Super Devouring System

Chapter 4085: What did he do?

Half a day, the name of Xuan Huangzi, who has been quiet for a year, once again screams! three

The cosmic planes are all sensational!

On the other side of the first universe, and this morning has been chaotic, the demon people have disappeared, and even the four-member coalition forces originally formed with the space mouse, the **** ants and the giants have also been disbanded.

However, the starry network of the major slaves and servants of the first universe is still there, and they contact each other at the first time, conveying this shocking news from the third universe. Have

People are wondering, it is no wonder that the demon group of the first universe, born in the sky, will see the first universe, and become the second hegemon of this universe, but within a few days, everything All the ice is disintegrating, and the dream of hegemony is empty...

For a long time, the original roots are still here! Over

In the past year, the seven major cosmic planes of the seven worlds are now sensational, and in the second half of the year, all the auras are almost directed to the devil's emperor Mo Zhenfeng. when

Today's seven worlds are enchanting, there are five enchanting enchantments that have been confirmed to be the devil's emperor Mo Zhenfeng, the five enchanting one, which almost has been able to determine the atmospheric transport of today's world, belongs to the first universe of the devil Ethnic group.

However, all changes are too fast. In the twinkling of an eye, the devil is defeated. If the second generation of the ancestors who have been sealed and immortal in their ethnic group, at the most critical moment, the majority of the devils will be attracted by the light. Departing, this ethnic group is very likely to be extinct. This

Such a change is absolutely inconsistent with the identity of the occupants of the martial art. For this reason, after the terrible change of the first universe of the devil, the three universes have been proposed in the first time. question.

Various voices have appeared one after another. I feel that the air transport of today's world does not belong to the devil, but the real attribution is which party, but there is no final conclusion. No one dares to say such a thing. Today's big situation is too chaotic, three The universe is all like this...

It is at this time that the third universe occupied by the Terran has actually sent such amazing news. For a time, even the big changes that occurred in the first universe of the devil's star field have been suppressed. The paradoxical orientation of the Great Universe planes all point to the Emperor’s son of the immortal dynasty...this

Can really be a supreme enchanting ah, although compared with the five enchanting of the devil's emperor Mo Zhenfeng, only two enchanting singular princes, it seems that the momentum is slightly inferior.

But if you really want to think carefully, the gold content of these two enchanting identities in the human body is not weak at all, not inferior, even surpassed! Ten thousand

What is the general existence of the Romanian Federation?

Although the second universe has now announced the withdrawal of the Federation of Van Loo because of various changes in the past year, the amount of gold in the contribution of the Federation of Van Loo has never been questioned! No

Wrong, the devil's emperor Mo Zhenfeng is able to sing the immortal grotesque, but it is basically relying on the Shennong Ding and other treasures and the Star Wars Lama. and

The two enchanting ones of the family and the family are just a singularity to go to the Terran cult camp trials, and there will be a chicken and dog jumping there, and the deity is more perverted, quiet for a year, all people think he has already I lost my heart, but I didn’t expect it to return to domineering after a year.

Without a single voice, he directly rose from the 11th place in the list of the World Federation of Varo to the top of the list.

And before that, its contribution points have fluctuated greatly, and during the period, the federal contribution points of almost astronomical figures were reduced. can

Even so, when his points finally stabilized, he still has more than 1800 billion, far more than six times the second place in the list.

However, the actual record, specifically data, no one will doubt its authenticity, the immortal star on the immortal star super brain is absolutely impossible to have such low-level mistakes. more

The key is that Xuan Huangzi was born again, and the time card was too sensitive.

It happened to be a strong rise in the short time of the devil, and then quickly fell after it... This basically reflects the fact that the air transport of today’s world does not belong to the devil, but falls on it. On the head of the Terran!

In this regard, the general public and the low-ranking star powers of the three major planes may not think too much. They are more interested in talking about the sensation brought about by the incident that Xuan Huangzi once again turned out. can

The high-level people of all ethnic groups and forces, as well as those who are keenly sensitive, have become powerful powerful star-studded powerhouses, but all of them have been considered after a brief shock. and

Today's three major stars are not flat.

There is already a broken and ridiculous world in the first universe of the devil's star field. The vast expanse of hundreds of millions of miles away, can only be seen from this point, has been secretly circulated in the past year. The legend that the vast world will come to an all-round world is more likely to be more than just a wind, but a reality.

If this is the case, the current three-star star plane will be meaningless at that time, and even like the previous Emperor's star field, it will be replaced by the cage of the sky. total

In the midst of great chaos, all ethnic groups and forces are fearful. No one dares to pat the chest and pack the tickets, saying that their ethnic groups can continue to exist in this starry world that did not know when it will come and arrive... This

Under the general trend, the atmosphere of the world belongs to it, it is even more eye-catching.

Get the air transporter, get the world!

When I was born in a troubled world, I was in a relationship with the vast world that was destroyed by the First World War. I was sitting in this era of air, and I dare not say that I can still sit in the world as usual, at least, survive in troubled times. Opportunity, but it must be better than other ethnic groups! only

Only because of this, after being shocked by the news that the third universe of the Terran passed the past about the Emperor Xuanzi, the former communists of the Second Universe were collectively silent. If they did not withdraw from the Federation of the Vulcan, they and the Terran, at least Still an ally, but now it can only be envied!

As for the inside of the human race, including the Wanluo Federation, which is still tied with the human race, at least superficially tied together, it is a cheering thunder! no

It is the ten-day palace and the various small ancestral gates of the cultivation camp. It is also the immortal dynasty of the science and technology camp and its three great empires, countless big countries and small countries. On this day, after receiving the news, all of them are like a festival, and all the tops are loose. Take a breath.

As long as the human race is still there, then in the face of this chaotic world, they will have the confidence in their hearts. only

Yes, these people and the top leaders of the federation have one of the biggest doubts about it. That is how the horror federal contribution points of the Emperor Xuanzi were earned. What has he done in the past year?