Super Devouring System

Chapter 5027: Shaving head to half of the letter


Oh..." with

The army of the Demon Temple approached, and within the forbidden land of the antagon of 150 billion miles ahead, suddenly there were a few screams of horror, and it was sensed from the breath that it was all ridiculous.

Then, there were more than a dozen figures rushing out from the Forbidden City in front of the forbidden land.

More than a dozen figures are all star-studded beasts, the four leading, the body's repaired breath is very incomparable, and all of them have entered the wilderness.

However, it is only the absurd grotesque in the early and middle stages. The strongest is only the fourth order.

And the more than ten figures behind the four ridiculous old monsters are all wild and powerful...

More than a dozen large-scale savage beasts have different bloodlines, especially in the back of the dozens of ancient powers, in different forms, can not find two with the same blood, apparently attached to the magic antelope The ethnic group of the forbidden land.

As for the foremost four heads of the old blame, there are three heads that are the magic antelopes. The body shape is ten million miles, and the whole body is dark, but there is a pair of **** horns, which is quite obvious.

Another ridiculous grotesque is a fierce bird with a head like a cat and a stature figure. It is very suitable for a cat's head.

This cat head scorpion should also be an outsider. The strength is in the middle level of the four ridiculous blame. It is not the next level. It is the second stage of the ridiculous, and it is still a step away from the initial peak!

At this time, as the body shape rushed out of the magic antelope forbidden land, these dozens of powerful powers and ridiculous old monsters, immediately launched a speed, and came to this side.

After all, there are more than a dozen ancient powers and ridiculous old monsters, and at the same time, the momentum can be imagined. and

At this time, in the black hall behind the army of the Great Hall, the seven great repairs did not show up, and the breath did not spread out. package

Including the old pig essence, also entered a super star plug behind the army, the same breath is not obvious...

Therefore, these dozens of powerful powers and ridiculous forces mobilize the power of the body, cultivated into a breath, and instantly gathered together into a powerful pressure, invisibly swept away, will be at this time The six major corps of the Magic Hall are looming...猝

Under the defense, countless strong men in the six legions were all eclipsed, and the army of the magic hall, which was originally galloping forward, also stopped in the void. inverted

It is not cowardly, it is completely conditional reflexion. After all, the four innocent and supreme powers of the four ancient and the ruins of the ancients are all too horrible.

In addition to the black robe of the whole army, the strongest is only a dozen noble powers. In the face of such a terrible pressure, the invisible sweeps over the body, this reaction is what it should be. ......

At this moment, facing all the things in front of me, the top leaders of the six major corps of the Magic Hall are all stupid. first

When I started, the old pig Jing had said it in public. Under normal circumstances, among the strongest forces on the right bank of the Galaxy, at most, some of the ancient powers and the ancients were sitting in the town. very

It is rare to see even the end of a ridiculous nine-step grand perfection, that is, half-step heaven, the existence of that level, the reason why the stagnation of the endless years on the right bank of the Milky Way, the only purpose is only the Galaxy Star. he

We are only interested in this matter. As for other worldly disputes, even if we know it, we feel it, and we are lazy! Do not

If you continue to retreat, save and increase your strength, prepare for the opening of the Galaxy Star in the future... and

Moreover, when the owner of the Devil's Temple, Ye Xuan Shang, had not yet reached the ruined position, he had swept the octagonal as the konjac, and the people who stirred the small half of the right bank of the Milky Way were smoldering. because

This is a fierce fight! again

Later, the hollow giant tortoise came to this void, and once ravaged the entire right bank of the Milky Way by himself, and the ridiculous old monsters in the myriad of powerful forces fled into the void. From

After that, this huge bank of the Milky Way has been unable to find even a veteran old monster. The strongest person who sits in one of the most powerful forces is just the power of the ancients, and it is not enough to fear... Such as

It’s only been more than a month now. These words are still in the ears. Even the whole army of the Demon Temple has not yet reached the right bank of the Galaxy. There is still a vacant distance of 150 billion miles ahead.

But just in the forbidden area in front of the army, there have been four powerful and vulgar old monsters... In the other forbidden areas adjacent to it, it is obvious that the situation will not be worse!

These thoughts flashed through the mind, and the high-level members of the six major legions all subconsciously turned their heads to the rear void, and their faces looked strange, and there was a smack of sorrow and sorrow!

This dead pig is too unreliable. After that, his words are turned to the end, and at most half of it is believed..."

Roar! ”



At this time, the former convenience has once again brought the sound of horror and screaming. put

Looking at it, the dozens of ancient powers and ridiculous gems that rushed out of the hinterland from the sacred eagle rushed under the speed of the squad, and they quickly approached, and their postures came to an abrupt end, and they succumbed to the opposite 50 billion. Dark void outside and inside.

Then, more than a dozen large and powerful beasts, the pair of fierce scorpions, and the scorpion of the sacred scorpion opened in the sky. One

After a round trip, their voice of God suddenly sounded, covering a void..."

Which army is this power? It looks so good..."

Stop your eyes? It’s just weird, the dragons and snakes are mixed, when are the survivors actually mixed with the fierce beasts? And I still don’t see the difference between the primary and the secondary. It seems to be an equal existence..."

"Which fierce beast on the right bank of the Milky Way has joined forces with the survivor's star field? It is assembled into a large army to approach my forbidden land. What is the intention?"

"Approaching? This word does not seem to be appropriate? This is clearly a miscellaneous army, the voice is so popular, but there are only a dozen noble powers and a dejected eccentric, and the only one of the ridiculous monsters, actually It’s just a second step of the desolation...”

"On the basis of these strengths, why should I admit my magic antelope to ban the land? It is not so much that they are coming from an imprisoned country. If they look at the deity, it is better to say that they are coming to die..."

It’s not enough to send a dead meal. At most, the dish is not good. It’s not so good. It’s not a tabletop, but those who are strange in appearance, have never seen a remnant in the battleship, but they are clearly The rich energy atmosphere, there should be a large amount of cultivation resources, so, is not to give us the magic antelope to send food, what can it? ""

Hey... send food? It sounds quite satisfactory to the deity! ”

"No matter what their purpose is, since they are here, there is no need to go any more today. All the people, whether they are the abandonment of the ancients or the beasts of the stars, including those who are eccentric, are left behind..."

Roar! ""


When the voice just fell, the screams suddenly rose again, and the more than a dozen powerful beasts behind the four heads of the old singer, screamed and rushed out at the same time...