Super Devouring System

Chapter 4732: The hall is empty


Hey! ""


The roar of the sky and the sound of the whistling sounded, and the whole vast expanse of the universe's void was slightly trembled.

At this moment, the four powerful ancient sages descended, and the body shape was only about a hundred feet at the beginning, but in an instant they climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the eyes were huge. on

Just like four stars, they stand on the top of the Star Alliance and the Alliance of the Wan Nationality. For a time, they are so fierce...

This is the four true ancient sacred supreme, and it is by no means comparable to the two ruins of the nine tiers of the eternal humanity of the Terracotta Army. which is

It is the fierce beast and the ancestors of the grey robe in front of the Beasts and the Legion of the Remains. The strength of the cultivation that has been revealed today is only the seventh stage of the ancient power. he

We need to pay a certain price and exert a certain secret law in order to make our own cultivation a realm, and in an instant, ascend to the ancient and supreme.

This kind of absurd cultivation that has been promoted by the secret law has certain disadvantages, and there is absolutely no way to compare it with the real absurdity.

What's more, among the four powerful pastimes that have come today, the **** unicorns and the nine sacred crocodiles are even the fifth-order mid-level ruins of this place. Will

It’s nine **** and blue sky Dapeng. Although it’s only a step-by-step cultivation, it’s already a stable place...

It can be said that these four powerful desolations that have just arrived are definitely the most powerful among the numerous powers of the five major leagues. Even the ten ancient powers of the Terran Federation cannot but admit it. This time, the five major alliances joined forces to force the palace to be destroyed. The four of them are the real backbone. If

There is no such thing, this game of imperial palace, there is no need to expand at all, because there is no meaning at all. Place

So, with the arrival of the Scarlet and the Nine Secrets, the blood of the nine heads, and the advent of the Qingtian Dapeng, the eyes of all the strong men in the five major coalitions gathered in the past, that is, the forefront of the Confederate Federation camp. None of the ten ancient powers have made a sound. This

Obviously, this is the right to speak and the meaning of the game, and the rhythm of the **** unicorn is the master...

In the void in the farther rear, the large number of high-level people from all the weaker and idle forces also held their breath, and their eyes were fixed on the **** unicorns. "



Oh..." This

At the moment, with the advent, and the manifestation of the bleeding pulse, the **** unicorn and other four powerful ancient sacred supreme, all of them uttered a scream of screams, and the sound of the tens of millions of miles, this corner of the ruins of the heavens and the earth, are in the slightest Trembling. angry

The whistling sound has not yet fallen, and the four old guys have turned their heads and swept away toward the five major coalition forces below.

"The five major leagues, this time, the high-level combat power is almost a move and move..."

"Yes, there are twelve powerful ancient powers? It is a breeze to crush the whole hall!"

"The friends of the Tao, wait for the dead monkey to appear, and I will be responsible for guiding him away. By then, you will be shot and will kill all the front of the temple."

This time, the deity wants to let the temple be completely removed from the ruins of this ruined land..."

The result is obviously very satisfying to them, and the ones that have come are already here...

In the end, the sights of the four old guys almost swept to the four major corps of the Magic Hall outside the edge of the Xusheng forbidden land, one billion miles away. After a sneer, even when the sound of the gods was ridiculed Oh..."

I am not mad, why not show up? ""

You are not sending out orders, letting the entire piece of the ruins of the heavens and the earth emptiness, and all the top and lower powers of the emperor and the emperor are all glimpsed? Now that I have gathered here, why are you the so-called Lord of the Temple of Devils, who is arrogant in the world, why not dare to take the lead? ”

"Oh, the war of the day, the deity said, after finishing the important things at hand, I will return soon, fight with you, take the first level..."

Now I am waiting to gather again, forcing the palace to come, you will send such a shrimp and crab, but you are still unable to move, is it afraid? ""

Get out and die..."

"Today is not just for you, including all the strong men of the Imperial Army under the Imperial Court, all of them will die!"

"The deity is angry, and the billions of miles are empty, and there must be no grass..."

Roar! ""

Roar! ”


After the last sentence, the **** unicorn, the nine sacred crocodile, the nine-headed **** scorpion and the Qingtian Dapeng screamed at the same time, and the body's repairing atmosphere was rushed to the extreme.

The four powerful and unparalleled powers spread out in an instant, but they did not target the bottom and the back, but swept away from the edge of the Xusheng forbidden area beyond the billion-mile ahead.

This is clearly deliberately provocative, to crush the four major corps of the magic hall outside the forbidden land by the pressure, to give the Lord of the Devil a horse!



Almost at the same moment, the earth-shattering roar sounded. in

In the giant life star in the deepest part of Xusheng’s forbidden land, the atmosphere violently rolled up, and then immediately separated a wide and incomparable road. A black glare came from the eye, and the star was already in the blink of an eye. outer. This

The black man of the road is welcoming the storm, and when it is not enough, it has turned into a black temple with a huge number of miles. The whole body is black and inky, but it is crystal clear and translucent...

I don't know what kind of material I created, it gives people the feeling, but it is extremely high-end atmosphere, exudes a supreme arrogance...

The Great Hall of Panda is the main hall of the Devil's Hall. When it appears, there is an invisible pressure that spreads out from the black hall. It is easy and incomparable, and it has solved the one billion miles ahead. The four ravages that are sweeping away.

Ye Xuan is sitting in this hall, but also lazy to show up directly, between the movements, with the entire magic hall, just flew out. this

At that time, the Temple of the Thousands of Miles stood on the top of the four legions of the edge of the Xusheng forbidden land, and it seemed to be infinitely powerful.

"call out!""

Oh..." with

The demon hall rushed out of the Xusheng ban, and the four corps of the edge of the Xusheng ban on the edge of the forbidden land, there was a glimpse of the figure.

Gathered in front of the black magic hall.

For the first time, it is six **** and green cattle, as well as Zhao Dong, Qian Nan, Sun Xi, Li Bei, as well as **** ancestors and Qing Peng ancestors.

Behind these eight people, there are more than four hundred emperors, such as the Jade Emperor, the Dragon Skull, the Gongjun, and the Black Wind Tiger, the Roaring Moon, the Three-Claw Dragon, and the Longshan Tang...

Since they led the army on the edge of the forbidden land two days ago, they have not had any changes. Now, when they see the magic hall flying, they will appear in the first time. to

Holding a fist in the void, bowed to the black giant temple: "See the Lord of the Lord..."