Super Devouring System

Chapter 3854: Please Xiaoyou’s shot


The loud noise came again, and the ancient cave that was already empty was finally swallowed up by the rolling flames. The caves collapsed, and the thunder of the sounds blew up, awakening the powerful people outside the canyon.

Then there was a large burst of exclamations and a chilling sound that rang through the entrance to the canyon.

A short ten-year interest rate, an immortal level of **** ant family blood ancestors, was almost burned by the flames, although eventually smashed an old life, but was seriously injured, the small half of the body is gone, need to sink Sleeping longer years can only be born in a state of prosperity.

For the **** ants, this is definitely a major loss, but it is still within acceptable limits.

At least, this immortal blood ancestor has never fallen.

The original pale skin of the ant nine meditation seems to have eased a little. If this is the case, one of the immortal blood ancestors of the succulent family is degraded. In his own heart, he is afraid that it is not good.

However, after this battle, the Hell ants of the canyons outside the canyon have once again had a clearer understanding of the horrible power of this rolling flame.

Even the immortal blood ancestors couldn't help, and a hard black ant armor was instantly eclipsed and saw the flesh and blood inside, and finally it was forced to reluctantly lick the half body... Then, With them, how can they face it?

Even the impulsive ants who had almost rushed into the canyon before the impulsive rushed to the gorge, I didn’t dare to move forward any more, and my heart recalled the impulsiveness of the right person, but it was a cold back, and I was afraid.

At that time, if it was rushed to the past, if these black flames were stained with a canopy, they would have to be wiped out on the spot.

After all, it is a smoldering flame from the remains of a ancestor. This ancestor is a generation of **** ancestors of the ancient dynasty. The black flame in the body is not really a flame, but the difference is true. Very weak, power is too horrible!


The wind helps the fire, and it starts to roar!

In the blink of an eye, the Dongfu, which belongs to this immortal blood ancestor, collapsed completely, and both inside and outside were filled with smoldering flames, completely submerged by the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, the black flames that swelled out from the holy hole in the back section of the left side of the wall, the momentum has already risen to an alarming extent. The hole in the cave is invisible and drowned. In the flames.

The flame that rushed out of the hole has spread to the surrounding area, which is three kilometers.

The ancient cave that collapsed, only two thousand meters away from the cave entrance of the holy cave, so the dazzling time, this hole is no longer visible, swallowed by the flames.

Seeing its spread, the power of the flames is not only continuing to climb, but the speed seems to be increasing. According to this situation, the more the fire will spread, the more the entire canyon will be turned into A black sea of ​​fire.

Even if it is across the right side of the wall, it is no longer safe.

If it really develops to that extent, the holy hole in the back of the right side of the wall will also be affected. At that time, the flames in the two holy caves will all burst out, and the entire vast canyon will be completely destroyed.

With the annihilation together, there is the family of the Hell ants... and the hope of the future of the group!

Perhaps it will take some time for the flames to evolve to that extent, but if it is now in the early stages of the fire, there is nothing to be done. Once the fire has completely spread, what else can be done?

What's more, even in front of us, there is a new crisis that is about to come.

From the bottom to the top of the left side of the wall, about four kilometers from the bottom of the wall, from the bottom up, a row of three ancient caves, these three caves are still sleeping, are also the immortal blood of the **** ants Old ancestors.

At the moment, the rolling flames that have spread from the holy caves are only about a kilometer away from the three ancient caves.

Judging from the current spread of the fire, it is feared that it will be a short half-tea, and these three ancient caves will be completely shrouded.

This time, it is never as lucky as it was last time.

Even among the three immortal ancestors who are sleeping in peace, only one is degraded. For the **** ants, it is also a huge blow that is absolutely difficult to bear!

"It is not a way to go on like this. The rear section on the left side of the wall is more than forty years old. It is all the middle and high-level ancestors of the elites above the main level. If it continues to let the flames spread This time, the loss of my **** ant is too big, too heavy..."

The horror is still undecided, the lord of the **** ant family, the old ant, the **** face once again sinking, the mouth muttered to himself, and the eyebrows were confined to the sinking: "No, you must think of a way, at least to control the flames." Continue to spread and spread, and then try to push the flames back to the left holy hole."

It is true that this flame will be forced back to the left holy cave. Otherwise, a drop of the liquid in this holy cave will be completely watered. The entire hole has been shrouded in flames, completely inaccessible, how to collect the meditation. liquid?

It’s just that it’s all simple, but it’s not that easy.

At the same time, the lord of the old murderer whispered to himself, while the ants of the Hell ants and the chief ants of the chief family, the ants and the ants, looked at each other and tried to solve the problem. Sighing...

"The power of the flames is too horrible. Even the ant's ant's ants can't hold back. They are instantly eclipsed. According to this power, at least the defense magic weapon of the ancients to the treasure level can be entered."

"And it can't be the average of the ancient treasures, I am afraid to reach the level of the ancient heavyweights, such as the furnace or ... ah? Right, the fox does not have a Shennong Ding?"

"Yes, this matter can be ordered by the younger fox, at least one can try, if it is really impossible, there is no way, the number of robberies!"


With the sound of these arguments ringing, Ye Xuan’s heart was shocked and he almost didn’t smile. He still wondered how to open his mouth for a while, so that he would not be suspicious.

I didn't expect that he hadn't thought about how to open it at this moment. People suddenly found the door and it was perfect.

"Ling Hu Xiaoyou, this matter is related to the family of my **** ants, it is really a small matter, but also ask Xiaoyou to take a shot!"

Just as his heart was stunned, the **** ants of the Hell ants, who were reminded by the voices of these arguments, had their eyes stunned and turned to Zhang Xuan.

There is even a bit of pleading in the tone: "Little friends, you and me are now allies. Although this flame is really powerful, I am waiting for everyone, but only a small friend holds one heavy hand. The level of the wild is treasure!"

"And this old man is not reluctant, Xiaoyou can go ahead and see if Juding can hold the power of this flame. If it doesn't work, even if this flame is slightly damaging to the giant trip, the old man will never Let the little friends get involved..."

After that, the ant blood smashed the fist to Ye Xuan, and he looked solemn and sad...