Super Devouring System

Chapter 3516: Seated fleet



A unicorn roar and a magic crocodile screamed through the sky, shaking the wider void of the source of evil and all the shaking.

A **** unicorn, a nine-nine crocodile, is the body of the eternal, although it is an energy consciousness, but the power is incomparably powerful, while the emptiness of the emptiness, the numerous black beetles in the buffer zone of the central domain are all shivering.

The same one changed by Ye Xuan, nestled on the edge of a group of black beetles, and the surface did not look strange, but he was twitching at the moment.

He really did not expect that there were two supreme strong people who came here this time. Although it was only their consciousness that came to this source of evil, it was clearly two ancient supreme.

Ye Xuan vaguely remembers that in the picture of the **** magical powers such as Qiu Tiangong, he saw this **** unicorn in the enemy camp in the picture of the ancient world, when it was fighting the golden dragon. As for the nine-nine crocodile, it was not noticed.

Judging from the momentum of the two ancient energy-conscious bodies at the same time, the nine-spotted crocodile is clearly not weaker than the existence of the **** unicorn.

That is to say, this is the horror of the two heads that can be evenly matched with the Golden Dragon. Even if only a consciousness of a seriously injured body comes, it is scary enough.

The rhythm that can completely make this whole star field collapse!

Just as Ye Xuan trembled, a terrible sensation swept the body with a powerful consciousness that almost collapsed his mind. Fortunately, at this moment, the corpse light tattoo on his chest was slightly hot, so this consciousness has nothing to see. And, it was swept away.

At this time, Ye Xuan realized his innocence.

If there is no headless baby body to look after, he will cover him at a crucial moment, just now, he was afraid that he had already been thrown out.

The so-called fine mystery is perfect shock, perhaps in the future, when Ye Xuan is strong, there will be stronger power, but with his current cultivation, he wants to deceive a sense of ancient and supreme, it is a joke.



Just as Ye Xuan’s heart secretly revived, the roar of the **** unicorn and the nine sacred crocodile resurgence.

They only searched in the core hinterland of the evil source, and they left the Hongdao Ding, but did not expect to have any gains in this central area buffer zone.

Is it really far from the black hand behind the hateful? How can speed be so fast?

With unwillingness, the **** unicorn and the nine sacred crocodile, after the roar, their energy consciousness went straight away, and instantly crossed the void of millions of miles, from the buffer zone of the central domain, to the outer source of evil. The area, launched the same search.

This central area is temporarily safe, but Ye Xuan did not dare to move, like other countless black beetles, still shaking.

The corpse lamp tattoo that he had just slightly scalded on his left chest had already recovered from normality while he was swept away.

Obviously, unless the consciousness once again swept Ye Xuan's body, it would not be shot.

That is to say, Ye Xuan's mysterious technique is perfectly shocked. Although it is impossible to escape the close-up exploration of the consciousness of the ancient and the supreme, it is still possible to cover up the past with such a large environment.

This made him feel confident that he just collapsed, slightly better!



Although the outer area of ​​the source of evil is more extensive, the consciousness of facing two ancient and supreme powers came in person, but in fact, after a sweep of the sweep, it was thoroughly explored.

There is no doubt that there is still no discovery.

As a result, the peripheral area also quickly spread the sound of roaring and screaming of the **** unicorn and the nine crocodile crocodile. This time, it was even more thundering, and its voice has been transmitted to the buffer zone of the central domain. Ye Xuan from these two angers In the roaring, I felt the meaning of a strong runaway.

This made him more worried.

The two guys did not hesitate to pay for it, and they came to the buffer zone of the central domain from the core hinterland of the evil source, and finally searched for a wider peripheral area.

This shows how strong their anger is.

But the end result is nothing.

Undoubtedly, in this case, these two ancient and supreme energy consciousness must be vented to be willing to be willing to stop.

However, even if they stop, they must return along the same path. As a result, countless black beetles in the buffer zone of the central area have to suffer!

There is nothing in the peripheral area, only the endless void cracks.

When the two guys turned around and returned to the Hongding Giant Ding, the first thing they encountered was the countless black beetles in the buffer zone of the central area. In the face of this weak existence, for them, it’s not even an ant. Just slamming, you have to be the rhythm of total destruction!

At that time, the black beetle that changed by Ye Xuan alone resisted and stood alone in the void. It was clearly the bright light in the night, and it was difficult to avoid it!

Realizing this, Ye Xuan was dumbfounded and worried, but did not dare to move. That would be tantamount to death. Before the two guys vented, they had to be exposed.

Just at this time, in the outer area of ​​the evil source outside, two identical roars and roaring sounds came, but they were distinct but far away. It seemed to be rushing toward the vast first universe void outside the star of the evil.

Ye Xuan stunned, his face suddenly became strange.

These two guys are obviously not reconciled. After searching through the entire source of the evil and the evil stars, they have also chased out the star field. They think of the wider first universe space outside to see it, perhaps fleeing. The behind-the-scenes black hand is not known in the nearby star field.

One thought of this, Ye Xuan suddenly secretly prayed in his heart, this time, he hopes that outside the source of the evil, there is a huge fleet of heavenly people passing by.

If this is the case, the two guys will have no clue when they look at the first universe in the void. When the last hope is shattered, the heart will be angry and mad, and they must vent their anger on the spot and directly destroy the fleet.

As a result, when they returned, they quickly eliminated the chance of the black beetle, which is not as good as the ants in the buffer zone. Basically, it would not exist, at least half of it!

Of course, this kind of thing is generally not possible. How can it be so clever? Want a fleet, come one at once?

In fact, the things in the world are so coincidental, perhaps they are destined in the dark.

Just as the two consciousnesses of the Scarlet Kirin and the Nine Secluded Crocodile rushed out of the starry field of the evil, in the distant void, a huge fleet of Celestials really came.

This fleet, with hundreds of large and small fortresses and large and small fortresses, is not too big, but now they are destined to lay their guns...