Super Devouring System

Chapter 4945: Brilliant purification

"call out!"


With the start of the whirlpool of the sky, an invisible horror sucking force is revealed in the void without warning, covering one side. This

In an instant, a large number of heavenly warships and star plugs in the void are like the giant whales in the air, even if the kinetic energy is fully open, it will not help.

The leaves that are like the raging waves are generally sucked into the tide, into the gray whirlpool, and become a bubble, so they disappear and disappear...

The scene is too amazing, only the size of the stars, the gray shadow, the moment of work, but swallowed up everything in the imaginary sky.

The warships and the stars that were destroyed by the Tianzu people were at least 10 billion.

Only by this point, can you prove the eternal ceremonial form of the whirlpool, and there must be another hole in the interior, which is a small world. Otherwise, how can such a large number of heavenly warships and stars plug?

Obviously, these warships and star plugs, which were swallowed up by the whirlpools of the Heavenly Palace, must be without exception. They are all turned into broken iron and iron. The horrible lethality is just enough to match the volley of a super battleship army. Wei. complete

It is actually the core ancestral home of the Tenth Heaven Palace, and only the power of this horror can be worthy of its status. four

In the emptiness of the air, those scouts from the small and medium-sized forces, countless scouts, once again stunned and stunned. but

No one has made an exclamation, because this horrific scene has emerged too much, too, the first nine-star ninth house of stars, followed by the four-billion-dollar battle of the demon squad. The boat was amazingly volleyed. This

I haven’t reacted yet, and the eternal palace of the whirlpool state has suddenly launched such a terrible destruction.

All the people were caught off guard, and the brain was banging, but they didn’t stop for a moment, but their eyes were not stunned. In addition to the coldness in the mouth, they didn’t know how to exclaim the comments...

call out! ”


Just at this time, the earth-shattering thunderous sound once again sounded from the camp of Tiandaomeng. One

The giant behemoth, in the eyes of the public, rushed out directly from the army of Tiandaomeng. This time, the behemoth that rushed out was not a star, nor a warship. it

It is a giant temple that is much smaller than the immortal stars. Wan

If a giant continent crosses the starry sky, the whole body is silver and white, and it emits a fierce brilliance. Its appearance immediately triggers a short silence in the void. eye

In the middle of it, there is a fierce and sturdy man, and I look forward to it.

This is a glorious temple from the former Wanluo Federation. pass

In the saying, the Senate of the Federal Base of Wanlu is a silver palace that is as large as a star. It is called the Temple of Brilliance.

However, no one has ever seen it, and even if it really exists, it is still empty. There has never been a real conclusion.

Not long ago, this legend was finally confirmed as this giant temple like a starry sky descended on the ruins of this ruined land.

The Federation of the Bandar has now existed in name only, and the second universe has long since refused to comply with its orders and withdrew from the Union. Such as

Among the major ethnic groups and forces of the United States, there are only two camps of the Terran, but in fact, even the core elites of the two camps of the Terran have never looked down on the United States, or Therefore, it is slow. Correct

In the two camps of the Terran, the so-called appeal of the Federation of the Faro in the Second Universe does not care at all. people

The top leaders of the two camps, who really value, are the Senate of the Federal Republic of Varo. It is also the silver-white palace in front of the virtual sky like a continent!

The splendid temple is actually the Senate of the Federation of Varo, and it is also the foundation of the Federation of Varo. As long as it still exists, the real foundation and enthusiasm of the Federation of Varo will not be weakened by half!

However, even the top leaders of the two camps of the Terran have never seen the true power of the Glorious Temple. Since the establishment of the Federation of Viro, tens of thousands of years have passed, the two camps of the Terran and the Second Universe I don’t know how many cultivation resources are provided. These resources have been used by the Federal Republic of Venezuela to recruit the old monsters in the stars.

These old geeks all sit in the Senate, and become so-called federal veterans who have different levels and levels. Over time, within this silver-white splendid temple, no one knows how many instar stars and strong people are crouching and sleeping. but

One thing is certain, the federal veterans who are qualified to inhabit this glorious temple like a giant star, at least have to be repaired above ordinary immortality, the so-called masters and the like are evenly immortal. The existence that has not been reached is simply not qualified to set foot in the meantime.

As for the strongest existence of the deepest part of the Glorious Temple, it is said that there are no less than three ancient Supreme, but it is easy to wake up from the silence. It can be said that although it is only a temple, this splendid temple is too mysterious. The foundation is amazing, no one dares to despise. very

As for Ye Xuan, he is very much looking forward to this star-like continent. At this moment, as it rushes out of the giant black hole, it comes to the emptiness of this piece of land, and the eyes of countless Terran federal powerhouses all gather. go with.

Even Ye Xuan, who is in the superstar's command cabin in the Nomadic Legion, has subconsciously projected his eyes. The mind secretly guesses that this mysterious silver-white palace is now awakened and sits among the strongest. What is it? with

At the same time, I would like to see if this glorious temple can be as devastating as the immortal nine-star and the heavenly palace, or that this destructive blow is a kind of form, and it is a kind of form. Within the camp..."



It was at this time that among the many people, the glorious temple that had just rushed out of the Tiandaomeng army camp had a deep and humming sound. Accompany

This low humming sounded, and there was a voice of the old man. Just like a nightmare, he muttered in a whisper: "Glory... Purify!"

The sound is still just falling, and the whole hall is like a glorious temple like a starry sky. There are nine areas that suddenly swell up. In every area, there is a large round white milk ball with a diameter of tens of miles.

As soon as it appeared, it instantly blasted out like a cannonball. The speed was too fast, and even the void was torn. In the blink of an eye, it crossed the universe of hundreds of billions of dollars and fell directly to the warships and stars of the heavenly family. The rear of the army. and

In the first time... it’s blasting!


Oh la la..."

As the nine light **** explode, the milky white waves are instantly visible in the void, and they are rushing over, just like to wipe out the haze of the void, and instantly flood the warships and stars of the tens of billions of planes. ......