Super Devouring System

Chapter 4639: Must be the name of the Taoist friend

"call out!"

With the black robe able to wave, a glare came.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan sighed with a sigh of relief, but his face did not show up. He still had a faint smile, and the light cloud was light, as if it was not very general.

However, this masculine rush came from the front, but he was picked up by the first time, and the knowledge was extended. It was confirmed that there was no problem. Then he raised his hand and took a look at his eyebrows. Disappear……

"The two Taoist friends, the previous commitment must be fulfilled. This is mainly a small and careful study to see if the secret of this refining drug is helpful. After the completion, the two Taoists will refine the magical medicine. Please wait.""

At the same time, please also ask the two friends, the ferocious flesh and blood materials needed to refine the magical medicine, as well as the various top-level natural treasures as auxiliary materials... Let's prepare for it first. "Say

In the words, Ye Xuan bowed to the two fists, smiled and said hello, then turned and walked to the demon dragon behind him. corpse

The seven major cults such as the ancestral dynasty did not stay, and all went with them. "

brush! ”

After entering the vestibule of the Dragon Dragon's driving, with Ye Xuan's meditation, the original misty curtains will fall in an instant.

In this way, everything in the vestibule of the imperial court will not be visible from the outside, and it will be impossible to have a result if the ancient sage is explored by the gods, unless the field power of the dragon dragon is smashed. magic

The dragon safari is an ancient treasure, and the luxury is incomparable. At the same time, it is more focused on its defense ability. although

It is said that it can't be compared with Shennong Ding, but even if the general wilderness is coming, it will be impossible to break open in a short time. positive

Because of this, Ye Xuan, who was willing to pay for it, was not worried at all. After the fog curtain fell, he sat down in the front court. With

After that, Ye Xuan ordered the body's engulfment system to fully launch the system's ability to derive and calculate, and then with its own seven-order power of horror, the secret medicine of the refining medicine that has just been reached, and the similar secrets that have been mastered before. , expand integration optimization.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, ten days passed. first

All the pre-chemical refining secrets have been completely integrated. This time, it is only a mere way to integrate the secrets of the four survivors of the Hongyang Star Field provided by the black robe.

So the speed is very fast, but even so, it takes a full ten days, after all, it requires a lot of derivation and calculation work...

Although it has been delayed for ten days, but fortunately, it is not all without gains. Ye Xuan’s secret method of refining medicine has taken a small step to the perfection. According to his deduction, he will go to the last remaining people’s domain. Can completely complete it..."

哗啦啦......" Wan

If the abnormal sound of the splash is coming, the magic dragon hanging in the void can lift the vestibule curtain and slowly rise. This

Once, the seven sacred repairs such as the corpse of the corpse did not follow, but stayed in the magic dragon, only Ye Xuan walked out slowly, his face still smirked..."

call out……"

"The two friends, fortunately, don't insult, there are some gains, but I am afraid that there is still a little distance from the refining of the nine-color **** medicine. I have to go back to other survivors..."

Walking out of the vestibule of the imperial court, Ye Xuan’s speech has already waved a sacred sacred flame, turning into a giant of a million feet, a fireworks daring condensed by eight-color fire.

This is clearly to fulfill the previous promise, the rhythm of refining the magical medicine on the spot. in

The Dragon Dragon has been waiting for the power of two remnants of the past ten days. The whole heart has already mentioned the eyes of the blind man. It is awkward. Now that I saw this scene, I finally fell back and my face burst into a smile. "


Soon, two awns accompanied by a broken sound, rushing toward Ye Xuan, this is the two treasures of storage, which are filled with the flesh and blood materials prepared by the two survivors. A kind of top treasure medicine. versus

At the same time, the two men clearly revealed the words of excitement, and at the same time came..."

The friend of the road has worked hard, this is the material I am waiting for..."

"Daoyou really is a promise, and the external rumors are too overdone. After this incident, I will definitely send the news out, and I must be the name of the Taoist friend..."

"So, thank you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, smiled a little, did not say anything, turned to look at the eight-color flame trip in the air. "

call out! ”


Almost at the next moment, as he was in the middle of the two treasures of the two treasures of the Hongyang Star Field, there were a large number of beasts and treasures that were taken out. This is exactly the same. The main material of the nine-color **** medicine.

But at the same time, there are a large number of top-quality treasures, which are numerous and numerous.

Even the spring water used for refining medicines, both of them are prepared... Of course, these raw materials, whether they are fierce beasts or spirit springs, are not as advanced as Ye Xuan’s hands. inverted

There is no difference in the treasures of all kinds of top treasures. After all, this is what was taken out of the hands of the ancients. Do not

However, although the refining materials are generally quite different from those prepared by Ye Xuan when he refining himself, this time he refining the **** medicine, only the Shennong eight-color flame, not the nine-color flame.

However, with the secret of refining medicine that Ye Xuan now controls, under this condition, Jiu Cai Shen Medicine can't be refining, but Sancai and Si Cai are still completely ok. "

boom! ""


"Hey!" Very

Fast, the rumbling rumbling came, the whole body of the energy form of the Shennong eight-color flame condensed.

Then, with the sound of a broken air, all the materials originally suspended in the void on one side were automatically flew into the furnace, and the eyes melted and mixed together. under

For a moment, Ye Xuan’s hands fluttered like a butterfly, and the different colors and shapes of the crepe patterns fell from the sky in his hands, and directly entered the colorful shape of the energy form. its

The situation is overwhelming, dense, and the number is horrible. The speed is even more daunting. The two survivors in the sky are so powerful that they look silly at first...

Between the slow lapse, this time, Ye Xuan deliberately slowed down the speed, while refining the medicine, while feeling and recalling the secrets of the refining medicine that he had learned in the previous two days, he was quite unknowingly.

This time, it took only one day, this furnace's top flesh and blood medicine, it was completely refined, and with the success of the great medicine, there will be numerous Xiangrui visions in the air, and the void in the space of the cabin is high. Presented at the place.



boom! ”

Almost the next moment, the loud roar of the bell rang, and the colorful furnace in the front of the void burst into an infinite treasure...

The virtual shadows of a true dragon and a phoenix all rushed out from Ding, and the neck screamed and cleared.

Then, the whole furnace Ding will be turned into a little bit of colorful flames in an instant, and will be put away by Ye Xuan, sent to Shennong Ding, and will be absorbed into the body...