Super Devouring System

Chapter 3875: hunting

In addition to the void crack in the empty giant tortoise, there are other space cracks in this ancient mysterious void, one after another, dense and dense.

In almost every crack, there are one or two pictures of the ancient creatures.

The breath of these figures is different, or it is the sacredness of the ancients, or the power of the ancients, but also the existence of the ancient powers.

Even their state of existence is different, and some have strong qi and blood. Obviously, after a long period of stagnation and dormancy, the injuries left in the battle of the ancient world have now recovered. Most of the time, the days when the distance was once again in full bloom were not far away.

And some, it has simply turned into a corpse, the injury left in that battle of the world was too serious, and did not get the supply of top resources such as the source of all evil, failed to support, and eventually fell.

What remains in the cracks of the void is only the wreckage that has passed away, but it still retains the prevailing pressure of life... It is also extremely powerful.

But more, it is still similar to the virtual giant turtle, extremely weak, or slightly better, but it can only be regarded as a serious injury to the unfamiliar wilderness...

Ye Xuan looked around and saw an ancient living creature species that was once extinct and could no longer be seen in the world.

Qinglan, Yinlong, Qinghuo, Jinwu, Heteromorphic Kirin...

It is only in those battles in which the wild creatures belonged to which camp, but it is difficult to distinguish.

Perhaps the wild animals in the cracks of the void, both camps have their own, and there is no known.

The battle of that year must be very fierce. The two camp leaders who were fortunate enough to survive could not care too much. They randomly found a void crack, and they plunged in and started the sleep recovery...

This is very possible!

However, for the virtual refining and massification center with the mound furnace as the center, this mysterious void is absolutely extraordinary and is an excellent source of raw materials.

However, when the Void Refining and Big Array was established by Tiandao Qingyan after the war in that year, it was apparent that this mysterious void was not made into a positioning void with the connection of raw materials.

Either the Tiandao Qingyan at that time had not found this void, or there was some other reason that gave him another consideration.

No matter which one, it doesn't matter to the present furnace.

After this self-evolution, the furnace has already produced a self-consciousness. As if it had the spirit of the instrument, it can leave the source of all evils, enter other void planes, and actively launch the hunting surface.

Right now, he came to this mysterious void, the purpose is this, and, just as Ye Xuan’s heart is scrutinizing all this, the hunting of the furnace has finally begun...


"Oh la la..."

The sound of the chain rang, interrupting Ye Xuan’s thoughts and pulling his eyes away, so that Ye Xuan’s light was condensed!

In the line of sight, the chains of the furnace have once again waved and swept to a nearest void crack. In the void crack, there is a silver dragon about a thousand feet, but the situation should have fallen, but even so, The silver dragon's whole body is still silvery, and it shines brilliantly.

The air pressure is still the same, and there is a scorpion wound on the back that occupies one-third of the length of its narrow body. The silver dragon blood can still be seen in the back.

It is definitely an extremely powerful silver dragon. Even if it is not the strength of the ancient powers, it is similar.

"Oh la la..."

Thousands of chains are simultaneously waved, each with millions of miles, all like stars and giants, and they look extraordinary.

The thousands of chains have also plunged into this void crack. They have identified the silver dragon's corpse and tied it directly. Pulled it out, and when it was thrown away, it fell to the mouth of the furnace, fell into it, and landed in the gap around the central grinding disc.

Obviously, this time the furnace is dispatched, it is just hunting. Therefore, the central grinding disc in the furnace will not be activated. All the prey will be completed after this hunting, returning to the source of the evil, and then unified. Involved in the central domain grinding disc crushed into mud!

Coincidentally, this silver dragon was thrown into the inner space of the furnace, just not far from Ye Xuan, as if it was given to him in general, Ye Xuan can use the power of Shennong Ding with a wave of hand Its income is within the space.

Looking at the silver-plated silver dragon corpse, Ye Xuan’s fine flashes and his eyes are hot.

He also has several small-order breakthroughs, which will be able to enter the nine-stage grand perfection of the Zhouguang. At that time, the fifteen-level liquid will be used, and the subsequent sixteen-level liquid will become a top priority.

Even this time, because I found the body of the Void Giant Turtle, I also connected the previous road in the cultivation of the ancient sham practice. But for Ye Xuan, this kind of body resembling a forged body. He can't give up the method of qi and blood cultivation.

When the exercises and the physical body are fellow initiates, and the situation goes hand in hand, his combat power will be even stronger. He would have been stronger than the same-order powerhouse, and he will become a real demon!

Therefore, the sixteenth grade liquid is the seventeenth and eighteenth grade liquid after the system. Ye Xuan must start to practice, and the top quality Baobaobao meat like the silver dragon corpse will be the best material.

For Ye Xuan, it is commendable.

But now is not the time to collect, anyway, the silver dragon's body has not been put into the central domain grinding disc to crush into mud, Ye Xuan can wait until the number of such top treasures in the hunting of the furnace is considerable, once again Sex shot, give it a pot, and then quickly leave and leave.

"Oh la la..."

The chain is still ringing. This time, it is the first hunting after the evolution of the furnace itself. It is obviously impossible to stop it easily. The body of a silver dragon is far from satisfying it.

This mysterious void has a large number of void cracks. Each crack has one or two extremely strong and old-fashioned creatures that are seriously injured. For the furnace, this is a paradise for hunting.

When I came to this place, can I not enjoy myself?

In the squeaking sound, the furnace went to the wandering, and after a short time came to a crevice in the void, followed by thousands of long-running striate chains, rushing to the road. Void cracks, plunging into it.

In this void crack, there is a green corpse, still a thousand feet, still long gone, this green, is the second goal of the furnace.

Thousands of striated chains creaked, and in a flash, the corpse of the scorpion was rolled up, and under the shackles, the void was pulled out, and it fell into the furnace and fell heavily. At the ground.

Then, the furnace went to the front again, heading for the third goal...