Super Devouring System

Chapter 3583: Eight-level source core

The problem that Mo Qigong said to solve is actually the refining of the Void War La!

The storage magic weapon that can accommodate such a 300,000-meter-diameter behemoth, or the space box, is not without it, but it is rare, and there is no such thing as the devil's royal family.

The creation of War La has not taken into account the speed of starship. After all, it is not necessary at all. It was originally an unconventional killer like a fixed star fortress. It can be in the air at the speed of a common 10,000-meter castle. Sailing is quite good.

From the Devil's Star Field to the Tianji City, the star is far away, naturally it is impossible to directly drive the war, so when you arrive at the Tianji City, it is estimated that the plane-level star wars here are over.

In the hands of Ye Xuan, there is a magic weapon that can hold the Void War, such as Shennong Ding, etc., all have storage functions, but the key can not be exposed, so the only way is refining.

As long as the strength is sufficient, any warships or fortresses and fortresses can be refining the income of the body. Ye Xuan has already won the thirteenth big world, and the strength is obviously enough.

This war la has been revilized by the Emperor Mo, and now he has handed it over. Mo Wentian has erased the spiritual brand left in the core of the war. In theory, Ye Xuan can refine it at any time. It is a spiritual imprint, or a mark of the gods of the human race, and then takes it away.

However, after all, the war La has been transformed. Only the magical power of the devil can be driven. Now, it is more inclined to the unique biological frequency of the soldiers, whether it can be refining, or whether refining is quick and convenient. Seven public hearts are really not at the end, so there will be this one, specifically reminded Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan soon saw the Void War, and his appearance did not change at all. According to Mo Qigong, the so-called change was only the core drive in the core honeycomb node on the inner circle of the ninth floor. The installation has undergone major changes. In addition, new materials have been added to the special pipes that connect the honeycomb nodes, making them more conducive to the rapid transmission and increase of the biological frequency of the squad.

To say this, not only Ye Xuan, but even Mo Qigong and several other high-ranking democrats are eager to try and look at the reconstructed Void War, which is motivated by tens of millions of Void soldiers. Underneath, what kind of power can be made.

Unfortunately, this is just to think about it, the power is too horrible, can not easily try, and then, the matter must be kept secret, then it can not be a big fan.

However, Mo Qigong took the chest to ensure that as long as the soldiers are no problem, this Void War will definitely activate the use. He is responsible for the problem!

Originally, because after the transformation, the void warfare has been more suitable for the bio-wave frequency of the terracotta group, so if it is refining, Ye Xuan’s brain will know the hollow medulla in the sea. s Choice.

Unfortunately, this marrow crystal has always been stinky, never been a bird Ye Xuan, this time Ye Xuan tried to communicate with it, the result is the same, stone sinking, no response.

Since it is impossible to refine and refine the mysterious power of the emptiness of the medullary crystal, Ye Xuan can only choose to use the spiritual power of the demon to unfold. His power of ignorance is due to the stagnation of the sham, and now It is not as powerful as the spiritual power, it is not the best choice!

Ye Xuan urged the brain to know the spiritual source core suspended in the sea, and injected the seven-level spiritual power into the pivotal device of the core hive node of the virtual war. When the refining and refining was about to start, the mind suddenly unexpectedly sounded the familiar system prompt. sound.

"Hey, congratulations to the host, I found that I can draw spiritual strength! Is it immediately levied?"

Ok? What is the situation?

Ye Xuan immediately stunned, the magical power of the devil is quite special, in general, they can only rely on their own enchantment of the star crystal or more chanting the energy inside the crystal, and slowly grow up.

Even if Ye Xuan has a phagocytic system like a cheat, the way to gain spiritual strength through direct capture is just two more than the average demonic.

First, the spiritual source of the brain in the brain of the devil!

Secondly, it is the energy form of the living body!

For this reason, it is so unexpected that Ye Xuan will encounter such an opportunity to gain the spirit of white spirit.

Soon he figured out the situation.

The spiritual power referred to by the original system is the spiritual power of the devil in the whole transmission channel of nearly a thousand star nests and the special transmission pipeline connecting these nodes.

After all, these pipes are used to transmit spiritual strength. Before its first activation, there were a total of tens of millions of demons who gathered in the battle, and a star. The devil is a kinetic energy center.

Although most of the spiritual power has been blasted out in the horrible spiritual roar, there will still be some persistence in the pipeline.

Even if the spiritual strength retained in every inch of the transmission pipeline is weak and almost negligible, but the gathering is full, the whole battle is a huge monster with a diameter of 300,000 meters, and the spiritual strength remaining in all the pipelines is brought together. It is definitely a horrible amount.

Of course, in addition to the phagocytic system, these spiritual forces that remain in the war-and-sale transmission pipeline are not available to anyone else, and they will not be able to fight its ideas. It is not worthwhile.

But Ye Xuan did not have this problem, he immediately moved.

After figuring out all this, Ye Xuan even made a positive reply to the body's phagocytic system, and ordered the levy immediately. As for the refining of the emptiness of the war, he was not in a hurry.

Maybe after this confiscation, it will directly lead to the re-transformation of the spiritual source nucleus in the brain, and it is not known to evolve into an eight-level source nucleus.

Really want to refine and refine such a huge thing, the efficiency of the eight-level spiritual power is obviously far beyond the seven-level spiritual strength, and it is not wrong to cut the firewood!

Soon, a spiritual force like a trickle of blood poured into the mind of Ye Xuan's brain, and was directly confiscated by the spiritual source of the sea.

As time goes by, this trickle has not only existed, but also the amount is getting bigger and bigger. At the end of the day, the spiritual power that rushes into the sea of ​​Ye Xuan’s brain every minute is almost like a big river. .

This kind of feeling is very wonderful. Although it is not as soft as the spirit of drinking tea, but it is not the kind of rudeness of the devil's brain, but the two are both The process of collecting and collecting is still quite smooth and stable.

After more than ten minutes, this steady stream of spiritual power has finally disappeared. The spiritual power left in the war transmission pipeline has been completely taken away.

Ye Xuan can be said to be a big bargain, because at this moment, in his mind, it really sounded a familiar system sound again...