Super Devouring System

Chapter 5033: Xia Roaring

The two major forces that are adjacent to each other on the left and right sides of the Forbidden City are also the forcible forbidden land ruled by the beasts, and are not the remains of the survivors ruled by the survivors. left

The side of the strong forbidden land named Xia Yu forbidden land, the right side of the strong forbidden land is called the robbery forbidden land! image

This kind of strong forbidden land that is adjacent to each other, although the overall strength of each other must be high or low, but basically it is similar, there will not be much difference, otherwise the status quo that is adjacent to each other will be nothing. Can only be temporarily existed, and one day it will be broken...when

When the emptiness giant tortoise raged on the right bank of the Galaxy and hunted the powerful beasts of the ruined territory, the entire right bank of the Milky Way was in a strong forbidden land. It was indeed difficult to find a figure of a ridiculous old monster.

This is not only the strong forbidden land ruled by the beasts, but also the legacy of the survivors who are ruled by the survivors. After all, the Void Giant Turtles are the legendary old top powerhouses, and they do not know the Void Giant Turtles. Only kill the starry beasts of the ruins. Place

In that period, under the hearts of the people, all the places on the right bank of the Milky Way were strong and forbidden, and all the ridiculous old monsters left the place in time to enter the hidden void and temporarily avoid the limelight.

This kind of day lasted for a short period of time, but then, a veteran grotesque who had returned to the right bank of the Galaxy unexpectedly found himself returning to the territory on the right bank of the Milky Way. Only then realized that he had left...

After that, as the news spread, the Qiangqiang forbidden land and the Xingqiang star field on the right bank of the Milky Way successively returned to the ridiculous old monsters who had been sitting in it.

Up to now, basically all the Supreme Stars on the right bank and the Xingqiang forbidden land have a number of ridiculous old monsters. Virtual

The shadow of the empty giant turtle has become a thing of the past.

As for the screaming of the people on the right bank of the Galaxy, it was suspected that the tyrannical relationship with the emptiness of the giant tortoise was too long, so it has not been mentioned yet.

The forbidden land and the Xiong ban and the robbery are all located near the left third of the right bank of the Yinhe River. Due to this proximity, the overall strength of the three Xingqiang forbidden areas is basically the same, there is not much disparity!

There are four old deities in the Forbidden City, and the same is true for the forbidden land and the robbery.

However, compared with the Forbidden City, the Xia ban and the roaring ban are obviously stronger, because the four most ruthless monsters in the two strong forbidden places are the most powerful. The sixth stage, the late stage of the seven-level period, is not far away. or

Xu, in contrast, the demon level is slightly weaker than the magical antelope, just in the middle of the Xia ban and the roaring forbidden land. This is also a cushion that everyone knows well, avoiding the ban Mutual warfare in the roaring ban, the province’s regular day is always alert, too nervous...

The four ridiculous old monsters in the curfew are all star-studded giants. To be precise, they should be colored enamels, and this enamel is a single reproduction. Therefore, all the enamels are female. ban

The reason why the land is named is that because this kind of coloring is in the empty air, it always has a colorful glow. It is like a smog. It is a good-looking one. It is named after the forbidden land.

However, perhaps it is because I feel that the shape of my own color is too horrifying, so all the stars in the forbidden city will change into the appearance of the survivors on weekdays, and the glamorous beauty is not good. If I don’t know the details, I think that Entering is a supreme remnant star field that is all beautiful women...

As for the roaring of the forbidden land, the four ridiculous geeks in the town are all kind of roaring devils. This kind of demon dog also likes to swallow and sigh. When looking at the distance, it looks like it’s cocking and screaming. In order to get the name...

Previously, the black robe was led by the six great corps of the Great Hall. From the distant sky, the virtual antelope was facing the forbidden land. The eight ruins of the Xiong dynasty and the roaring forbidden land also felt. To the atmosphere of the void outside the forbidden land.

However, whether it is the four beautiful glamorous scorpions in the forbidden land, or the four snarling devils in the robbery, they did not appear in the first time, but crouched on the inner side of the forbidden land, quietly. Pay attention to all of this.

On the one hand, because the six major corps of the Devils came from a distant sky, they were facing the forbidden land of the two central places where they were forbidden. Even if they did not show up, the four in the forbidden land of the magic antelope did not exist. They will sit back and ignore them, just let them drown and try the depth of this strange alien air force. another

On the one hand, it is because the Xia ban and the roaring ban have always been vigilant against each other, and at the same time try to restrain themselves, so as not to let the other party misunderstand... He

We originally thought that this eccentric alien army had only one ridiculous old monster. Therefore, the old pig sperm suddenly appeared, and the eight old guys who crouched in the distance around the magical antelope were also surprised.

But a black-skinned old pig in the third-order state of the past is obviously not in their eyes. only

Yes, what they did not expect is that this head is inconspicuous, and even some black-skinned old pigs that are owed to it are actually concealed. His true cultivation has reached the horror of horror. Nine steps of great perfection...this

However, the existence of a half-step heavenly level is the same as that of the empty giant turtle that ravaged the entire right bank of the Milky Way.

Even if he is far from the emptiness of the giant turtles in the early days of the floods, the cultivation of the people is not a fake, and it is not that they can resist. positive

Because of this, the old pig sperm smashed two gazelles in a short period of time, and when the third head gazelle was scared away, and the power of the gods was launched to search for the void, these eight old guys would suddenly Suddenly, the first time was like a scared bird, and hurriedly retracted the forbidden nest behind him...

Yes, although the people are back, the old pigs who have been repaired as scary and scary are not chasing them. But this is a half-step road that is at the peak and abundance. Now it seems to be with a mighty army. Into the main magic antelope forbidden land...

I think that there will be a half-step heavenly road in the forbidden area that is adjacent to my old nest. Whether it is the four-headed roaring dog in the roaring ground, or the four beautiful glamorous colors in the forbidden area, the moment is I couldn’t sit still.

Without too much hesitation, after a brief thought and sinking, the eight ridiculous geeks in these two Xingqiang forbidden places quickly activated a certain secret method, launched a contact, and secretly discussed the countermeasures in secret. ...

All of this, the old pig essence that has not yet entered the forbidden land of the magic antelope, is obviously impossible to know. this

Engraved, with the power of the gods fully extended, but the final search was fruitless, and under the feeling of depression, his eyes swept to the cat head that was fighting with the black robe, and his nose snorted and his shoulders shook. I will teleport away in an instant...