Super Devouring System

Chapter 412: Attacking Akagi City

Red refining is to get back what belongs to him.

Although this can be said to be true, no one wants his lord to be a person who is not a person, a ghost or a ghost.

Just then, the corpse of the corpse was suddenly moved.

"Is it difficult to start attacking Akagi City?"

Ye Xuan let Megatron drop a little. He glanced at it and did not find the two blood corpses.

"In this case, then you are all walking in the dead, it will be my experience!"

Ye Xuan’s double smashing, directly planted down, has not yet fallen, he is a storm-like offensive.


A loud bang spread, Ye Xuan fell to the center of the corpse.

Only he, dare to do this.

Ye Xuan looked around in a circle and found that there were many human iron corpses around him. It was immediately a brow and a disgusting color.

At this time, Ye Xuan is helping them free.


The heads of the human silver corpses also knew that some people broke into their army, but they did not care, turned around and left.

They believe that Ye Xuan will be overwhelmed by the tide of 10,000 corpses.

However, they are wrong.

They heard that the loud noise behind them continued to spread, and the human beings who broke into their corpse army had not been killed.

Just kidding, Ye Xuan's power of 120 dragons, plus three blood vessels, let him kill these iron bodies, as easy as stepping on the ants, he is too busy to have time to smash the body.

"Oh, the **** man, even disturbed the master's plan, I went to kill him."

A human silver corpse was cold and screamed, and he turned back and ran back. He had only one hundred and fifteen dragons.

And when he rushed to Ye Xuan and saw Ye Xuan's realm, he regretted it.

Ye Xuan, turned out to be the power of one hundred and twenty dragons!

"The body that the master gave me, even if it is a hundred and twenty dragons, I have the courage to fight!" This human silver corpse was very brave and rushed straight up.


Ye Xuan turned his head and found him. He swept his sword and cut his head.

It’s funny, I have a hundred and fifteen dragons, and dare to come to him.

The reason why Ye Xuan chose to land in the Legion instead of looking for the troubles of several human silver corpses was because he was afraid of killing these silver corpses, and the whole army was without a head.

Therefore, he began to clean up from the iron body.

If the entire army is scattered, then the surrounding towns and towns can be finished. Ye Xuan does not want to be a sinner, so he will avoid these silver bodies.

This 10,000-corporate army has a thousand iron corpses and 10,000 copper corpses.

However, this number is rapidly decreasing.

Ye Xuan can kill dozens of iron corpses with a ruling of the dragon. If he is on the side of the copper corpse, he will be able to kill hundreds of people with one blow.

The human copper corpse and the iron corpse are useless to him, so he only accepts the body of the sacred beast, and his realm is also climbing a little.

"Hey, the host has broken through the power of one hundred and twenty-one dragons!"

"Hey, the host has broken through the power of the hundred and twenty-two dragons!"

"Hey, the host has broken through the power of one hundred and twenty-three dragons!"

In less than three minutes, this corpse corps was annihilated by Ye Xuan, together with the human silver corpses.

Looking at the human body of this floor, Ye Xuan snorted.

"This is just a small squad in the real corpse army, and there are nine..."

Ye Xuan thought in his heart and quickly left.

It seems that this time, he is indeed able to break through the power of one hundred and thirty dragons.

He took a ride around Megatron and it turned out to be the second small army. Now, he is rushing again.

This army led him to upgrade the power of two dragons to reach one hundred and twenty-five dragons.

He calculated in his mind that if the ten legions were all destroyed by his hand, the one hundred and thirty dragons would be more than enough.

Then, Ye Xuan went to find the third small army.

After the third small army was completely destroyed, he improved the power of one dragon.

However, when he found the fourth legion, this legion was already intercepted by a team of people.

"One hundred people, single-handedly a whole army..."

Ye Xuan looked in the air.

All of these 100 people have the power of Bailong, and the first one has reached 130 dragons. It seems to be the master of the big family in Chimucheng.

The battle has been going on for a while, but fortunately, they don't have time to collect the body, so it is cheaper.

Soon, Ye Xuan took the body and then began to hunt the iron body.

"Well? Who is this person?"

"I haven't seen it, I still wear a strange mask, but as long as it is our human side."

"Well, it is a hundred and twenty-seven dragons. When did I have such a master in Akagi City?"

Some of these human beings are also surprised by Ye Xuan’s identity.

But Ye Xuan is too lazy to pay attention to them and concentrate on cleaning up.

With these people helping, Ye Xuan is a lot easier, and at the same time, the spoils are much less.

"The pits, the power of one dragon can not be improved."

Ye Xuan helpless, leave immediately and rush to the next place.

When he went to the fourth corpse corps, it was true that there were also human beings cleaning up. He still did not improve.

He estimated that the remaining six corpse corps, if not dragged, should have attacked Akagi City.

So this time, he rushed directly to Akagi Castle.

Six small army regiments, at least 6,000 iron corpses, and 60,000 copper corpses, such a huge amount piled up into the city of Chimu, Chimucheng will certainly be razed to the ground.

Fortunately, the arborist of Akagi is not too stupid. He has gathered all the masters on the Dapeng of the power of a hundred dragons and watched in the sky.

The lord of Chimu is a master of the power of one hundred and forty dragons. In addition, it is a offering of one hundred and twenty dragons and thirty dragons.

"Where did this corpse corps come from, it almost made me ruin the red wood collar!"

"I heard that there is a force called the corpse corpse in the ghost tomb. Everyone in the door can sculpt the body and control the corpse. Is it the behind-the-scenes leader of the corpse corps, the disciple of the corpse?"

"Ghost Tomb, isn't this an intermediate territory?"

"Yes, it is said that there are three lords in the ghost tomb collar, and all three are elite masters."

"Don't say so much, let's solve this corpse corps."

The masters on Dapeng suddenly quieted down.


At this time, a roar came from afar.

"Come on, Lord, here are a few of us!"

More than 120 masters of the dragon resigned.

"Well, be careful."

The Redwood Lord nodded.

Then, another direction came and there was a loud noise. Several people came forward and were ordered to kill the corpse.

Before they did, they also drafted a plan, which was to send two teams to clean the army.

When other legions attacked Akagi City, there was another two-sided attack.