Super Devouring System

Chapter 4777: The last peak of the past

This time, the magic hall can be described as a huge harvest. With the addition of the evil army, the original four major army of the magic hall will become the five major legions.

The fifth largest army is the Eighty Army, and the commanding Taikoo Porcupine and Taikoo tortoise are the first-order power.

In addition, among the nearly 100 million star-studded beasts in the Legion, there are dozens of cosmic supreme, hundreds of cosmic masters, and two or three hundred cosmic sages. As for the immortal, it is more than one thousand. The number is definitely the most powerful army of the five major legions of the Magic Hall. This

Everything, let the six **** and blue cows and other high-level temples are delighted. because

Before this, in addition to the power of the devil in the temple, the most powerful existence is the six bloody, but even he is only the universe of the late realm.

There is not a wild power in the entire Great Hall.

Even the cosmic supreme, there are few who can’t take it...this

A little bit of six **** scorpions and other high-rises of the Devil's Heart are heavy and feel very incomparable, but now, everything is finally solved, let them take a breath, and the stone that is in their hearts disappears in an instant.

Soon, the top leaders of the five major regiments were familiar with each other. Ye Xuan did not stop here. He ordered six **** scorpions to arrange camps for the sinister army and distribute the living stars. With

After that, I took the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise and returned to the Dongfu Star. "

call out! ""


After entering the atmosphere of the stars, Ye Xuan led the two old guys directly to the magic hall. After they were seated, they talked about the experiences of these years.

Including the Hongmeng Star Field, including Xingbo, including the Galaxy Star Field, and the source nesting star base camp in the Hongmeng Star Field... All of this, Ye Xuan is not concealed, after all, these two old goods are still dependent on value. It is not necessary at all.

"I don't think your kid has experienced so much in these years..."

It’s just that it’s not hanged, it’s not a big life...”

After listening to Ye Xuan, the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo Maogui suddenly sighed, but these two old guys have always stinked, and the words spoken are not very pleasant, and Ye Xuan’s eyes are straight.

Under the sorrow of the heart, he suddenly remembered the old pig essence, and immediately came to the spirit, turned to the Taikoo porcupine looked over, his face showed a mysterious smile: "Old black, do not mention these are almost forgotten, in In the source nest of Nahongmeng Stars, the temple has prepared a big surprise for you..."

"What the hell?"

The Taikoo Porcupine was alert in an instant, and the stunned vigilance of the scorpion, staring at Ye Xuan up and down: "You thief laughs like this, there is nothing good, honestly confess..."

Since it’s a surprise, it’s boring to say it’s open...”

Xuan immediately shook his head and looked very firm: "You don't want to make an idea. This temple will not say it. When you go, you will understand it naturally..."

call out! ""


As soon as the sound fell, Ye Xuan suddenly waved, and in a moment there were two volleys, and the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise both stopped and hovered.

The two old guys glanced at each other and subconsciously extended their minds with the power of the gods. They changed their minds in an instant, and they took a sigh of relief...

Two milli-mans, it is two pieces of storage magic, which contains a large number of cultivation resources, including nine-color magic medicine and chaotic medicine, but there is no such thing as Zijinbao medicine. After all, the repair of these two goods is here. It’s not a top good deal, it’s really not a big deal for them.

Of course, in addition to these, within the two treasures of storage, there is also a twenty-nine-level ridiculous treasure. These two goods are now a first-order power. Sooner or later, it is better to give it now. .

"Grey's big medicine is a chaotic medicine, and its efficacy is more than nine color medicines. It is best to swallow it at the moment of breakthrough. Even when you practice it..."

Nodded, Ye Xuan said: "As for the medicinal medicine, it is the twenty-ninth-level ridiculous Baodan. After the great ninth-order grand reunion, you can swallow it, so that you can successfully break through to the desert in a short time.  ..."

In the past, Ye Xuan refining the twenty-nine-level ridiculous Baodan, only a total of only fifteen. Such as

Today, one of the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise was given, and the twenty-nine-level ridiculous Baodan in his hand was only thirteen.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head and smiled...

The opposite of the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise, after hearing the words of the cold, but immediately stupid, and suddenly completely speechless, apparently being light. he

We never imagined that after a few decades of disappearance, Ye Xuan had even surrendered the unscientific resources of the ridiculous Baodan, which had broken through the ancient and supreme environment in a short period of time.

Just at this time, Ye Xuan’s body suddenly came with a familiar sway, which was the movement of the smoke, letting his heart move, his face showed a surprise color.

Soon, the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise hurried away. They have not tasted the taste of the colorful medicine and the chaotic medicine. Some can't wait. Wait

After they left, Ye Xuan waved his hand and directly asked for a smog. "

call out……"

With the faint sound of breaking the air, Bao Luo whizzed out, and the wind rose. The blink of an eye turned into a pink pipa of a hundred feet in size, and the sky in front of Ye Xuan slowly rises and falls, revealing an extreme Strong and mysterious atmosphere. and

At the same moment that Bao Luo was sacrificed, the voice of the ancestor’s ancestors came out, revealing a deep joy: “Master, we woke up...”

Before this time entering the sleep, the strength of the seven major repairs has reached the sixth level of the ancient power of the ancients, only three small steps from the previous peak. again

Before entering the sleep, the cultivation resources provided by Ye Xuan were no longer the previous nine-color **** medicine, but the chaotic medicine, and its efficacy was obviously far from comparable to the nine-color medicine.

It can even be said that there is no comparability at all, not at the same level...

At that time, Ye Xuan had already decided. After the end of this slumber, these seven gimmicks would surely be able to enter the ninth-order grand sacredness of the past dynasties, but I did not expect that this was more than two years, and the seven gimmicks reawakened again.

"call out!""


Just as his heart swelled, a faint sound of broken air rang out, and seven lines of figure rushed out of the smog in the sky. to

The emptiness in front of Ye Xuan’s body is lined up in a row. It’s the seven sacred sacred ancestors of the corpse of the sacred ancestors who lived in Baoluo. With the body of the top. "

See owner..."

After the appearance of the body, the seven glamorous savage savage repairs, while at the same time to Ye Xuanjiao smiled and sighed, the mouth snoring the master, charming smile, obviously the mood is very good...

The refinement of the body that was diffused at this time was as impressive as Ye Xuan’s guess, reaching the ninth-order great perfection of the ancient powers of the past.

That is... half a step!