Super Devouring System

Chapter 4102: Another zombie army


boom! ”


A scene like this, appearing one after another! Virtual

In the air, the huge roar of the trepidation of the gods continued to ring and echoed. on

In the palace and the blasting of the energy, the palm prints instantly killed half of the zombies and the squad's next moment, and the other three immortal old monsters blew out the energy giants and paw prints, all of which fell.

The other six zombie warfare teams suffered three major disasters. A large number of zombie warfare will be blown up with the body, and even a slightly larger piece of meat is hard to see. It is almost smashed into a **** fog in the void. The flowers are green and green, which makes people feel bad.

In particular, the team in the boxing of the mosquitoes and the old ghosts was almost completely annihilated. The old guy was the repair of the late stage of immortality, and the strength was stronger than that of the elephant fox, Gonghua and Longshan Tang. Cut off, domineering.

At this moment, this fist punched out, but it was directly overwhelmed by a whole group of thousands of zombie warfare squadrons. Even the three immortal geeks like the foxes were all looking at each other, and their faces were full of taboos. especially

It is the immortal old dragon mountain Tang from the immortal dynasty, and thinks that this old monster whose strength is still above him is actually invited by Ye Xuan who has a grudge with him. He immediately let him whole. It's not good, the dough is twitching!

With just one blow, the zombie warriors who split into seven squads and separated from each other, lost nearly a quarter of their eyes, and more than a thousand gangsters were murdered. This scene makes the extensions anger and anger. But there is no way.

When he was angry, he raised his head and said a screaming scream: "Hey..."

With the passage of this scream, the extension of the wind is the identity of its zombie emperor, and it has issued some kind of invisible and inferior, even the immortal blame can not capture, only the cosmic zombie can sense the mystery Life wave frequency signal!

The situation is too severe. Although he has the power of immortality, even in the case of desperate efforts, it is not impossible to motivate the magical blade in his hands. It is not impossible to resist the two immortal monsters, but this is obviously meaningless! town

There are four immortal monsters who are guarding the stars of Tianhe. If they continue this way, even if he can break through, all the zombie wars and commanders will be buried here.

This cost is too heavy, and the zombie warfare that is going to go out with a breakthrough is behind the commander. However, from the very beginning, he followed the confidant around him and spent a lot of energy to cultivate it.

In any case, it must not be ruined!

At this moment, he screamed his hair, the purpose is to create new chaos, create new opportunities for the follow-up breakout here!



The sound of the whistling sound that has not yet been set aside, the direction of the end of the empty space on the right side, the roar of roaring incomparable fierceness, is also from the mouth of the cosmic zombies, and the atmosphere is extremely powerful, at least It is also the late stage of the Lord! leaf

Xuan’s heart jumped, and an extremely unpleasant feeling floated. He was countless, but he did not count the cosmic zombies inside the Tianhe Star. In the distant sky at the edge of the Tianhe Star, there were other The cosmic zombies are crouching.

As a result, the triumph of the triumphant army of the triumphant regiment and the four immortal grotesque on the Tianhe star completely lost its meaning! This

What was done, originally, was to prevent the zombies from rushing into the encirclement, to sneak into the plane, and to spread the zombie virus, which is super-infectious and has a speed of evolution.

But now, there are still cosmic zombies outside the encirclement. Even if all the cosmic zombies trapped in the encirclement are killed, what is the point?

After all, it is still a cure for the symptoms! "


boom! ”

Just as his heart was mad, when he turned his head, there was a horrible horror in the direction of the empty end of the emptiness. More than 100 ships of the 100,000-meter captain’s fortress were already in sight. Come. This

More than a hundred big fortresses look very strange, like a commercial starship, but the surface of the hull is quite damaging, and it seems that it has just been attacked by star thieves.

But this is obviously just a cover-up. Their true face is quickly revealed and shocked everyone! This

More than a hundred damaged commercial starships are extremely fast, and it is suspected that space jumps have been initiated, but there is no such unique whistling when the starships expand their space.

In the blink of an eye, they have reached the edge of the outer circle of war, approaching the periphery of the various starships that are killing a large number of corporal slaves. "


Almost in the next moment, the more than a hundred strangely jumped commercial airlines in the fortress, there was a squeaky squeaky mechanical sound of the smashing, a few breaths, turned into a The giant beast with a tens of thousands of heads in the head is black and green, and the case is covered with a metallic luster. body

Similar to the starry sky, it looks like a star-studded cockroach with a hard shell, perfectly masking the strange existence of its metal and flesh and blood... At least, anyone who sees it will never It goes to the Star Fortress to associate.

But this is clearly not the so-called Star Fortress. It is the change of a cosmic zombie. It is the zombie fortress that has evolved toward the direction of metal variability.

Since occupying the Tianhe Star, all the cosmic zombies that have been plunged into the wind have gone out hunting in batches. Every time they go out, more than a hundred zombie fortresses that have evolved toward the metal variants will be dispatched.

Because the zombie squad needs them to turn into a ruined commercial fortress, as a bait and cover up.

It is for this reason that these more than a hundred heads have been used as corpse fortresses in general, and the speed of evolution is particularly fast. Nowadays, they are all repaired by the realm of the border. this

Inscribed, with the change of the main zombie fortress of the more than 100 heads as the body, the figure appears in the void, and from the original fortress ship, there are also a large number of cosmic zombies falling out and appearing in the void.

In addition to more than 3,000 main-class zombie warriors, more than 30 masters of the zombie command, there are hundreds of thousands of heads because of this hunting, has just evolved into a zombie zombie. foreign

Sprinkling a large piece of the sky, between the blink of an eye, it occupies a huge void. and

Moreover, these zombie soldiers, warlords and commanders who have fallen from the fortress of more than a hundred zombies have activated the zombie blood in the body at the first moment and turned into a giant cosmic zombie with a horrible horror...



In the screaming roar and whistling, all the zombies and soldiers and commanders, in a short breathing time, have all completed the zombie transformation, and some turned into a vulgar bone dragon, some Turned into a beast and beast with pus and blood...

But the breath in the body is all extremely powerful. What's even more frightening is that they are not only in the encirclement of the Tianhe Star Wars circle, but in the periphery, they come to the conference to see a lot of fans, the federal people and the star power. The edge of the huge star fleet formed. and

And still close, just a charge, you can rush into the crowd, start raging and slaughter...