Super Devouring System

Chapter 4891: Tiandao Qingyan is releasing water

"Boom..." high

In the empty space, the second horrible roar came again. The projection of the heavenly eye disappeared, and it was hidden in the darkness. Even the void crack disappeared.

However, the last time the emperor’s army was under the eighth integration, the projection of Tiandao Qingyan seemed to be the same.

But I don't know why, this time, Ye Xuan clearly felt that it was a sense of rush compared to the previous one... No

Knowing that because Tiandao Qingyan is busy with other arrangements, there is no such thing as an unknown reason, but in any case, for Ye Xuan, it is not a good thing, and the feeling of anxiety in his heart is strong.

It can be said that the whole heart of this moment has already mentioned the eyes of the blind.

He did not know whether Emperor Yi’s success could be successful, but he was very nervous about it. because

For the two different results, the meaning gap represented is too big, and it is simply a matter of heaven...

With a strong worry, Ye Xuan’s five avatars turned to the same time, taking back the sight of the void that had disappeared from the sky at the height of the sky, and turned to the front of the line of sight nearly 100 billion miles away...

Before, with the blue-eyed projection of the Tiandao Qingyan projection, the blue-colored electric awning was turned into a vast and innocent blue ocean. The front of the virtual air was merged by the whole celestial family, and the size exceeded 400 million. The mechanical behemoths, a few of them for a moment, were completely overwhelmed by the majestic electric sea that was poured from the sky at the top of the head. Such as

Today, this piece of blue and majestic electric sea is still raging, covering a vast void of tens of billions of miles away.

This whole piece of void is turned into a blue electric sea, and nothing can be seen. Only the endless blue color is turned into a sea of ​​raging waves, and it is roaring.

One hundred billion miles of a huge blue sea of ​​thunder seas, the body of only about 400 million miles of mechanical behemoths into it, dare not say that like a mud cow into the sea, I am afraid it is similar.

At this point, the shadow of the mechanical behemoth could not be seen at all, but the whole heart of Ye Xuan hanging in the eyes of the blind man did not fall for a moment, because he knew that this vast and innocent blue sea did not dissipate.’s not finished. this

At this moment, the endless horizons of the endless distance have already completely fallen into silence.

A hundred billion miles away, countless celestial warships, star plugs, and ordinary mechanical beasts emptied into the void, spreading to the end of sight. eye

The scene before this scene was too horrible, the loud noise was so loud, and it was ringing all the time. The blue sea of ​​electricity always had a continuous roar of sounds, which made people feel tremble...

Even the massive warships, the star plugs, and the ordinary celestial warriors who are surrounded by the surrounding are not as intelligent and self-conscious as the official tribes of the tribe. but

At this time, they all seem to have been shocked by the shocking scene in front of them. This corner of the ruins of the heavens and the earth is empty, except for the screaming screams of the blue thunder sea that shrouds the tens of billions of miles. Other infinitely vast areas are actually needles. Smell, silently trembled... look

With all this, I feel the silence in the void to the terrifying and strange atmosphere. Ye Xuan’s mood is getting heavier and heavier...this

At that time, his mind showed the scene of the eighth fusion of the mechanical army under Emperor II, trying to hit the heavens.

At that time, after seeing Tiandao’s own eyes and verifying his own guess, Ye Xuan did not wait for the blue thunder sea that covered the body of the giant behemoth to dissipate, and left early.

After he left, the piece of blue electric sea was full of tens of thousands of interest before it dissipated.

According to the black robe, at the time, as the blue electric sea dissipated, the horrible behemoth that only finished the final internal fine-tuning to complete the eighth fusion also showed its figure, but it had already merged. Together, the horrible body of Panda's 400 million mile round has been torn apart and turned into more than a dozen mechanical beasts of various sizes. This

Originally, it was the meaning of the intention. The purpose of the sudden arrival of Tiandao Qingyan is that the reason why the mechanical behemoth of the Emperor II mechanical family is divided is that the hard life is suppressed by the heavens and the eighth fusion is interrupted. ......

Undoubtedly, the interruption of this forced external force intervention is hard to imagine for the emperor who gathered in the horror beast and the more than 80 million people of his majesty. green

After the disintegration of the color of the sea, the body of the emperor was embarrassed and almost seriously injured.

Moreover, according to the estimation of the black robe, the tribes of more than 80 million mechanical families may have fallen at least tens of millions. mine

After the disappearance of the sea, the dozen or so large-scale beasts after the four-point split have different wounds, but they are all shocking...

Such a result is consistent with Ye Xuan’s judgment. Although it was only a blue lightning at the time, it was the handwriting of heaven and earth, representing the suppression of the will of heaven, and the power could not be underestimated. and also

It is for this reason that after Lei Hai’s dispersal, Emperor II did not dare to stop for a moment. The first time he took the dozen or so mechanical beasts and hurriedly turned around, and the wolverine fled. Until now, he has never renewed his head. Display

However, the loss of that time was too great, and it took a short period of time for the entire mechanical family under its command to be slightly relieved...

According to the situation at that time, if there is no accident, the film is still still raging in the blue thunder sea, at most, after a few dozens of interest, it will dissipate. and

With the disappearance of this piece of Leihai, the overall integration has basically been completed. Only the internal fine-tuning of the Tianji nationality mechanical beasts, which should continue, should be the eighth with the mechanical family of the Emperor. Like the second integration, not only failed completely, but also suffered heavy losses...

But I don't know why, Ye Xuan's heart always has a strong intuition, which makes him extremely uneasy.

He feels that this time, it is very likely that it will be different from the one that was recently launched by the Emperor’s second generation of the mechanical family...

There is no reason for intuition. He just thinks that the emperor knows the result of the fusion of Emperor II not long ago. Under such circumstances, with his secrets and the city, if he is not sure, how can he be recklessly step by step? After the dust?

That time, Emperor II failed. Such as

If the results of today are different, then the only result of the integration of the Emperor’s forces in the whole world will undoubtedly be success...

Once all this is true, then the vast situation of this piece of ruined land and debris will change again in an instant, and the impact will be enormous. It is simply unimaginable. number

It’s just a matter of interest, and the dazzling work has passed.

At this moment, the shocking roar of the front came suddenly, and the blue thunder sea that covered the tens of billions of emptiness was dissipated in the blink of an eye. The mechanical behemoth of the emperor's one-man family showed its figure.

Almost at the next moment, Ye Xuan took a sigh of relief and screamed: "Damn, heavenly eyes... really water!"