Super Devouring System

Chapter 4111: Undead bioenergy

The vast extent of the whole battlefield of the void battlefield has reached a radius of three to four million miles, even if it is the strength of the nine-step grand perfection of Ye Xuan’s present-day star territory, plus the internal domain power of Shennong Ding, because Shennong The different flames have evolved to the extent of the seven-color flame.

Therefore, the power has been greatly increased, and it can be more thoroughly promoted by Ye Xuan, but such a wide range of widths is also his limit. can

It is said that if this piece of void battlefield is wider and hundreds of thousands of miles away, then even if Ye Xuan is fully urging the power of Shennong Ding, I am afraid that it will not be able to sneak out the seven colors of the flames of Shennong Ding. The land is surrounded.

In fact, this piece of the virtual battlefield of millions of miles, nowadays, although the seven-color flame sea that has been vented by Shennong Ding, like a dumpling, forms a colorful light curtain on the periphery, and the whole circle is round.

But at this moment with this huge and horrible light curtain, slowly and continuously retreating inward, all the mutant zombies touched all the way, but without all exceptions are all suppressed! This

It is also understandable. After all, the scene paving is too big. The whole scene of the light curtain shrouded the vast void of millions of miles, which directly led to the power of this seven-color flame sea, which was greatly weakened.

Dealing with the void in the void because of the numerous cosmic corpses exploded in the past, and the scattered zombie toxins and the nausea and pus in the colorful, there is no pressure. With

With the constant shrinkage of this flame sea light curtain, these disgusting puss filled with zombie toxins were squeezed without any suspense, and they are moving toward the center of the light curtain where Shennong Ding is at the foot of Ye Xuan, slowly moving... …but

A large number of new cosmic zombies who had just finished corpse because of the zombie venom, were repaired as weaker ones. Although they were immediately blasted by the approaching flames, the whole body was turned into zombie toxins and pus. , pushed towards the central area of ​​the light curtain.

Some of the more powerful cosmic zombies, in the slowly retracted flames of the sea of ​​light slowly pushed around before and after, although they were immediately burned, and even more than half of the body of the zombies melted, but in the end, due to the flame curtain Power can be greatly weakened, and these cosmic zombies, even if they only have one head, can continue to survive.

At this time, the light curtains of the flames that passed through the body have already reached the front of their figure. If these surviving cosmic zombies have already avoided the shroud of the flames of the flames, they will escape to the light curtain invisibly... ...

Seeing this scene, the mosquitoes and old ghosts and the four immortal old monsters such as the fox python, Gonghua and Longshan Tang are instantly changed, and then hesitate, even if they rush out of the flame curtain, the figure appears outside the light curtain. , respectively, guarding one party. and

Each of them exerts great powers, and all the fish that have slipped through the net are pushed forward without hesitation, and once again, they fall into the interior of the flame curtain.

In this scene, Ye Xuan, who had just hung his eyes to the eyes of the blind man, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

With these four immortal grotesques sitting around the flames of the sea, all the netted fish will be thrown into the huge net pocket formed by the Shennong seven-color flame. and

These cosmic zombies were basically seriously injured when the previous light curtains were crossed, and similar injuries were once again. They were obviously unstoppable.

Big or no two times, three times four times is always enough. In short, for this piece, Ye Xuan no longer has to worry. will

After the sight was retracted from the periphery of the flame sea curtain on the edge of the battlefield in the distance, Ye Xuan was not distracted, and he devoted himself to control the power of Shennong Ding Field.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, more than one hour has passed. in

During this period, the flame curtain of the flames that had enveloped three to four million miles was slowly and continuously retracted. Nowadays, the flame curtain of a giant bead has been reduced by a small half. More than two million miles.

But all the zombie toxins and disgusting pus, but there is no trace of omission, all are enveloped in the light curtain, and continue to advance to the center of Shennong Ding...

At this time, a large number of starships, all of which were shrouded in the flame curtains of the flames, are now a little outside the light curtain. Take

After Ye Xuan’s cultivation of strength and the growth of Shennong’s flames into the seven-color flame, his control over Shennong Ding’s field power, now Ye Xuan, has been able to arbitrarily spur the seven-color flame sea for a differentiated attack. With the effect.

For this reason, almost all of the starships that were thrown out of the light curtain because of the contraction of the flame curtain of the flames, almost none of them have been affected by the flame curtains, even if they are damaged, they are all in the previous chaotic stars. Caused by the war. and

Moreover, when the flame curtains crossed the surface of these starships, all the pus and zombie toxins that were retained on the hull were taken away, and were firmly confined inside the flame curtain. Depart from

In these starships, but at the foot of the various starships, but a large number of federal people outside the flames of the sea, the stars and stars, until now, they are truly safe. very

You can safely step out of the starship without worrying about the cosmic void in the sea of ​​the sea of ​​flames, and the remains of zombie viruses...

In fact, there are indeed some strong stars who came out of the starship under their feet. At this moment, they stood in the void of the universe outside the light curtain, squinting at the front line of sight, and still steadily shrinking inward. Every one of them is full of dullness and disappointment.

Everything that happens is just like a nightmare. when

When a large number of cosmic zombies were born, when all the zombies of the universe were demolished, the whole body exploded and exploded without any warning. It’s a time when disgusting pus and zombie toxins are rampant... he

We really didn't think about it. I can still have this moment of the present, standing unscathed outside the flame curtain of this zombie virus, like a spectator, leisurely and far-sighted to see the thrilling ahead!

Time has been passing.

Unconsciously, it is more than one hour passed.

As the flame curtain of the flames continues to shrink, its power is obviously constantly improving. Therefore, the speed of the entire flame-light curtain inward is naturally getting faster and faster. only

It was only a long time, and there were still more than two million diameter flame sea curtains. Today, the diameter is only tens of thousands of miles.

At this time, all the various starships that had not been destroyed in the previous chaos wars have basically been thrown out of the flames of the sea of ​​light, and they are scattered in the void, but all of them are like spectators, quietly standing on the far side. In the void of the place, silently and quietly.

This scene is really spectacular and... weird!

Also in this moment, Ye Xuan’s mind, the familiar system prompts, sounds without warning: “Hey, congratulations to the host, and found that the biomass is not dead! Quantity: difficult to count! Whether to swallow immediately, expand the quenching ?"