Super Devouring System

Chapter 4808: Tianji is born

A mysterious and ancient void!

At the end of this mysterious void, there is a **** diaphragm like a canopy, which seems to be inconspicuous, but it has blocked a horrible trillion-strong warship army here, more than fifty years old...

The army of hundreds of billions of warships is the disappearing heavenly planet! Such as

Today, after the discovery of this blood-colored diaphragm, the warship army of the Tianji nationality has been continually blasting for more than 30 years, but it has not been completely blasted. when

At the beginning, this layer of blood-colored diaphragm was discovered at the beginning. The patriarch of the Tianji nationality even once visited this place, with several newly-reformed ruins of the ancient and ancient forms of life, and at the same time, they joined forces, but there was no result! No

Some people know what is on the other side of the blood-colored diaphragm, but one thing is certain, that is, a layer of blood-colored diaphragm on the edge of the zone can have such horrible defensive performance, so if it is blasted, enter The world on the other side of the diaphragm, with its rich resources, will surely surpass this mysterious void!

For this purpose, the patriarch of the empire has reached the order of death. In any case, no matter how much it costs, how long it takes, this layer of **** diaphragm must be blasted anyway!

This ectopic surface void, which has a secret passage with the first universe, is the mysterious void that the Tianji nationality migrated in the past. The virtual air has a large number of powerful and ruined treasures, even without any quasi-quantity. The ancient powers of the wild, and the real ancient power level. day

The reason why the patriarch of the machine family decided to take advantage of the change of the Tianji City at that time, moved the entire huge plane city and the entire Tianji family to this mysterious void. Head

It is to use the wrecked treasures of the powerful and ridiculous creatures that can be seen everywhere in the imaginary sky, so that the entire celestial family can complete a magnificent transformation in a short time!

For more than fifty years, a lot can happen! day

The machine family has the power of the whole ethnic group, and there are countless intelligent robots as the sleepless labor force. The overall transformation and evolution of today's ethnic groups has already achieved astounding results.

The original Tianji City, its volume is just like a small star!

But now, after a comprehensive upgrade, the size of the Tianji City has even surpassed some extremely rare giant stars, becoming a veritable starry sky, but the volume change is just one of the evolution of the Tianji City. Just about it. when

The original Tianji City, built both inside and outside by the hardest new cosmic alloy, has a conventional continental form and a wartime fortress form. and

Now, all of this has already been fully consolidated and upgraded. Today's Sky City is no longer just made of pure, up-to-date cosmic alloys.

The Emperor has exhausted the power of the entire celestial family, collecting all kinds of top flesh and blood materials, such as the dragon's dragon's ribs, the phoenix's phoenix, and the black dragon's, in this imaginary sky with countless powerful and ancient treasures. Keel spine...etc.

Wait, etc., and so on! This

These wild animals are extremely powerful during their lifetime, and even if they have fallen into endless years, their treasures are still very strong.

However, the Tianji people have a way to divide them and use a variety of suitable materials to transform the original Tiancheng City, which was originally made of cosmic alloys, into a world-class combination of cosmic alloys and ancient creatures. Biochemical giant plug! on

Even its original form is only two, but it has doubled to four.

In addition to the original conventional continental form and the shape of the wartime fortress, there are two other forms of birth in the current Tianji City.

In a short period of time, the entire Tianmao City, which is huge and incomparably full of terrorist power, can be changed into a huge dragon with a huge body in the order of the Emperor, or a black phoenix with a wingspan!

And the formal tribes of all the celestial beings, including the patriarch, and the tens of thousands of years, have been cultivating their strengths at an ever-changing speed. They have used the blood of countless powerful and desolate creatures in this virtual air. The treasure is upgraded. more

And like the transformation of the Tianji City, the collection of top materials such as the dragon ribs and medulla, step by step to transform their own mechanical body.

Some powerful celestial people, even giving up the human form of the body, directly based on the bones or treasures of a huge wild creature, from the inside to the end, step by step carefully carved!

In the end, the electronic consciousness is the combination of the wreckage of the ancient treasures and the power of modern science and technology. The new huge body created by this is like a feather, completely reborn, and transformed into a body with the power of science and technology. Powerful and desolate creatures...

Today, where is the deity of Emperor Yi, what form is it, and what kind of situation has been achieved by repairing strength, even within the Tianji clan, no one is known.

In addition to the transformation and evolution of all the official tribes of the ethnic group, the Tianji people have used this treasure of the powerful and desolate creatures in the virtual sky for nearly two decades to create a large number of intelligent robots that are not human forms. . number

More and more, the combat power is also amazing, they are called ... mechanical beast!

Nowadays, the number of mechanical beasts completed by the Tianji family has become almost countless! although

However, they are actually built on the basis of the wreckage of various ancient treasures, adding scientific and technological elements, such as the scales and cortex of the body surface, which is the latest biochemical product. "




At this moment, with the release of another instruction, the entire vast expanse of the void, the sound of a sizzling sound like a tidal wave, this is the movement brought by the cannon of the 100 billion warships. huge

The big roaring sounds, hundreds of billion warships, countless guns, and

A number of energy light columns of different diameters are lasing toward the front at different angles and eventually come together!

Forming a column of horror energy with a wide and horrible diameter, the blink of an eye falls on the **** diaphragm that hangs in front of the sky like a sky.

This time, the blood-colored diaphragm that had never been smashed and torn, and collapsed in the moment of the giant ship gun energy beam.


"For fifty years, has it finally opened up?"

At this moment, the dragon that has been traversing the dark void in the rear suddenly squirmed and squirmed. It was turned into a round star, which is equivalent to the size of the immortal star. The giant stars, but the glory of the metal, and the invisible sharpness of the air.

This is the Tianji City that has now had four forms, and the power has soared numerous times. and

At this time, the roar of the roar from the city of Tianji came from the emperor. From the breath, it was already a late monk's cultivation: "Baby, the moment of killing is coming, the heavenly family, moving forward..."