Super Devouring System

Chapter 4460: burn one's boats

"Irritable, this is what you force the deity..."

Since I refuse to let go, the deity is a dead man, and definitely not let you be better..."


Seeing violent refusal directly, and still sneer sneer at the corner of his mouth, when even a punch banged to himself, the miscellaneous scorpion was completely desperate, and the scorpion shot a crazy **** mang, after screaming, Its huge body shape of Panda’s tens of millions of people exploded in an instant!



A shocking sound of the sound of the explosion came out, followed by a chain reaction, the sound of thunder in the void. complete

It was actually a late sage in the eighth-order world. It was too strong to cultivate. At this moment, under the wrath of the wrath, it was desperate to spurt itself. The moment of its flesh exploded, it showed the power of destruction. It was simply amazing. Awkward. on

Lian Yexuan, at this moment, felt the fierce hurricane blowing in the face, the body has a feeling, like standing in front of the violent hurricane, facing the hunting wind, the skin has a little tingling. miscellaneous

Mao Qingying’s words are not intimidating, nor vain. As a late sage in the eighth-order world, if he is arrogant and arrogant, he cannot pose a greater threat to Ye Xuan, who has the first-order strength of the universe. Slightly small, but still enough to do.

In fact, Ye Xuan now has this feeling, and the skin feels stinging. but

It is also limited to this.

He did not pay attention to it, but he waved at the first time..."

call out! "With

With a violent wave, the sharp sound of the air broke through, and a very invisible invisible temperament, rolled out from the violent body, shrouded a million miles, and the virtual air was just blew. Produced, the red blood fog that is spreading at the moment is spreading swiftly...

At the moment, Ye Xuan’s heart is actually guarded, worried that like the last time, it’s a trick of miscellaneous hair. After all, he can have more than one hairy feather on his head, in case every root has its own death and attracts The power of illusion, then the scene in front of it, is very likely to be fake.

But soon, Ye Xuan hung back in the eyes of the blind man.

Because this time, the **** fog that spread out of the canopy in front of the eye, not like the last time, was invisible by Ye Xuan’s invisible anger, and it instantly disappeared into a bubble...

Once, all the blood fog was rolled back by Ye Xuan, and I was born in the first time... I feel really real. Look

It’s really desperate to come to the head and to give up the struggle.

This thought was crossed in the brain, and Ye Xuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. This miscellaneous hair is really difficult to deal with. It has both a hodgepodge and a phantom. It is a bit tricky...


"The violent brother, ran...right!"

Just at this time, hundreds of millions of miles away from the distance, the sound of the old pig's arrogant voice, the roaring words, instantly let Ye Xuan a glimpse. This

At one moment, Ye Xuan’s heart suddenly became clear, and there was a faint sense of emptiness in the body... The aptitude was swept by him, and the suffocating blood in the body disappeared and disappeared.

This feeling is too strange, even if there is already the previous experience, but Ye Xuan still stunned, and then subconsciously turned to the direction of the old pig, and turned to the right side of the distance. this

At that time, the phantom power that confuses him has apparently disappeared. The right side of the sky in sight is at the end of the sky, and the spurs of the scorpion are escaping at a rapid speed. A few fluttering wings have already reached 670 million miles.

To be sure, now he can no longer be called a miscellaneous hair, perhaps more suitable for bald greens! very

Obviously, the so-called self-destruction is just a trick of mischievous, this time, he is also playing tricks, and in order to get more escape time, he even puts the variegated feathers on his head at once. All are consumed. Want

I know that there are dozens of variegated feathers of different colors on his head. When I first walked away, I used one.

Now it seems that these variegated feathers are clearly the same, all have the power to replace the disaster, and the power to trigger the illusion, is definitely the treasure of the blood. Do not

However, it is obvious that he has only one chance. If he misses again, the temper will not continue to be fooled.

Therefore, this time, in order to ensure the effect, he was stunned, and his teeth were all consumed by dozens of hairy feathers on his head.

This is definitely a real ruin, and the heart is really extraordinary. thing

In fact, he is almost successful. Just now, he has escaped to 670 million miles. In fact, if the old pigs in the far back are not in the air, they are not like Ye Xuan. The phantom power of dozens of hairy feathers can be affected. Do not

But I saw the whole process in a clear and unparalleled way, even arrogant at the most critical time, warning the Ye Xuan, and waking up the mind that was still in the illusion of illusion...

What, just give him five or six minutes of time, and the few shuffles between the shredded scorpions can definitely escape to nearly two billion miles. If

If this is the case, maybe he was really escaped by him today...

It is a pity that there is no such thing in reality... Since now Ye Xuan has already sneaked through the tricks of miscellaneous hair, then today, he is destined to die!

"Hey!" micro

The weak sound of the air broke, and Ye Xuan’s figure was already 300 million miles away. No

Half hesitate, the second teleport immediately followed, and then the third time...only

It was only a short break, and the imaginary distance of 670 million miles that had been exhausted by the machine had been pulled closer again. At this time, the distance between him and Ye Xuan was only two thousand. More than ten thousand miles.

This distance, for the huge starry sky of the six million-mile body, is only three body distances, completely within the scope of melee. "

Bald old hair, this time you are finished, the star master does not believe, except for the dozens of hairs on the top, the greens on your body have the same power effect..."

"If you don't have it... you can die now!"


With the sound of the ignorant gods coming out, the next moment, the starry sky violently burst into a punch...

The huge roar of the ear screams came, and the sorrowful sorrows of the sorrows were not far away, and the huge body exploded!

In an instant, the huge body of its huge body was completely blown up for a **** fog, and it spread. There is no doubt that this time it is absolutely impossible to have another accident, because the old pig in the distance, I have already raised a very excited and long-haired sorrow: "Hey... violent brother, this is the sixth one?"

It seems that this old guy has been checking Ye Xuan..."

call out! ”

With a punch back, violently waved in an instant, and the sharp sound of the air broke through. A huge invisible invincible spirit shrouded the tens of miles, and the blood and blood that just spread and spread all swept... ...