Super Devouring System

Chapter 4848: Want to divide the world

"call out!""

boom! ”

"Booming ......"

In the air, Ye Xuan waved his hand and rushed away, and the storm rose. In a moment, it turned into a huge giant, which is Shennong Baoding. This

Once, Ye Xuan will control the field power of Baoding to the limit. Under the rapid expansion, Shennong Baoding's volume far exceeds the largest star. where

I am afraid that it is the source nest star of Hong Meng’s emptiness, and I am afraid that it cannot match its volume.

At this time, it was a day after he came to the Tianhe Star Field. Within this day, along with the mosquitoes and the old ghosts and the Neapolitans, the Emperor Mo, the Emperor of the Devil, the Turtles, the Nine, and the Crazy King And Xuanyuan old man, Duanmu old man, Bodhi teacher and other small idle forces and family executives issued orders...

All the forces in the entire Tianhe domain have acted. Every life star is very busy. All the forces are busy moving. Although the life stars can’t move, there is no need to move, but all resources cannot. Stay.

The vast expanse of a vast expanse of stars, all busy, very loud, the time seems to be a short time, but after all, there are many people, and soon, there is a huge fleet in the far-flung void. come. this

At the time, the surrounding emptiness of Shennong Ding has once again turned into Ye Xuan, who is in the form of a konjac. He is standing on the side of the Tianhe Star Field with mosquitoes and old ghosts.


A fleet of troops came in and did not hesitate after the arrival. The first time they rushed into the Shennong Ding Ding mouth with the colorful fog, and disappeared...

In the far left direction, a black cloud swept through. This

In fact, it is a large army formed by countless tortoises. The tortoises in the army are strong at every end. They originally have huge and incomparable body shapes, but all of them are reduced as much as possible, at least tens of millions, gathered together. It is like a million warships. whole

All the Turtles are here, and under the leadership of their patriarchs, they entered the Shennong Baoding.

There is also a void on the right side, a fiery red cloud with a low, dense humming sound.

This army is made up of countless blood and mosquitoes. Every **** mosquito has a strong breath, a large number, dozens of billions, and has been at the end of the line of sight. Now all of them are rushing into the colorful The fog of Shennong Ding...

In addition, there are also demon people, all of them have entered the spiritual warfare after the transformation. Nowadays, the overwhelming spiritual warfare spurs from the Dingkou of Shennong Baoding and goes to The interior space of Baoding! This

The scene lasted for a day. After one day, the entire Tianhe star field was empty. Except that the stars were still here, and they were not removed, all other resources were brought into Shennong. tripod……

At the end of the day, the mosquitoes and the old ghosts and the Naples, the emperor Mo Wentian, the devil's uncle, the cursive patriarch, the ninth, the madness, the old man, the old man, the end of the wood, the Bodhi, the small idle forces and the family's top They have also entered Baoding in succession..."


The weak sound of the break sounded, and Ye Xuan waved his hand and instantly took Shennong Ding into the body. tight

Then, his shoulders swayed, and the front of the head was in the void, and suddenly there was a void crack, and Ye Xuan’s mid-cold flashed, and stepped into it, and his eyes disappeared. again

When it appeared, it was already in an area that was less than 10 billion miles away from Xusheng’s forbidden land. "

Bang! ""


In the low roar, a black crack appeared in the void, and Ye Xuan, a violent form, stepped out of it. When he waved his hand, he immediately sacrificed Shennong Ding again..."



The skybreaking sounds and the incomprehensible roaring sounded instantly, and a large number of battleships, tortoises, blood-mosquitoes, and spiritual warfare of the devil's group rushed out of Baoding. This

It is not Xusheng’s forbidden land, but the distance is only a hundred billion miles away.

The reason why Ye Xuan wants to release the entire Tianhe Star Group that had just received Baoding before the trip is because the Tianhe Star Field is also a powerful force.

Nowadays, it is also a big event to be attached to the Magic Hall. Naturally, it also needs a situation.

Soon, the mosquitoes and the old ghosts and the Naples, the emperor Mo Wentian, the devil's uncle, the genus of the tortoises, the ninth, the madness, and the old man of Xuanyuan, Duanmu, Bodhi, and other small idle forces and family high-level Their figures also rushed out of Baoding, gathered around Ye Xuan's side, waiting for everything to be completed...

This is the time of day.

One day later, Shennong Baoding, which had been spraying a lot of battleships and strong figures, finally stopped, and was directly absorbed into the body by Ye Xuan. and

In front of the void, a huge army has been listed. most

In front of it is the Warrior's Warlord Corps, the Tianhe Legion and the Triumphant Corps. The left and right wings are the family of the tortoise and the blood-mosquito, and the rear is the battleship of the other small forces. This

Everything formed the entire Tianhe Legion, and the lineup was huge, and it continued to reach the end of the line of sight...

At this moment, Xusheng’s distant places outside the forbidden area were originally squatting with the scouting fleets from major leagues and forces, including the Heavenly and the Heavenly Alliance.

This scene that happened in front of them was all seen by them, and the scouts of the various parties were shocked.



Yes, what happened after they had not responded to it, and there was a deep and roaring roar of the universe in the far side of the universe. turn

Looking forward to the first, a large-scale warship regiment that is not weaker than the Tianhe Star Cluster is coming forward.

There is no star-ship battleship in the entire legion. They are all kinds of remnant warships of various forms, and the number has reached tens of billions of giants...

This warship army is the alliance of survivors of the family.

Some tribal ancestors, including the remnant tribes who are sleeping, are also housed in some ancient ancient warships that are old and small in the world.

In the scene, the mosquitoes and the old ghosts and the Naples, the devil, Mo Tiantian, the devil's uncle, the tortoise clan, the ninth, the madness, the old man, the old man, the end of the wood, the Bodhi, the small idle forces and the family The top officials looked silly. They didn't expect the original Ye Xuan to be unknowingly, even the entire Alliance of the Survivors.

The forces that crouched in the distance scolded the strong, and they were shocked. that

On the other hand, the Star Alliance, the Alliance of Ten Thousand People and the Federation of the Terran have just merged to form the Tiandao League. Here, the Magic Hall suddenly has a big movement, and it has unknowingly included the Alliance of the Survivors and the Tianhe Star. Your majesty...

As a result, the strength of the magic hall has suddenly increased sharply. This is clearly intended to be with the Tiandao League and the Tianji people. In this piece of ruined land, the sky is in the air and the rhythm of the world...