Super Devouring System

Chapter 3817: Years of tides

The first wave of fireworks blooms is only less than ten minutes. In the distance, the top leaders of the first cosmic servants of the various scouts have not yet recovered. The same sound of the explosion is soon within the ratish market. ... sounded.



The 100,000 warships of the second echelon also exploded at the same time without any suspense, turning into gorgeous fireworks, blooming in the interior of the rat market!

However, the location of the second echelon of 100,000 warships is not the same as the first echelon nearly ten minutes ago.

It has advanced several million kilometers forward.

The power of the first echelon of 100,000 warships blew out all the traps in a large area, and a large number of rat holes collapsed. Although it was only a small area, it cleared a fairly avenue, directly Let the follow-up fleet drive in.

The power that can be produced by the full-scale self-destruction of warships is obviously different from the power of the warships being bombarded. It is almost one day!

Otherwise it is impossible to have this effect!

At this time, with the 100,000 warships of the second echelon turned into a awning smashed and horrible starry fireworks, the follow-up eight echelons are also rapidly moving forward.

Undoubtedly, a few minutes later, the 100,000 warships of the third echelon will also explode in the void of the ratish market in front of millions of miles away!

At this moment, the commanders of the first cosmic slaves who have returned from the stagnation of the sorcerer’s squad are once again exclaimed...

"God, is the devil crazy?"

"It’s too cruel, actually let all the warships blew open the way. This is really not a general defeat..."

"What is this? Didn't you find it? The millions of warships that rushed into the Stars of the Rats Market were all the wars that the Devils collected from the Rats in the mountains one day ago. This is really a dog, it is estimated. The high-level people of the Space Rats have even a heart that vomits blood, and their own battleships are used by the enemy to blew themselves in their ancestral land, and they are raging!"

"These are not the key. The key is... If the devil does this, isn't he afraid of causing a large area of ​​the void to collapse? The mouse market is more like a place where the void is covered in a mouse hole. This piece of void is like a worm. Can you withstand such a toss?"

"How about the collapse of a large area of ​​the void? It is better to stop outside the star field of the rat, and return without it? The devil is too embarrassed to surrender the space rat, and simply destroy their ancestral emptiness, means Really poisonous!"

"I can't afford it, I really can't afford it..."



Just as the sound of exclamation sounded like this, the third wave of earth-shattering sounds had been heard again in the star market, this time, blasting in the void, turning into a hundred thousand warships of brilliant fireworks. Before the explosion, the position moved forward millions of kilometers, and it was already close to the edge of the central zone of the rat market.

According to this process, ten waves of self-destructing warships, each wave is moving forward millions of miles, and will eventually reach tens of millions of kilometers in the star market of the rat, not from the ancestral star of the space mouse. Far.

However, all this is not what Ye Xuan really wants!

With a huge fleet of ten steps, he began to blew himself up. His ultimate goal is not just domineering. It is only one aspect.

The other purpose is to shock the space rat and the numerous rat and beast in the myriad of rat holes.

Ye Xuan did not know, and could not be sure that such a large-scale and continuous horrific self-destruction would really make a large-scale void collapse in the front of the ratish market, but whether it is, for him, the result is it's the same.

It’s true that the collapse of the void is really good. Anyway, if you can’t get in, you will force the space mouse to come out.

If there is no large-scale collapse of the void, it doesn't matter. Such a strong explosion is enough to shake the space rat and the more powerful swords and beasts from the rat hole in the void. Out!

that's the truth!

If the previous two waves blew themselves, the mice that were hidden in the numerous rat holes could still hold their teeth, then, with the third wave of self-explosion now, the explosion centered around the million miles. In a densely packed mouse hole, space rat and more rat and beasts finally fell.

One by one, all of them were shocked, and they turned to stunned. They looked extremely embarrassed, and they fell down like dumplings...

The scope is not large, but it is clearly spreading out continuously, because the shock wave of the self-explosive Yuwei is also radiating outward!

In the process, the following seven echelons continued to move forward, and they rushed forward with horsepower. After a few minutes, millions of miles of void space were thrown behind them.

At this time, the fourth wave of violent self-explosion broke out.

This time, due to the third wave of self-explosion, there have been a large number of space rats and rats and beasts have been shaken and fell out of the hidden rat hole, so with the fourth wave of self-destructive power Spread out, a lot of mice are also bad, and the flesh is blurred.

A little closer to the near, it will become a **** fog, and the gods will disappear!

However, all this did not stop the follow-up of the six self-destructive warship echelons, and the 600,000 warships were divided into six batches, maintaining a certain distance from each other, speeding up the limit, and rushing toward it.

Soon, the fifth wave and the sixth wave of suicide-style self-destruction will appear one after another, and the imaginary air once again blew up a large expanse of splendid fireworks. More space, the mouse strong and the rat, turned from one to the other. The mouse hole fell out and was torn into pieces by the shock wave of the explosion.

At this time, the suicide fleet of the ten echelons rushed into the star market, and it took less than half an hour. However, looking at it, the vast void of more than two thousand miles in front of it has been turned into a smooth road.

In addition to the fact that some of the smaller void cracks have been blown out, more in the void is the wreckage of the large number of space-raising rats and the rodents.

In less than half an hour, the Space Rats lost at least tens of millions of strong people and a large number of rat beasts.

Although the ability of these mice to reproduce is so bad, the damage of such a person is nothing at all. The key point is that the enemies from the invasion are not damaged. At this time, the fireworks are watching outside the star market.

Even the so-called fireworks that caused huge losses to the space rat family were provided to the enemy by themselves...

This is simply wrong and unbearable.

Finally, when the eighth wave of self-explosion violently unfolded, the bonfire of the hood of the emptiness of the sky, and the scenes of the mouse and the beasts blasting the remnant with the numerous spaces, the rat at the end of sight In the depths of the market, a fierce whistling sound is also amazed...

It was also at this time that Ye Xuan, who had been following the top ten self-destructing echelons, waved his golden years to fight!

The tides of the years are about to reappear!