Super Devouring System

Chapter 4307: Lonely King of the Six Kings

At this time, it has been two days since Ye Xuan intercepted the colorful elk.

The Bronze, which was screaming at the end of the day, had never returned. He did not even give feedback to the banned information after he rushed. Head

Is to monopolize Shennong Ding alone...but

It happened that such a big thing happened. It was impossible to react at all in a banned place. As early as half a day after the war, the disappearance of the colorful elk disappeared and spread out in the entire forbidden land. in

In these two days, there are countless days of banned beasts in the forbidden land. After all, the colorful elk is a fifth-order king. Such a powerful existence is unclearly intercepted, and even has not been able to come out. Signal for help. only

This is enough to prove the power of the killer. this

People, even if there is no king of the immortal nine-order great consummation, that is, the strength of half-step Fenghuang, at least have to be immortal seven or more orders after the seal! Burst

However, such a powerful late king, not only contrasted with the hostility of the ban, but also the way of doing things is so embarrassing, the dragon is not seeing the end ... all this, so that all the beasts in the forbidden land are worried. One

Time, the entire vast expanse of the vast expanse of the vast universe, all enveloped an invisible sense of calm...

At this moment, the six kings in the forbidden land are immortal. Apart from the slight anxiety of the three kings at the beginning of the kingdom, even the other two middle-aged kings who are similar in strength to the colorful elk are not too worried.

The person who shot the head reveals his face, which means that his cultivation has not yet reached the great stage of the seal of the king. It is extremely taboo for the two bronzes in the forbidden place.

In this way, as long as they do not go out alone, they will be able to sit back and relax.

Even if this person is more cunning, in the face of a half-step retreat of the retreat, it will not be long before the whereabouts will be revealed. At that time, the red copper ratio that is being searched in the virtual sky outside the forbidden land will be revealed. Meng, will be able to kill it! when

Ye Xuan’s Fenghuang’s gods have come from the outside of the forbidden land, and they have shrouded the entire forbidden land in an instant, and when everything is in their minds, not only all the beasts in the forbidden land have no awareness, even Even the fierce beasts of the early and middle of the five heads were all ignorant.

Only the other red copper in the giant star of the central star field in the forbidden area, the first time, the cold hair was blown up, and it was shocked to rush out from the nest...


Fenghuang! Actually it is the emperor..."

After a roar, the red copper came out of the mouth of the Mongolian followed by a panicking roar, and the entire block of the screaming banned land, countless forbidden beasts were alarmed, or looked blank, or ignorant, land In the atmosphere of nearly a thousand life stars, rushing into the universe's void.

In addition, the five beasts of the beasts, the first time they rushed out of the nest stars, their faces all showed a fascinating color, and the body trembled to the blizzard of the copper in the central area of ​​the forbidden area. Come. One

The head starry blood lion, a black beetle, is the immortal middle of the king. to

In the early days of the other three immortals, one was starry and violent, and the other was a three-legged black crow. The last one was actually a soft reptile. The whole body was green and blue, and it looked like a cold, very uncomfortable. I don't know what kind of **** starry zerg.

Although the five beastmasters were alarmed, they did not feel the sensation of Ye Xuan’s exploration of the gods. This alone is enough to show that the copper is more ambiguous than Meng.

The comers are indeed a true emperor, and they are so powerful that they can unfold unconsciously and explore them. They can't perceive it!

"Damn, who said that the killing of the deer, the end of the king's late? This is a real royal emperor..."

"The matter is very strange. Within the distance of 100 billion miles, there are only Xusheng forbidden land and Fu Niu Xingyu with the imperial powerhouse... but I have no entanglement with them than if they were forbidden. If this emperor is from this Where are the two places, how can they go out and kill directly?"

If it is not from these two places, the royal powerhouse... Where can it come from? ""

Roar! ”

The words of the survivors of these fierce beasts have fallen, and the sound of a roaring scream has suddenly come from outside the forbidden land. The coming of the people has not yet arrived, and only by an ordinary roar, the entire Bimeng has been There were countless stars in the forbidden land, and they all shook slightly. from

The countless forbidden beasts that rushed out of the stars almost completely lost their physical shape at the same time, stumbling over the universe. very

Even the five savage beasts who were exclaimed and exchanged were all without exception. They were all conditional reflexes and subconsciously searched for a few times.

Only the copper-clad Bimeng, which is known as the half-step of the emperor, can barely resist the sudden pressure of the emperor, but it does not reveal the embarrassment, but the pair of red and double scorpions above the huge body is the same. The gloom of the gloom, revealing a sense of evasiveness to the extreme...

With the endless roar of this pressure, there is a huge tens of thousands of feet. Like a small star-like horror figure, it has entered the universe from the void of the universe beyond 100 million miles. area. under

For a moment, the eyes of countless fierce beasts in the forbidden land all converge toward the starry sky among the six kings... Because of the sudden presence of the emperor, it is also a starry sky!

Seeing this scene, the star-studded blood lion and the three-legged black crow, etc., apparently misunderstood the beastmasters who were banned from the land, and immediately slammed into the starry sky next to them. It can be said that it is bitter, and it is tempting.

"Irritable, what is the situation? Is this predecessor yours... or your grandfather?"

In my opinion, most of them are the ancestors of this guy! ”

"You kid is not kind, when did you escape from the ethnic group? You are finally caught, and this is clearly the rhythm that we have to be tired of..."

"Hurry, give your ancestors a mistake. After all, it is a family. There is nothing to say, or a few friends will be killed by you!"


In the face of all this, this head is only the first step of the imperial power of the king. It is obvious that in recent decades, it has only broken into the starry sky of the kingdom. The whole person is completely dumbfounded on the spot. this

At this moment, the whole brain was awkward, squeaking, and his eyes staring straight at Ye Xuan, who strode from afar, was full of stagnation, and finally he said a complete sentence. The words: "You, I want to have such a strong ancestor, but the key is... this man, I don't know!"



The words were just finished, and the starry sky that strode forward in the sky in front of the sky was violent, and after a roar of anger, he said nothing, and a fist blew it out.

This is clearly to be on the spot, the rhythm of the six kings of the lonely king...