Super Devouring System

Chapter 4563: The fifth stage of the universe

As the voice of the gods came out, the twelve light gangs that surrounded the surrounding area suddenly fell into silence again, and no movement came out. If

If there are no accidents, they should be secretly communicating and discussing the countermeasures in front of this scene.

And only by virtue of the words of the right, Ye Xuan has been able to determine that they seem to have no way to deal with themselves. Such as

This, how much makes his mind fixed.

After a little sinking, he decided not to pay attention to this. Anyway, there is no way to worry about it anymore. It would be better to stimulate these guys...

The best way to stimulate them is naturally to break through in the presence of these twelve powerful beings. first

At the time of the battle with the two blood-horned antelopes, Ye Xuan’s last breakthrough was basically digested and integrated into his own flesh and blood. Such as

Therefore, the opportunity to break through again has already arrived! although

However, it is only a small-scale breakthrough. For the predicament, there is almost no meaning. However, at present, Ye Xuan has to prepare for a long-term response. If

If he can't always find a chance to escape, his only way is to break through his own strength into the universe. because

In this way, in the state of activating the konjac blood vessels in the body, and turning the blood vessels of the konjac into the ninth state, Ye Xuan can at least have the second-order power of the ancient power. Session

When you do not, you may not find the opportunity to escape. and

Now, his own true cultivation is only the fourth-order of the universe, and he is engulfing a twenty-seventh-level Baodan who has helped to break through the universe to the highest position. There are five small steps that need to be broken. no

On how to break the first order and calculate the first order, it’s better to suddenly hold the Buddha’s foot suddenly.

With these thoughts flashing in my mind, Ye Xuan’s fine mans and sorrows, and then hesitated, even when the field of Shennong Ding was launched, the power of the hidden atmosphere was started...

After that, although his figure did not move, he directly broke away from the state of the ninth change. As a result, his cultivation was reduced to the fifth stage of the universe.

However, due to the fact that Shennong Ding’s domain field power can cover up, the powerful existence of the twelve canopy in the distance from Ding’s outer space is completely undetectable...”


After everything was ready, with the faint sound of breaking, a rush of anger was made.

Hanging in front of Ye Xuan, he is the cultivation resource that he took out from the immortal world. After doing all this, he immediately mobilized Shennong Ding’s domain power, and compressed all the cultivation resources to only the size of the baby fist. I swallowed my belly with a wave of hand. "

Oh la la..."

The entrance of the baby boxing ball became a powerful energy river. and

Under the stimulation of this energy-giving river, it was almost in the next moment. The sound of the chain squeaking unexpectedly came over and over, and Ye Xuan’s body rang...

This time, there is only one chain of shackles that appears in Ye Xuan’s body.

This is already a long-awaited thing. In the middle of the universe, as the two consecutive breaks that have occurred frequently, three breaks, it is basically impossible to have it again. Ye Xuan is psychologically prepared.

With the appearance of the chain, Ye Xuan is convinced that he is motivated to mobilize the energy that has just been formed in the body, and to carry out a big Sunday operation in the whole body and save the power! a few

In the next moment, the pain of the heart soon came, and Ye Xuan’s entire body and mind were shrouded. but

He did not pay attention to it, still no sadness and no joy, concentrating on concentration. Time

In the process, Ye Xuan poured all his mind, and he was always working on the big Sunday. After seven days, the energy that he formed in his body was finally refining. ......

Then, just a shock, this sturdy chain of shackles has broken.

When the shackle chain completely broke, the expected system sounds, and soon in the mind of Ye Xuan...

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the ancient realm of the hole! The current realm: the fifth order of the universe!"

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the flesh and blood! The current realm: the fifth of the universe!"

The main fifth order!

The distance from the ninth order of the ninth order of the sacred masters of the 27th Supreme Baodan is only a matter of four small steps...

Previously, the cultivation of Ye Xuan's deity was the fourth order of the master of the universe, and the power of the blood of the ancient konjac was activated, and it was able to climb to the fifth stage of the lord.

If the magical scorpion is changed again and the ninth change is reached, the combat power will immediately rise to the fifth level of the universe.

If it is coupled with the blood and blood of the flesh, its true combat power is more than the sixth-order supreme.

This time, when the breakthrough is reached, he will have the sixth-order cultivation of the Lord of the universe as soon as he activates the blood of the konjac in the body.

In the state of the fascinating konjac, and directly into the ninth state of change, its peak power will reach the sixth level of the universe supreme! and also

It is the peak of the mid-term, only one step difference from the late Supreme. can

In fact, if we count the horrible blood power of the huge body of 60 million miles in the ninth state of violent temperament, its true combat power can basically be compared with the late supreme of the seventh-order situation!

If you apply the secret method of blood and sea, and motivate its avatar power, after a moment of condensing three **** seas with the supreme seventh-order combat power, Ye Xuan takes three wars, if it is the late stage of the eighth-order It is possible that he will be killed by him.

As for the supreme perfection of the ninth-order world, that is, the quasi-wild power, in the case of using the strongest magical scorpion, the current Ye Xuan, also has the ability to kill it...

Unfortunately, if faced with the real wild power, today's Ye Xuan, unless he relies on the power of the headless baby corpse, how can he struggle again, and he will definitely not hurt the other party, and it is really helpless! "

Is the fifth master of the universe? In this way, my strongest combat power has reached the seventh order of the universe supreme... and if necessary, it is still the blood of the three battles, and at the same time against any enemy! ""

It is a pity that in the face of the situation, it is still far from enough. If there is a chance to usher in a big battle, it will be a good opportunity to quickly break through again..."

In the middle of the fine mans flash, Ye Xuan whispered a whisper, while once again turning the konjac into a **** supernatural power, directly to the ninth change.

However, its body shape, but under the influence of blood and sea power, has not changed, it is still high.

Therefore, the temperament that is diffused in the body is only the sixth order of the universe, but even so, it is still stronger than the fifth order of the universe before the breakthrough. very

Fast, as he chanted, the domain power of Shennong Ding under his body changed immediately, and the powerful power that was previously activated was directly removed. under

For a moment, with the refinement of Ye Xuan suddenly being sensed again, Baoding’s 12-canopy light cluster on the periphery of Yili’s four-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands ...