Super Devouring System

Chapter 5035: Magic eagle


Hey! ”


With the shackles of a group of ridiculous and powerful abilities, all of them are full of anger, and the look on their faces is desperate, arrogant and screaming, endless unwilling...

"Is it unwilling? Unfortunately, nothing can be changed..."


boom! ”

"Hey..." old

The pig's fine sarcasm of the gods came out, and his figure stood up, a pair of **** pig's hooves, and they first sneaked out from the void, falling...

It was just a blow from the air, and there was a thunderous thunder, and the **** hoof slammed down. There was an invisible terrorist force in the blink of an eye, shrouded a group of wild powers in front of the void. , firmly bound, must not break free.

As a result, he was very satisfied. With the huge explosion, this group of ancient and powerful figures exploded on the spot, and the blink of an eye turned into a canopy of blood, which spread quickly..."

call out! ”

This is two twenty-nine-level ridiculous treasures, and naturally cannot be wasted.

Under the heart, the old pigs waved their hands in the first time, and a huge invisible instinct swept out of the body, covering the miles between the eyes, and the **** fog that had just spread and spread. After sucking it and compressing it into blood cells of about a hundred feet, it immediately incomes into the body..."

Roar! ”



Almost in the next moment, in the rear of the Great Hall of the Demon, there has been a roaring beast roaring, and there are countless battles of various warships and remnants of the warship, which rang through the whole piece of void, overwhelming...

All the ridiculous old monsters and the ancient powers in the forbidden land of the magic antelope have all been solved. Next, it will be the moment when the rear army has entered the forbidden land.

However, although the old and the ridiculous and the ancient powers have been cleared, the magic antelope is a forbidden land that has been stable for many years on the right bank of the Milky Way. The number of universe lords, the master of the universe and the number of the universe supreme. There must be a lot...this

The existence of such a level, if it is to be killed by the warship army, although it can solve the opponent, its own damage is not small. magic

There are strong stars at all levels in the Great Army. The tops of the six legions are all rushed out from their respective flagships. They will be responsible for solving the three aspects of the universe.

On the side of the Beast Legion, the commander of the Qingniu and Yu Ling, the dragon, the palace, the black wind tiger, the roaring moon, etc. all rushed out, the first time with the army to repair the starry beasts of varying strength, count Billions of money, rushed to the front!

Among the commanders of the Legacy Corps, the black robe was not released, but the nine nobles were all present, as well as Zhao Dong, Qian Nan, Sun Xi, Li Bei, etc., leading thousands of the army. The billion-strong survivors, tens of billions of ships on various warships, also rushed out...

In World War I, the powerful powers in the Legion of the Legion will not be easy to shoot, but they will pay attention to the entire starry battlefield and be ready to help...

If the top of the major legions of their own camps are in danger, they must also be rescued in the first place. although

It is also a kind of temper to say that this kind of starry **** battle, but all they want is the baptism of blood and fire. It is not the real damage, and the tempering should be stopped...

On the other side of the Nomadic Legion, all the members of the original captive parliament, including the three-claw dragon cub and Longshan Tang, rushed out. This

The strength of the Legion is not only a large number, but also elite, the warships are 100,000 meters in diameter, a total of 50 million ships, in addition to some superstars that were later captured from the Heavenly and Terran Federations. Capture

The commanders of the Suijun regiment, that is, the top generations of the bloody, Qingpeng, and war lions, also showed their physiques. There are also many ancient powers, including **** ancestors, Qingpeng ancestors, etc. It is also a level of cultivation.

They are also following behind and are not planning to fight...

The evil army is the most ferocious. The commander of the Taikoo Porcupine and the Taikoo tortoise with the whole army seems to have just hit a needle of chicken blood, screaming and rushing to the front. The former has been under the blood of the magic pig. It is a ridiculous battle, and the latter is already a wild power.

In this battle, they obviously wouldn’t take too much shots. At the end, they couldn’t help but smother some of the guys who couldn’t look good.

The top of the Tianhe Legion is the weakest of the six legions. In the face of this level of Star Wars, they need the baptism and forging of blood and fire.

Therefore, the commander of the regiment, the mosquitoes and the old ghosts, and Naples, the emperor Mo Wentian, the devil's uncle, the tortoise clan, the ninth, the madness, the old man, the old man, the end of the wood, the Bodhi, and other small idle forces. The top members of the family, all without exception, all rushed out of their flagship fortresses and stars.

The same is true of the devil's group with the Lara Legion, as well as the original Tianhe Legion and the Triumph Army of Ye Xuan, as well as the tops of the Turtles and Blood Mosquitoes. whole

The Tianhe Legion has a huge lineup, consisting of multiple ethnic groups, occupying a large void, and has been at the end of the line of sight. Now, under the leadership of a group of high-ranking regiments, it is like a hang of the Nujiang River. Extremely fast...

The ban on the ban was not far away. Just over 100 billion miles ahead, the six legions marched at full speed, and soon they rushed into the forbidden area..."

Roar! ""



From this moment on, the endless arrogance and whistling sound came, and the roar of the warships and guns slammed into the void, and never stopped. true

The positive starry sky slaughter began, although the old pig fine did not intend to kill all the beasts in the forbidden land of the magic antelope, let this be completely dead, but now the hall is coming, this is the flag In the first battle, if it was too gentle, it would obviously not serve as a deterrent. This

It’s not good, but there will be a lot of problems and troubles coming in the future...

Therefore, even if the countless forbidden beasts in the sacred sacred ban are not rebellious, they will surrender, and the killing will be carried out. All the banned beasts in the entire forbidden land will not be halved, at least one third. ......

The war was too fierce. The entire magical antelope was vast and innocent. There were a large number of abandoned stars that were moved by the mighty powers before the ancient years. There were countless and forbidden beasts. but

Nowadays, with the arrival of the magic hall, the six major legions have invaded. The magical antelope is destined to change hands today. After this battle, the magic antelope is no longer. The mysterious magic hall will be born on the right bank of the Milky Way, occupying this forbidden place. Star field...

The duration of the war was not short. After ten days, the countless beasts in the entire forbidden land were finally more than a third. One

The old pigs who squatted on the edge of the star field nodded, and the sound of the gods came out instantly. The hundreds of billions of empties were clearly audible: "From this moment on, the magic antelope bans the landlord...the temple is born!"
