Super Devouring System

Chapter 440: Duron


A five-drug elders went to the front. Before that, he was the poisonous array that he had personally laid out. It was also the white-bone grass that he saw with his own eyes. According to his memory, he should be able to find the white bone grass.

A group of people entered the forest directly. Not long after, Ye Xuan also came out from the second poison.

The poisonous fog in this plantation is relatively thin, so he must follow it more carefully.

During the two people's poisonous forests, during the period, Tang Huaizhi and others also saw a lot of new poisons and poisonous grasses, which made them more convinced that there must be a strong thing here.

However, their purpose is the white bone grass. As long as they find the white bone grass, they will leave immediately. As long as they get the relics of the eighth-order strongman, who cares about such a plantation?

The elder Chen, who took the lead, looked for five minutes and finally found the white bone grass.

The leaves of this white bone are the same shape as the human bones, and they are white, a total of eight plants.

When Bone Seven saw this white bone grass, his eyes were bright.

"The same root gave birth to eight white bone grasses. Sure enough, it was the place where my white bones fell from the predecessors!"

Bone seven muttered.

At this time, Tang Huaizhi suddenly pointed to the front: "Look at that, there is a cave!"

The poison here is very thin, and I can barely see things hundreds of meters away. Everyone followed the hands of Tang Huaizhi and found a big cave.

This is a canyon, and it is not unusual to have caves.

However, everyone found that there were huge claw marks on the edge of the cave.

"There is a big guy, everyone whisper, don't make a big move!" Tang Huaizhi whispered.


Everyone else nodded.

They still don't know what this big guy is, and don't know how strong its realm is. If it's just a fifth-order temperament, if it's a sixth-order temperament, then it's troublesome.

"Our people who practice death-like exercises, after death, are very prone to change. The eight white bones should have a strong dead air. I must absorb this dead air to dig up the body. !"

Bone Seven said that he also took out three hollow bones that were four or five meters long. Then he personally held the three long bones to the side of the white bone grass, and inserted the three long bones into the ground in a triangular direction, leaving only half of the long bones. The person is high on the ground.

Then, he started to print and laid a lineup.

This is a way to slowly release the dead air. If you do not release the underground dead air, you will surely have a big explosion.

It doesn't matter if a person is killed, and it is a tragedy if a smashing ring and a bone are blown up.

After the bones were finished, the three long bones began to smoke white smoke.

"After the death of the eighth-order strongman, if there is a dead explosion, how powerful is it?" An elder couldn't help but ask.

"The eighth-order explosion of the defensive gas, if we are in the vicinity, it will definitely be the bones that have been blown up. The planting ground and the two poisonous arrays outside will be completely destroyed." .

Everyone can't help but shudder, this big gas explosion, the power is so fierce?

However, after they thought of the fall time of the strong man, it was calm. The death time of this white bone strong man has already surpassed that of a young man, and only the dead body that has been dead for so long can accumulate so much dead air.

The dead air rose and it took about two minutes for the bones to retract the three long bones.

"Don't move, let me dig."

Bone Seven said one thing, that is, order the white bones to dig together.

For him, the sacred bones of the eight-order strongman are more important than the Qiang Kun.

As long as he gets this bone, he can refine a white bone war, and his strength may be reduced, but he is much better than him.

Bone seven was very careful, but he did not dig for a long time, that is, dug out a root of a bone.

Finger bones, hand bones, sternum, ribs, a root was dug out.

Bone seven is silently calculated in the heart.

However, he dug for a long time, but he dug into the ring, which made him very surprised.

"Strange, the bones of the hands are out, what about the ring?" Tang Huaizhi asked strangely.

"It’s hard to be done. Has the Qiankun ring been taken away?"

An elder muttered.

If this is the case, then it’s too pithy, they are coming in, do you want to go empty-handed?

Bone Seven does not believe it. Although he feels that the bones are more important, if he gets the ring, the seventh or even eighth order will not lack the resources for cultivation.

He did not believe in excavation for a while, but still could not dig out the Qiankun ring. At this time, even the skull of the bone had been dug up.

"Damn, it was already taken away." Bone seven could not help but scream.

Tang Huaizhi and the remaining six elders are also helpless. They are also a step forward and start to madly dig. With so many people together, it will inevitably make some noise.

At this time, at a distance of kilometers away from them.

"Where is the place where the eight-level master of the defensive gas has fallen, isn't the bones already dug up? Is it difficult to stop?"

With strong perception, Ye Xuan can feel the movements of these people.

He was still thinking before, if you dig into the Qiang Kun ring, these people may be guilty, and then they will work, and then he can make trouble. But now, there is no ring, his fantasy is also ruined.

However, it is at this time.


Suddenly a loud noise fell into everyone's ears. Tang Huaizhi and others looked up at the cave in the distance and found a huge black shadow slowly coming out.

"No, stop!"

Tang Huaizhi hurried.

Everyone stopped the action in their hands and turned to look.

Although they dig together, but the voice is not so far to the far away, this big guy must have come out.

Although the poisons here are thin, they can only see a huge figure.


The big guy stood in the hole and snarled, then he opened his wings and flew up.

Actually, it is a dragon!

"No, it flew toward us!" Tang Huaizhi shouted.

Until then, they only saw the appearance of this dragon. This is not an ordinary dragon, but a poison dragon.

This poisonous dragon has a layer of black scales on the outside of the skin, and it is always a group of poisonous gas.

It looked at the big eyes of the washbasin and fell on Tang Huaizhi and others.

Although the warrior can cover up the breath, but the perception of some creatures is not weak, Tang Huaizhi and the bone seven are the sixth order of the qi, and at the moment when the poison dragon came out of the hole, they were discovered.

"It's just a six-order poisonous dragon, killing!"

Tang Huaizhi shouted loudly.