Super Devouring System

Chapter 4559: Shocking from the blood

"call out!"

The faint sound of breaking the air, an invisible awning, rushed in from the edge of this advanced and strong forbidden land at a limit speed beyond lightning, and slammed into the deepest part of the hinterland of the forbidden land.

This is a manskin, it is the embodiment of the blood sea secret, transformed into a drop of tiny blood beads Ye Xuan! although

It is said that the figure is small, but now he is in the ninth state of the konjac change bloodline, so he is the fifth stage of the universe. If

It is to remove the secret law of blood and sea, and restore the shape of tiny blood beads to the violent starry sky of 60 million miles. In such a huge body, the endless horror of blood and blood. will

Let his real combat power get a second-order blessing, which is the sixth order of the Supreme Universe.

Of course, if you use the power of the blood and sea secrets, then Ye Xuan will immediately condense three **** seas with all the six-level supreme power...

But this time, he did not intend to do so. because

For now, the reason why he came to this place is that it is not for the thunder, to kill the universe and to obtain the supreme blood. and

It is to sharpen the war by itself, to digest the gains of the last breakthrough, and to seek the opportunity to break through again in a short time...

In this way, it is naturally impossible to exert the power of the secrets of the blood and the sea, to condense the three blood and sea avatars, to be more and less sin... it is no different from his purpose, running counter to one another. "

咻..." Exhibition

Under the speed of opening, the tiny blood beads of Ye Xuan's body shape crossed the endless empty space between the eyes and came to the deep hinterland of this advanced and strong forbidden land. before

Just about 200 million miles away, two giant beastly stars appeared in the field of vision.

One left and one right, only two or three hundred thousand miles apart, quite a bit of a group to take advantage of it. This

It is also the meaning of Ye Xuan, which can be described as being in the middle!

During the meditation, he directly smashed the body shape and the magical power of all air movements to perfection and shock. In a flash, tiny worm-like blood beads appeared. although

However, it seems to be inconspicuous, but the temperament of the blood in the blood is terrible, reaching the fifth level of the universe.

This moment, the entire vast and powerful forbidden land, all exist, have felt the powerful pressure of this fifth-order supreme, within the fierce beasts, countless starry beasts shivering. Will

It is the Lord of the universe, and they are all in the nest, and they simply don’t dare to show their heads...

However, within the two giant beasts and stars that opened 200 million miles ahead, it was easy for the first time to stir up two powerful and powerful pressures. which is

Compared with Ye Xuan, it is also a difference. left

In the star of the giant beastly beast, what is diffused is the pressure of the fifth order of the universe.

In the other beastly star outside the two or three hundred million miles away, the prevailing pressure of the universe is the fourth order of the universe...


get out……"

Feeling the fierce meaning contained in these two supreme threats, Ye Xuan’s mind was fully ignited at this moment.

With a terrifying roar coming out, this drop is so faint as a worm-like blood bead, and immediately after a storm rises, short and half interest, it has become a body full of 60 million miles of horror Irritable. Such as

This huge size is almost the same as the two giant beasts in front of it, and even a faint lap. This

At the moment, the temperament of the starry sky is still the essence of the universe, although it is still the fifth order of the universe, but in fact, because of such a huge body, the horrible power of the horrible, now violent, true The combat power is already more than the sixth-order supreme. "

boom! ""

boom! ”

Without hesitation, there was a flash of glory in the middle of the sky. The starry sky was violently separated by a virtual space of two or three hundred million miles. Suddenly, two sharp fists hit the target, pointing to the two giant beasts and stars on the left and right sides. ..."

boom! ”

"Hey!" two

The sound of the earth-shattering sound of the explosion came, and the two huge beastly stars, no half suspense, almost exploded at the same time. star

Innumerable banned beasts in the Chen smashed blood, and they didn’t scream, they burst into blood. "

call out! ""


At the same time, with the explosion of these two giant beasts, from the inside of the stars, there is also a rush of violent spurs. number

A lot of money, overwhelming, like the attraction of a certain powerful force, the speed is almost to the extreme, the blink of an eye has been immersed in the huge and incomparable body.

These luxuries are all the top cultivating resources in the two giant beasts and stars. They are the two privately-owned private objects sitting in this high-level and strong forbidden land. but

So, on the one hand, the violent sudden shot, they can't catch up. another

On the one hand, it is the temperament of today's combat power than the sixth-order supreme, the gods are even more powerful, locked in the top resources of the two beasts after the explosion of the stars, and when the first time to collect ...

Sitting in the supreme level of these two beasts and stars, can't stop it! blink

Between the eyes, the various top-level cultivation resources they have collected for many years are taken away by the invading enemies and sent into the immortal world. This

It is definitely the face of the red fruit, which can inspire the anger of these two supreme powers to the extreme. and

This is exactly what Ye Xuan did for this purpose...he

This is to sharpen myself with the big battle, but I didn’t have time to play with the two guys. The more time I dragged, the more unfavorable it was to Ye Xuan. Place

Therefore, he must completely irritate the other party as soon as he comes up, so that the war will be truly heated from the very beginning...

His purpose has obviously been reached. This

The effect of the sample is simply unexpectedly good..."

Roar! ""

You are a bandit..."

"This is simply the robbing of the red fruit..."

"I will hand over all the cultivation resources immediately, including your own one, otherwise...die!"


In an instant, the screams of screaming and screaming sounded, and then, from the two giant beasts that were exploding, two large figures were directly rushed out.

This is the two-headed blood horned antelope, which has a huge body size of tens of thousands of miles. The body exudes a breath of breath, which is the fourth-order supreme and fifth-order supreme.

At this moment, the first burst of the nest star that was blasted in an instant, the two blood horned antelopes hoofed in the void for the first time, wrapped in a thick and **** fog, one left and one right, hanging down With the **** giant horn at the top of his head, he rushed toward Ye Xuan. although

It is said that the violent body is huge, and there are 60 million miles of giants, but the repairs that are dispersed in the body are only breathable, but only the fifth stage of the universe. he

Among the two of them, there is one of the same order, and the other is weaker than a small step. No matter how they look at it, they all have an advantage, so there is no fear at all.

It means that when you come up, you want to fight against robbery, and you are clamoring to let Ye Xuan even hand over his own cultivation resources.