Super Devouring System

Chapter 4258: Lion Wanjin wakes up

Shennong Ding interior space, the bottom plain of the central volcano!

The entire volcano inside the central domain, and now only the lions and lions who have not revived Ye Xuan and Shang.

As for the Flying Scorpio, the Silver Ghost and the Eight King Kong, they are in the mountains of the Ding inside the volcano, and they are looking for a retreat.

Their cultivation was originally good, but since Ye Xuan entered this corner of the ancient world, there was a lot of powerful forbidden beasts, but it was already faint enough.

It is for this reason that before the two battles in the Sangzhi Star Field, after a little tempering, Ye Xuan threw them into the Dingnai space, including all the devils scouts headed by the sea and the green feathers. The same is true for the strong, the only task is to practice and break through!

At the bottom of the volcano at the center of the volcano, Lion Wanjin lies in a cage on the side of the mountain. The breath is very weak. Ye Xuan has already regarded him as a dead man, and he has almost completely forgotten its existence.

And Ye Xuan, sitting cross-legged on the flame pool next to the bottom plain, closed the eyes, and entered the state of cultivation that I forgot.

But he did not cultivate, but fully urged to seal the powerful gods of the late immortal, together with the body's engulfing system, to the perfect Dan Fang of the 23rd grade Dan, to promote...

Unconsciously, his mind has been completely immersed in, and he has forgotten everything around him, and even forgot the existence of the id. All the minds, almost like inertia, cooperate with the body's phagocytic system, and never sleep. Pushing forward!

Time passed slowly, blinking, and nearly five months passed!

In the past five months, Ye Xuan’s body shape has not even swayed. Until now, as if he was sitting in a normal position, his shoulder suddenly moved slightly, and then the eyes that were always closed were slowly. The ground opened.

A touch of gloom has flashed through the bottom, and Ye Xuan’s consciousness has completely returned. After nearly five months of full-scale derivation, he can help him to enter the imperial twenty-three-level Dan’s perfect Dan in the future. Fang, and finally succeeded in deriving it.

Twenty-three grades of Dan, can make the king of the immortal ninth-order great perfect existence, after swallowing, in a short period of time, it will smoothly break through to the immortal.

The Danfang is more complicated than the Twenty-Second-Level Dan, but when Ye Xuan was deduced, it was originally a variety of attempts and combinations of various resources in the basic hands. Therefore, on the Dan Fang of the 23rd-level Dan, Although the variety of cultivation resources required for the refining process is more, it is simply massive.

But Ye Xuan has basically all of them.

The only thing that is bad is just the blood of the beast of the immortal level.

If you want to smelt a twenty-three-level Dan, you need at least five or more immortal beast bloodstains. The more blood, the more Chengdan will be released. For example, this time you will refine twenty-two. Dan, he joined ten **** beasts that sealed the immortal level. As a result, he accidentally produced three twenty-two dans.

If there is no accident, use ten pieces of the immortal beast blood of the king to smelt a twenty-three-level Dan. If everything goes well, then the twenty-three-level Dan that will be released at that time will most likely reach three. .

Of course, if you only use five, you can also learn, but the chances of two twenty-three grades of Dan, I am afraid it will be even smaller!

However, for Ye Xuan, it is meaningless to go to pondering now, because he has no blood in his hands.

This matter is not in a hurry, he has not even swallowed the twenty-second Dan, the tempering of the twenty-three Dan, and a lot of time.

However, in the subsequent expeditions, the king of the immortal beasts of blood, I am afraid I have to start preparing. After all, the existence of the royal family is less than that of the seal, and it is harder to hunt. It is so difficult to seal the blood of the beasts of immortality.

Now you need ten pieces of the immortal beast of the king's immortal blood, the difficulty can be imagined!

It can't be done overnight, only by slowly accumulating...

“Has it been five months?”

After rehabilitating the mind, Ye Xuan checked the time. This time, the deduction was actually spent for a full five months, and this has been pushed for four months before, only half of the words are left. the result of.

In other words, it is only the perfect Dan Fang of the 23rd grade Dan. He is using this piece and it takes nearly ten months...

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but shake his head and smile. This is still the twenty-three-level Dan. What is the follow-up to break through the immortal twenty-four Dan?

Wouldn't it take more than a year for the light to push a Danfang?

Moreover, in the past year or so, he still can't do anything, he must condense all his mind, never sleep, and constantly push forward...

One thought of this, even he could not help but sigh, this kind of genetic culture liquid forging, tearing the body's potential, and promoting the way of life evolution, although the breakthrough of the realm is extremely rapid, and after the breakthrough every major The breakthrough of nine small steps in the realm is also very fast.

Basically, as long as the accumulation of energy is reached, it will be able to break through.

But don't mention it, it's a bit horrible to push Daniel's energy and energy in this regard!

This is Ye Xuan, the vast amount of resources in his hands, and all of them are rare top resources. If they are replaced by others, in addition to spending a lot of time to promote Danfang, the collection of materials after Dan Fang’s deduction I am afraid I can drive people crazy.

But the world was originally like this. Everything is two-sided. After he sighed a bit, he threw the matter behind his mind and his mind gradually flattened...

"the host!"

Just standing up from the ground, a sudden call came from the ears, with sincerity and respect, from the right direction.

Ye Xuan was not able to prevent it, and was almost shocked. Like a conditioned reflex, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound.

Later, the figure of Lion Wanjin was reflected in his sight.

This guy has stood up at this moment, just inside the cage of the mountain wall, slightly draped his waist and looked at Ye Xuan with great respect.

Before, he was taken away in the body of the Tao, as if he was a waste, he was already retouched by Ye Xuan as a slave.

The reason why Ye Xuan did not kill this guy is to look at the lion's ninth-changing bloodline. On the other hand, it is because he has been refining into a slave. It is impossible for Ye Xuan to have another Bad thoughts.

Therefore, at that time, Ye Xuan threw some cultivation resources and sent them directly into the body, even including a drop of evil source.

After that, he was left to fend for himself. Basically, the destruction of this subgrade could not be restored. However, due to a drop of evil source, there is also the possibility of nirvana.

I didn't expect this guy to sleep for so long, but actually came over, not only to wake up, but also to repair the strength but also because of the break, and quickly soared to the present universe...