Super Devouring System

Chapter 4364: Mechanical beast

At the beginning, Tianji City, which was built by the hardest new cosmic alloy inside and outside, has two forms, namely the conventional continental form and the wartime fortress form.

Now, all this has been fully consolidated and upgraded. Today, the Tianji City has been completely different from the original... Now

In the Tianji City, it is no longer just made of pure and up-to-date cosmic alloys. In the past 20 years, Emperor Yi has exhausted the power of the entire Tianzu, in this void with numerous wrecks of powerful and ancient treasures. Collect all kinds of top flesh and blood materials everywhere.

For example, the dragon's dragon, the phoenix's phoenix, and the black dragon's keel spine, etc., and so on, and so on. This

These wild animals are extremely powerful during their lifetime. Even if they have fallen into endless years, their treasures are still very strong. However, the Tianji people have a way to divide them and use all kinds of suitable materials to make them cold and pure. The Tianji City, transformed step by step, turned into a biochemical giant plug that combines the cosmic alloy and the ancient creatures and flesh and blood materials! Do not

that's it. on

Even its original form is only two, but it has doubled to four. except

The original conventional continental form, as well as the shape of the wartime ball fortress, the current Tianji City, there are two other forms of birth. only

Under the command of the emperor, the entire Tianmao City, which is huge and incomparably full of terrorist power, can be changed into a huge dragon with a huge size in a short period of time, or a black phoenix with a wingspan! except

Tianji City, including the official tribes of all the celestial beings, including the patriarch, has been changing and advancing at an ever-changing speed within these two decades. he

Not only do we use this treasured and powerful ancient wild spirits to enhance the cultivation of the blood, but also like the transformation of the heavenly city, collecting the top materials such as the dragon ribs and thorns, and transforming the mechanical body step by step. certain

Some powerful celestial people, even giving up the human form of the body, directly based on the bones or treasures of a huge wild creature, from the inside to the end, step by step carefully carved, and finally, the electronic consciousness into the Lord The combination of treasure wreckage and modern scientific and technological power creates a new and huge body.

In this way, it is like a feather, completely reborn, and transformed into a powerful wilderness with the elements of scientific and technological strength... This

Like the body built by the powerful and ancient creatures, there are several patriarchs, one of them, the body that has been dispersed in the body, and even the ancient power of the quasi-desolate... Not an opponent! to

Where is the deity of Emperor Yi, what form is it, and what position has it reached for strength? This point, even within the Tianji family, no one knows. and

In addition to the transformation and evolution of all the official ethnic groups in the ethnic group, the Tianji nationality has used this treasure of the powerful and desolate creatures in the virtual sky for nearly two decades to create a large number of intelligent robots that are not human forms. base

All of this is based on the original appearance of these ruins of the ancient treasures, and processed by various means, and finally created.

This kind of existence, the number is more and more, the combat power is also extremely amazing. Unlike the traditional humanoid intelligent robots in the past, these guys have not born their own electronic consciousness, but they are actually intelligent robots, but they are The official people of the Tianzu nationality, called ... mechanical beasts!

Nowadays, the number of mechanical beasts that have been transformed by the Tianji nationality has reached a million heads, although they are actually built on the basis of various ruins of ancient and precious creatures, adding technological elements, such as body surface. Scales and cortex are the latest biochemical products. but

It must be said that in terms of mimicry materials and manufacturing, the Tianji people do have unparalleled talent and advantages.

This number has reached a million-strong mechanical beast army. Looking at it at a glance, it is impossible to see that it is a product of machinery and flesh and blood. It is like a real army of ancient wilderness...

In addition to all of the above, in recent years, there is still a major event in the Tianji nationality that is constantly being followed up. That is the scene that happened in front of us. A large army of warships with at least hundreds of billions of dollars is going on. All the gunshots of the naval guns point to the end of this mysterious void. After a long time, under the command of a high-level, the trillions of guns roared and volleyed. and

The bombardment of all the guns of this 100 billion-scale warship army is only a glimpse of the end of this mysterious void, like a layer of blood-colored diaphragm in the sky.

This layer of blood-colored diaphragm seems to be inconspicuous, but the tens of billions of warships of the Tianji nationality have been continually blasting for more than two years, but they have not completely blasted. Two

Before the year, at the beginning of this layer of blood-colored diaphragm, the patriarch of the Tianzu nationality had even visited this place, with several newly-reformed ruins of the ancient and ancient forms of life, and at the same time they joined forces, but there was no result... …No

Some people know what is on the other side of the blood-colored diaphragm, but one thing is certain, that is, a layer of blood-colored diaphragm on the edge of the zone can have such horrible defensive performance, so if it is blasted, enter The world on the other side of the diaphragm, with its rich resources, will surely surpass this mysterious void! for

With this goal in mind, the patriarch of the empire has reached the order of death. In any case, no matter how much it costs, how long it takes, this layer of **** diaphragm... must be blasted!




... with

Another order was issued, and the entire vast expanse of the void, the sound of a sizzling sound like a tidal wave, this is the movement brought by the guns of the 100 billion warships. tight

Then, a huge roar sounded, hundreds of billion warships, countless guns, and volley.

Numerous energy beams of different diameters lasing at different angles, and finally converge together to form a column of horror energy with a wide diameter to the horrible energy. The blink of an eye falls to the front and the sky is like a sky. The general blood color diaphragm. This

Once, the **** diaphragm that had never been smashed and torn, the amplitude and frequency of the swaying of the giant naval gun energy beam was obviously stronger than the previous one. although

However, the degree of improvement is not very large, but this situation at least shows that with the bombardment of each cannon, the horror defense power of this blood-colored diaphragm is slowly but continuously decreasing and weakening... Such as

Therefore, as long as this does not stop, continue to unfold, one day, the **** diaphragm ... will be completely torn. and

At that time, it will obviously be the time for the whole celestial family to move forward again, leaving this mysterious void that has been stranded for nearly two decades...