Super Devouring System

Chapter 384: wrong person!

"Hey, the host has broken through the power of fifty-two dragons!"

After swallowing up all the things inside, Ye Xuan’s strength has once again increased.

Although there is no colorful fruit that can directly break through the power of the sixty dragons, Ye Xuan’s harvest is also very good.

You know, when he came, there were less than thirty dragons.

Now, things are finally over.

Ye Xuan looked around and he quickly left, but he did not leave the third floor, but ran around in the poisonous fog.

In this fog, there is still a windy wind.


At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that something was wrong. He looked down and found that the vines under his feet also began to wither.


He hurriedly shouted Megatron.


The whole piece of vines turned into a fly ash and collapsed. Fortunately, Ye Xuan reacted quickly and sat down on the back of Megatron.

"It turns out that these poisonous mists are emitted by the pile of poisonous Tiandi Dibao below."

Ye Xuan drove quickly in Megatron.

Below, there are countless human sensational bones and smoldering bodies, and there are many scorpions and poisonous grasses.

Ye Xuan jumped from the back of Megatron. He had not dared to accept these poisonous grasses. Now he is not afraid of the blood of the sacred tree of life.

At the moment, he is beginning to quickly collect Tiandi Dibao and Qiankun Ring. As for those who are still alive, he just saw one kill!

The fog has not yet come down, taking advantage of this opportunity, he has visited the entire third floor.

At the same time, he also discovered the bones of three alliances, of which naturally it includes Xie Jia.

"It’s a pity that a beautiful woman is so fragrant and ruined."

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly.

After sweeping the third layer, he went back to the second floor. There were many poisonous grasses on the second floor. He wandered again and went back to the first floor.

The first layer of Tiandi Dibao was almost swept away. After all, many people flinched in front of the second layer of poisonous mist and then returned to the land.

When Ye Xuan swallowed all these things, he broke through the power of the fifty-five dragons!

The four forces in this area, the strongest is the fifty-four dragons, and he is already over.

"It seems that this place can no longer be treated, and it is necessary to go to a more prosperous place!"

Ye Xuan thought so in the heart.

Now he also understands the geographical structure of this **** rock continent. He is now called the Luosha domain, which is within the jurisdiction of the War King Hall, and the Luosha domain is divided into countless collars.

The collar he is in now is very small, even the lower level is not considered. After all, the low-level collar has a master of temperament.

However, when he returned to land, he discovered that there were other people here.

However, he felt that something was wrong because he saw several people who were questioning others.

"It's out, someone is out!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Everyone turned their heads and found Ye Xuan, a strange white man wearing a mask.

"Master, it is him!"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted at him.


An old man turned to look at Ye Xuan with amazement. "Is it you, killing me?"

"You are a child?"

Ye Xuan turned his head in a strange way. When he thought about whether the other person had mistaken the wrong person, the young man who pointed at him continued and said: "Master, he set a trap, killed the younger brother, and snatched the original belonging. Our treasure tree heritage!"

Now, Ye Xuan can be sure that the other party is the wrong person.

Because he still wears a mask.

And the mysterious man is also wearing a mask, dressed in white, and his height is similar to him.

"It’s a big courage to confuse things. I’m going to kill me. I want to leave you and let you experience the taste of a thousand knives!” The old man screamed, striding toward Ye Xuan. .

Sixty five dragons!

This old man turned out to be the master of the sixty-five dragons!

Ye Xuan’s eyes are about to come out. Obviously, this old man is definitely a local, but from other territories.

At this point, he also wanted to understand, the mysterious man must have killed the people, took away the inheritance of Baoshuzong, and then accidentally heard about this, so he rushed over.

What's more, he was mistaken for him as the dead mysterious person.

Although Ye Xuan would like to explain it, the old man is extremely fast, and he does not give him a chance to open his mouth. In the blink of an eye, he is looted in front of him.

This old man has the power of sixty-five dragons, the same as the two shades of the king, but the strength of the old man is absolutely above the gale.

The old man’s understatement is a huge force. If this fist falls on Ye Xuan’s head, Ye Xuan’s head can be opened instantly.

However, Ye Xuan will not let him be so arrogant.

"eight wild swords, solution!"

In a crisp sound, the Eight-Dangered Sword broke into a slashed blade and struck from Ye Xiang in eight directions.

At the same time, Ye Xuan also directly used the Tian Zhan body method to escape this punch.


The fists of the wind whizzed past, the old man was slightly surprised.

"Hey, have you swallowed up the colorful fruits? The fifty-five dragons in the district, the old man is still not in the eyes!"

The old man’s body trembled, and a thick and powerful sigh of vibration shook the eight-handed blade.

However, the eight wild winds killing is only a heavy attack by Ye Xuan.

At this time, Ye Xuan has taken out a piece of the next product, a breath of death, spread on it.

Ye Xuan squats at a very fast speed, just like the Mount Tai, and instantly gives the old man a sense of oppression.


The old man once again felt incredible. A warrior with the power of fifty-five dragons was able to practice a sword to such a state, which is extremely rare.

However, he is not vegetarian.


The old man took out a long sword and blocked the shackle. He immediately used Ye Zhen’s long sword to shake it off and counterattacked back. His attack was not weaker than Ye Xuan.

"10% heat?"

Ye Xuan reacted in an instant, but I did not expect to see a master who trained Wu Xue to the top ten.

However, he is not afraid.

"eight wild swords, gather!"

He reorganized the Eight Wraith swords, and the opponent's attacking martial arts and body martial arts were equal to him. Therefore, if you want to win, you must use the Eight Wraith Sword.

Eight wild swords, strong when strong, Ye Xuan holding it in the hands, the strength of the infuriating is no weaker than the old.

Moreover, he can also use the old man to improve the proficiency of Huang Quan's sword.

"Well? This kid is a little bit tolerant." The old man frowned, but his eyes flashed a murder.

His three apprentices are behind him, and the realm of his sixty-five dragons can't help Ye Xuan, the fifty-five dragon's kid, really shameful, so he no longer thinks about falling under Ye Xuan, but attacking with all his strength. , kill Ye Xuan.

However, after he had played more than a dozen rounds with Ye Xuan, he discovered that he couldn’t help Ye Xuan.

Moreover, his mind also floated a trace of unpredictable foreboding.

“Hey, the proficiency of Huang Quan’s swordsmanship has improved, and it’s currently 60%.”