the daily routine is basically human form.

After all, human beings are long-lasting, and the human race has a lot of influence in all major cosmic planes. This ethnic group has a strong ability to multiply, and it has higher wisdom and more amazing creativity. It has been recognized.

Even the Tianji family, although they are not flesh and blood, can gradually transform their own evolutionary path, and in the body, it is also developing towards the human race.

But this is only the appearance, the essence of the inner, each life species and ethnic group, in fact, is completely different, this is fundamental, once changed, it is no longer the original life species.

For example, the devil, although the appearance is the same as human beings, but its essence and root is the spiritual source of the brain, which is the ethnic characteristics of the devil.

Although Ye Xuan is a human being, he has mastered the ethnic characteristics of the devil before, and after condensing a magic nucleus in his brain, he can walk in the world of the devil with ease and no fear at all.

In the same way, if any of the devil's powerful coincidence possesses the power of the human god, then he can mix into the human race, even if some people doubt the identity, there is no fear, and the power of the gods can be extended. Let the other person shut up.

Because it is well known that the devil has no soul, or a god, naturally does not have the power of God.

The racial characteristics of the Tianji people are their electronic consciousness, which is similar to the spiritual power of the devil and the consciousness of the human race.

And this kind of electronic consciousness, only the electronic intelligent machine will emerge after the birth of self-awareness and evolution into a mechanical life body. Every electronic stream of consciousness is different, just like the source code of every intelligent computer. The only one is the same.

No human or demonic person can have electronic consciousness. Therefore, the base camp of the Tianji nationality has never been mixed with the extra-strong people. Compared with all other cosmic races such as the Terran and the Devils, the Celestial A mechanical life, they have become the most united race, and this is inseparable.

But now this recognized fact will be broken.

Because of this mechanical core, and after complete refining, the phagocytic system can pass it, so that Ye Xuan possesses the unique electronic consciousness of the mechanical family. He will be able to smoothly merge into the base camp of the Tianzu nationality, and he will be the patriarch of the patriarch. Sha Baofeng's identity.

As long as his body is not cut open and examined, it will never be exposed, but who will do it? Electronic awareness is already the best security code, far more reliable than anatomy to check the body!

More importantly, the mechanical core crystal obtained by the phagocytic system, in addition to Sha Baofeng's unique electronic consciousness brand, even has his memory, all of which is turned into data and stored in the system. In the database, Ye Xuan can view it at any time.

That is to say, as long as he gives instructions to the system and uses this mechanical wisdom core to give him the electronic consciousness of the Tianzu people, then Ye Xuan can be transformed into an instant and become a living and detached Sha Baofeng.

As for the form and appearance, this is too simple, and it will be changed directly to Sha Baofeng.

After figuring out all this, Ye Xuan was even excited. I didn’t expect this time to encounter Sha Baofeng in this magical star field. It was unintentional, and he was planning to sneak into the base camp of the Tianji nationality. However, if you don’t think that you haven’t left yet, you will get such a great convenience, just like God!

When Ye Xuan even checked the memory data of Sha Baofeng, he quickly learned some things.

It turned out that this guy was actually directed at the younger fox, and it seems that he was killed.

In addition, as the core of the Tianzu nationality, Shabaofeng naturally has its own battleship, which is also a 100,000-meter-diameter starry fortress named Baofeng, but this time Shabaofeng did not bring it. Come, but stay in the base camp of the Tianji people.

It is said that the warship construction technology of the Tianzu nationality has a new breakthrough in research and development. Therefore, as the patriarch of the patriarch, the top cadres of Shabaofeng and other high-level people have the first opportunity to enjoy. The reason why Baofeng was left in the base camp of the Tianji nationality was to accept the transformation of the new technology of this warship.

In addition, similar to the magic weapon of other ethnic groups, although some exist in the Celestial family, Sha Baofeng is not keen on this, as for some rare minerals and rare materials used to perfect the meat shell. And energy crystals and other resources, all of them were placed in the Baofeng.

Before this guy was completely stunned from the base camp of the Tianji people to the devil's group, and then with the devil's uncle Mo Qigong, driving the magic warfare into the third universe of the Terran.

That is to say, the current return to the celestial family, if there is no accident, he also has to be alone on the road.

But before that, the devil's uncle Mo Qigong and others must settle down first.

There are more than 2,000 demons in the War of the War. All of them are crowded in the narrow space of the center of the solid alloy ball, which is only about 500 meters in diameter. Although Shabaofeng has fallen, they have solid alloy balls. The protection is completely innocent.

Ye Xuan Dang, even if he urging the Hoshino, will soon spit out the solid alloy ball that has been broken down and melted, and then the shape changes. As the mechanical friction of the card is heard, the huge alloy skull has finally recovered. The original appearance of the Hoshino Life Fortress was earned by Ye Xuan’s wave of immortality.

Just waiting for him to turn away, the front of the virtual sky has just been spit out of the alloy ball, a figure suddenly burst out, it is the devil of the uncle Mo Qigong.

Although the Devil Warfare decomposition process disappeared shortly after the start, it lost almost all of its performance, even the everything outside the ship, the inside of the devil strong can not see through the holographic stereo screen, but the uncle Mo Qigong is The twelfth imaginary demon of the devil is powerful, with a high density of alloy balls, and his spiritual strength can be extended to explore everything outside.

Therefore, he knew about what happened outside. At this moment, seeing Ye Xuan want to go, he walked out of the ship in the first time and yelled at him: "Bad boy, know that the old man is here, you are Turning around and leaving, are you really so ruthless? When you were in the Magic Emperor, did the old man forget all about you?"

Ye Xuan’s foot was stagnation, his figure stopped, and then he shook his head and smiled. He turned and sighed: “Some words are known to everyone, and they are open, but are they not?”