Super Devouring System

Chapter 4137: Toon

Five tubes of medicine... with five tubes? This

As soon as the sentence was exported, the surrounding air would be dead again in an instant, and then, the sizzling sound of the tide would rise up. When countless lines of sight turned to Ye Xuan again, the gaze had completely changed, and the small eyes were Look at the monsters.

This is not the first-stage liquid secondary liquid, but the nineteen-level liquid, creating the nineteen-level liquid of the strong universe, only a big realm, you can enter the immortal!

This level of gene culture fluid, the world's three major stars in the main plane, no one thought that it can be prepared now, and Ye Xuan is good here, not only quietly formulated successfully, but still zero failure rate In total, only five herbs were used, and five tubes and nineteen grades were prepared. This

What is the word of medicine? The degree of such enchantingness is almost angered by people...

"call out!""


In the midst of a vain discussion in the sky, with the three faint sounds of breaking the air, the three small jade boxes that were shot by Ye Xuan have already fallen into the immortal hands in three different directions. three

The look of an old guy suddenly became dignified. The first time he bowed his head and swept it into the small jade box in his hand. After opening it, all of them were removed from the inside with a double-necked thin tube and a five-inch crystal tube. It is clearly a liquid, colorful and colorful.

In the next moment, the cool air and the sound of the words with amazement are heard from the three immortal mouths that represent the two camps of the Terran and the Federation of the Venezue..."

hiss! This breath... It really is a nineteen-level liquid, and it is extremely pure! ”

"However, such a rich atmosphere of the universe, the old man has not seen it for many years, this tube of 19-grade liquid goes down, as long as it is not too big, too obvious defects, the world's nine-order great perfection, Will be able to successfully break through and enter the universe!"

"Ye Xiaoyou is really a ghost. Not only did he prepare a nineteen-grade liquid, but he also succeeded five times in five herbs. The nineteen-level liquid grades that were prepared were still so high, and basically no need to take the second tube. This matter is simply against the sky! So it seems that soon after... Xiaoyou will be able to smoothly prepare 20-level liquid, when there is no suspense!"



The three words that have been sealed and immortal have just been finished. The imaginary airs around the distance are all like a frying pan. All the people are stunned. The tens of millions of miles outside the atmosphere of the Tianhe Star are full of cosmic voids. .

In the midst of an uproar, countless star powers have turned their sights on Ye Xuan all.

In particular, the top leaders of the delegations that represent the major groups and forces of the three major stars and stars came to the Tianhe Star ceremony, and they were all green.

The 19th grade liquid may not be too crazy for them, but the 20th grade liquid has to be said otherwise. After all, it is the top genetic material that can make the immortal blame, call it the **** level liquid, also It’s no exaggeration. especially

It is among some ethnic groups, only one immortal old man sits in the town, even at the root of even an immortal old man sitting in the town, the value and meaning of a 20-level liquid for them is absolutely anything. Can not be compared. If

If you can get the most out of it, the overall strength of the entire community will change dramatically...

For the first cosmic space mouse, the **** ant, and the second top of the second universe, there are two major camps of the third universe, the federal headquarters of Varo, and so on, there are many immortal grotesque, even Even the seals are immortal, and the top three ethnic groups and forces in the three main stars of the king are immortal. The value and significance of the twenty-level liquid are equally unparalleled.

After all, the devil's star field of the first universe has already come to an end, and the whole world of the collapsed and ruined world has come to the world, almost at any time.

In the face of such a crisis of extinction, if there are as many immortal strongs as possible in the ethnic group, there is no doubt that the probability of survival of the entire ethnic group is a great improvement...

In other words, the fact that Ye Xuan prepared the nineteen-stage liquid was publicly confirmed, and even the successful preparation of the twenty-grade liquid was basically determined not to be far behind...

In the high-level eyes of all ethnic groups and forces in the three major star planes, he instantly became a non-replaceable incense with incomparable appeal!

“It turns out that Xiaoyou is currently researching genetic culture fluids...”

For Ye Xuan refining the production of the 19th-level liquid, it was previously known as the fox fox and the Longshan Tang, Gonghua and the three, and the three were able to inform the two camps behind the Terran and the Faro Federal Headquarters. senate.

If this is not the case, this time, the two camps of the Terran and the Federal Senate will not be so solemn, and each of them will send a seal to immortality, and specially sent such a number of immortal treasures for Ye Xuan. can

It is said that in addition to the Federal Senate of the two camps of the Terran, other forces do not know this at all, including the demon group that is allied with Ye Xuan. from

Since the last time the Magic Emperor changed, the entire demonic group was taken away by the second generation of his ancestors, and Ye Xuan has never had any contact with the devil. He does not know where his ancestral secrets are located. . this

On the day, the second generation of the Devils’ ancestors originally came to congratulate Ye Xuan on the harvest of the Tianhe Star Field, and formally entered the core stage of the three stars in the world. but

At this moment, because Ye Xuan and the other three people have exchanged for immortal dialogue, he has also come to realize it for a moment. When he even said: "In today's world, all ethnic groups are facing an supreme crisis, and the time of the flood era is coming. All will come, Xiaoyou Dacai, even the 19th grade liquid has been prepared, the successful preparation of the 20th grade liquid, presumably has been just around the corner..."

This is the supreme resource for creating a strong and inferior. It is of great significance to all the people of the world who are facing the full-fledged world. The devil and the younger friend are allies. The younger friends have such great ambitions, the devils... Since the Dingli help! ”

Having said that, the second generation of the genius of the devil has a slight finger, and immediately there is a touch of green and green glare: "In these years, my devil has also collected a lot of immortal treasures. As a second-generation ancestor, the old man has not much to carry with him, but he is still enough to talk about help, but it is enough..."

In this chalcedony box, there are a total of 1,677 kinds of precious treasures of immortality. The young friends are temporarily closed. If it is not enough, the old ones will go back and follow the same level. Will be sent over and over again..."

After that, the second generation of the Devils’ ancestors sneered and glanced at the two camps of the Terran and the three headquarters of the Faroese Federal Headquarters. They turned and stepped into the void of the void behind them, and the figure disappeared. The sound is still in the ear: "Little friends, immortal treasures, the old man has not much to carry, once there is a need, the treasure trove of treasures, free to come to take it, the 20-level liquid is not the same, my devil will not Leave you!"