Super Devouring System

Chapter 5084: Four heavens move together

In the middle section of the left bank of the Milky Way, the magic carving is in the forbidden area...

In the middle section of the left bank of the Milky Way, the magical forbidden land is an extremely powerful place. There is a famous name on the left bank of the entire Milky Way. At this moment, an earth-shattering whistling sound suddenly disappears from the deepest void in the air without any indication. Sounded..."


"Remaining people? Do you dare to start with the younger son of the deity? Is it a strong survivor?"

If you have escaped, if you have the news, the deity must take you out, smash the bones, and smash the soul! Oh..."

At this moment, the sound of the whistling sound is the strongest person who is now sitting in the forbidden land of the magic carving. The late heaven and the earth in the seventh-order world exist. This

The head arrow 翎 翎 翎, is also the father of the cat head 枭.

Although the cat's head is only a descendant of blood, but after all, it is a young child, and the arrowhead is in the late stage of the heavenly environment. The dignity is not offended. Some people dare to start with his descendants, even if the cat is not very good. Being treated and being left out, he is equally unlikely to be good off! this

At the time, as his whistling sound rang, he was caught off guard, and the numerous beasts in the forbidden land of the magic carvings were scared and shivering, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe...


At this moment, the deepest part of the forbidden land of the magic carving suddenly sounded thunderous, and the size of a huge body was extremely large. It reached a huge black magic carving of nearly 100 million miles, with a wind and thunder of incompetence, self-empty Come out...

With the emergence of the strongest person in the forbidden area, the entire magic carving is dead and dead, and there is no abnormal sound. under

In a flash, this body has reached a giant black eagle with a size of nearly 100 million miles. Under the sway of the figure, it will instantly become a strong and powerful survivor of a man, and his body is very savvy, with a black robe and face. There is a black scorpion, but an old man, the light is as cold as electricity, invisible reveals a sturdy infinite domineering...

He has this qualification, because even if it is a flood of heaven and earth, it is only a matter of heaven and earth, and this arrow is a magical sculpture, and it is not far from the eight-step heaven. thing

In fact, like the blue eyes of the wilderness, he is also the embodiment of the heavenly will of heaven and earth. in

This Hongmeng era is not just a great world. This

At the beginning of the Hongmeng era, Hongmeng had three star-sourced stars in the void, and three thousand chaotic devils were born. The vast world was only the power of the gods. and

The other existences of the three thousand devils, although some fall, have nothing to do, but there are many, like the power devil, opening up different big worlds. Do not

However, as this Hongmeng era fades and is about to dry up, all of this big world has entered the end of the world, and the big world after the end of the world has been swallowed up by the endless stream of emptiness.

The will of the heavens in these great worlds, or the strongest ones, came to the voids of Hongmeng with the souls of the world, and crouched on both sides of the Milky Way, establishing a strong forbidden land and a strong star field...

This is the case for the strong forbidden land and the supreme star field on both sides of the Milky Way.

And the vast world of the wild is just the last of many great worlds of this Hongmen era to go to the end of the world...

Of course, these big worlds are also strong and weak. The will of the heavens in the strong big world, or the strongest ones, is enough to match the sorrowful eyes of the heavens. For example, this arrow carving in the forbidden land of the magic carving is like this. and

Some weaker big worlds come out of the will and the strongest, but weaker, but basically at least the existence of a lazy level, such as the deer, he is actually the strongest out of a weaker big world. By.

However, although he once dominated a big world, the deer cane is obviously unable to compete with the existence of the arrow-headed eagle carving and the ridiculous heaven and earth, and he has not even entered the real heaven. Correct

In the supreme existence that once dominated a big world, even the heavens have never entered. This is simply a shame and shame. The reason why he is so obsessed with the heavens is one of the reasons! "

Roar! ""

Roar! ”


At this moment, with the arrowhead magic carvings rushing out from the Dongfu stars, and transforming into the central part of the magical field of the forbidden land, it turned into a black robe remnant of the height and the ruins, and the other three around the forbidden land. In each direction, there were also shocking roars and whistling sounds...

Listening to the static, these three roaring and screaming masters are clearly powerful and powerful. This

This is what it should be, because the magic carving can occupies a star field in the middle section of the left bank of the Milky Way. The strength of the arrow carving magic camp is strong, although it is conceivable.

Although it is still not the top ten in the overall strength of the left bank of the Galaxy, it is not far from the top ten, that is, more than a dozen...

Although the heavenly strongman who sits in the forbidden land of the magic carving is headed by the arrowhead, it is not just him alone.

There are a total of four heavenly strongmen in the forbidden land. first

Before, in the message received by the arrow eagle, it has been clearly stated that in addition to the sixth-order mysterious survivor of the heavenly kingdom, there are two powerful starry beasts next to him, which is in the wild world. He is famous for the hollow giant tortoise and the wild night fork. This

Although the two worlds exist today, the realm of cultivation is only the peak of the 9th-order grand perfection. It does not really enter the heavens, but its real combat power is enough to be the first step. and also

That is to say, in the dark star field where the deer stick is now, in addition to him, there are three heavenly forces in the other camp. and also

It is for this reason that this time, the arrow eagle will make a decision to let all the heavenly powers in the forbidden ruins go out of the nest.

Among the four heavenly strongmen, he is the late stage of the heavens in the seventh-order world, and it is more than enough to suppress the sixth-order mysterious survivors. and

The other three heavenly strongmen in the forbidden land of the magical carvings, one for the first step of the heavens, one for the second-order of the heavens, and the other for the fourth-order heaven...

Once the people come to the endless darkness at the end of the right side of the two sides of the Milky Way, the arrowhead magic carving will first contain the mysterious survivors of the sixth stage of the heavenly territory. magic

In the forbidden area, the two powerful beasts with the strength of the first and second orders of the heavens are respectively dragged to the empty giant tortoise and the ancient nightshade.

The remaining mid-term existence of the fourth-order heavenly territory can be shot in a short period of time, killing the empty giant tortoise and the ancient nightshade...

As a result, the other three heavenly forces have only one left in a short period of time. six

The situation of the order is the peak of the middle of the heavens. Although it is not very good to kill, but in the case of an enemy and four, and the enemy camp has the arrowhead magic carving, this kind of heavenly road, his fall is only a matter of time. No, there will be no suspense in existence...

Carved forbidden! "

Roar! ""

Roar! ”


At this time, as the arrowhead magical eagle rushed out from the Dongfu star, it was transformed into a central part of the forbidden land, and turned into a black robe remnant of the height...

From the other three directions around the forbidden land, there were also shocking roars and screams.

The other three heavenly strongmen in the forbidden land of the magic carving also rushed out of their respective cave caves and took them together.

These three beasts are different in blood and different in ethnic groups, but they are all 20 million miles in size. They are also extraordinary in strength. One is the first step of heaven and the other, the other is the second-order cultivation of heaven and earth. The other one is , it is the fourth step of heaven and earth...this

At the moment, the four heavenly strongmen in the forbidden land are gathered together. The two early stages, one mid-term and one late, the lineup can be described as powerful.

This time, rushing to the black bank at the end of the right bank of the Milky Way, there is still a certain distance, it is a strong day, and it takes a short time to arrive.

On the way to rushing, naturally, it is impossible to show people with such a huge blood. If that is too swaying, the four worlds of the magical carvings will be too eye-catching and will cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, these three heavenly savage beasts rushed out of their respective cave caves. After the vacant central area of ​​the forbidden land and the arrow scorpion magical sculpt, the first time they changed, the huge **** body was put away, and the same was The look of the survivors. cold

Not to look at it, the singularity of the imaginary sky is clearly the four survivors, but although it converges to cultivate the breath, it all gives people a feeling of blood and abundance to the horrible feeling..."

This is the darkness at the end of the right bank of the Milky Way..."

Turning the head, the three survivors of the beastly form of the beasts will glance at the heavens. The arrowheads are smashed in the middle of the cold, and they snorted and said: "The survivor who killed the younger son is there, this person is the sixth stage of heaven and earth... ...""

In addition, the Nether Giants and the Wild Nightshade in the Great World are also there. Although these two old guys have not entered the real heaven, the real combat power is enough to compete with the heavens..." "

The message came from the deer on the right bank. Although this person is a ferocious beast, he is studying the pathology of the survivors. According to him, the sixth-order remnant is refining a kind of heavenly treasure, which can make the peaks and deserts After swallowing, it will smoothly enter the heavens in a short time..."

Here, the arrow 翎 雕 话 话 : : : : : : : : : “ “ 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿 鹿At that time, the sixth-order survivor could not be allowed to run anyway..."

Everything is clear, he doesn’t say much, he waved his hand..."


In the next moment, the crisp and fierce cracking sounded, and a void crack appeared in the front of the void. The arrowhead magic carving first stepped into it, and the other three survivors of the beastly animal form did not delay, and successively entered the void. Among the cracks, the figure of the four people disappeared in an instant.........


Endless darkness at the end of the right bank of the river... three

The tenth-level Tiandao Baodan refining success, and successfully passed through the Dan robbery, and now the robbery cloud dissipates, and Leihai is no longer visible. but

Ye Xuan, but still stands proudly in the darkness of the sky, with a gray and white light cluster hanging overhead, and the fifty-five thirty-level Tiandao Baodan inside is safe and sound.

Moreover, because of the thunderbolt baptism, the heavenly breath of the fifty-five pieces of Baodan is more pure and rich, which is the improvement of the efficacy of the drug, which has reached the peak of the peak. Obvious.

So Baodan, any ruthless nine-step grand perfect half-step heavenly strong, as long as one of them is swallowed, if there is no major accident, it will be no suspense to break through to the heavens in a short time. It’s like a nail on the board..."



During the wave, fifty-five Tiandao Baodan were put away, Ye Xuan was in a good mood, and he gave a terrifying shiver in his head, and he was full of excitement in the chest...

In this scene, the deer sticks and the hollow giant turtles, which are guarded by the emptiness of hundreds of billions of miles away from the front and the left, are in their eyes. Both of them are excited and their breathing is a little short.

Although they are still separated by a long distance, but the gods know that under the sweeping, only the fifty-five pieces of Baodan's rich atmosphere of the heavens can determine their effectiveness. Do not

Dare to say that after entering the swallow, you must successfully enter the heavens, because each person's talent, blood and his own heritage are different.

But even if one can't break, the two can be done... up to three! brain

After flashing these thoughts, the deer sticks suddenly got excited. What he asked for the arrow carvings was three treasures. Now the total number of Baodan is fifty-five, just three. Obviously there will be no accidents, and I will be able to get it. This

For a moment, his entire mind was occupied by greed, and he was extremely expecting the arrival of the arrow eagle..."


Just at this time, in the distance of a hundred billion miles away, a crisp and fierce cracking sounded, the most crucial moment, the four heavenly powers from the magical forbidden land finally came...

The void crack appeared, and the four figures stepped out of it. "

Roar! ”


Hesitant, just rushed out from the cracks in the void, the four arrows of the arrow 翎 雕 便 便 便 便 便 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四

The three-headed body is 20 million miles away. The most powerful arrowhead magic carving is the seventh-order heavenly road, which has already entered the late stage of this situation.

As soon as the **** body appeared, his powerful heavenly consciousness has enveloped this dark void, and hundreds of millions of miles away are like being banned, and can no longer escape by teleport..."



At the same moment, on the right side of the void, there is a clear and fierce cracking sound, followed by a low humming sound...

Looking forward, the barren cherries with their wings crossed stood there silently, but the right arm was lifted high...

The stalk energy giant bow appeared, even his right hand was placed on the bowstring, an energy arrow appeared!

In the midst of it, there is even more blood and sorrow, and the body's half-step heavenly environment is strong and scented without scatter, but it is instantly triggered, giving a strong sense of crisis like a mans in the back!


In one direction, the body shape of the empty giant turtle has suddenly appeared, and the body shape has expanded in an instant, but it has not been pushed to the extreme, otherwise it will be larger than the arrow carving. Such as

Today, he has not yet entered the real heaven, the strength is in a weak position, and the too large size is not a bad war...

In a blink of an eye, the atmosphere of this dark void has stagnate to the extreme, and the supreme beasts of the four heavens are coming, and the deer sticks of Ye Xuan are hidden in the side, not appearing.

This is clearly a weak enemy, with a three-to-four rhythm...


On the right side of the empty, the old-fashioned yak with the double wings is standing there without a word, and a secret atmosphere is like a sigh of relief, and it is swaying...

His left arm has already been lifted up, and the empty palm of his left hand is also a sudden golden man, and a golden bow with an energy form appears in his left hand.

The big bow is simple and sturdy, and the middle part of the palm is a double-headed beast, which is oriented in the mouth of the beasts in the upper and lower directions, biting the two humanoid bodies.

And all of them are wide and angry, they seem to be roaring...

The root is obviously composed of numerous stringed fine gold threads twisted together to form a bowstring, and the two ends are connected to the life of these two humanoid bodies!

This is a mysterious powerhouse that is so devastating to the savage and savage---------------------

Before the endless years, the battle of the ruined world, and the emptiness of the giant tortoise, the golden sacred dragon, as strong as the golden dragon, once used this supernatural power to shoot the huge wilderness and the unseen hole. One

Only the arrow, the power is too strong, even if it is the heavenly eye that represents the will of the wilderness, it is almost bombarded by that arrow!

At this moment, as the energy arrow above the bowstring appeared, the breath of the ancient Yaksha's body suddenly turned sharply. its

In the middle of the blood, the blood is swaying, and the body's half-step heavenly environment is strong and scented and not scattered. It feels like a strong sense of crisis in the back.

Wild night fork? "With

The low humming sounds, the arrows that have already manifested the bleeding pulse are turned into the past, and the flash of a vigilant color is heard in the middle of the voice. The voice of the low gods is heard: "I have to say, your The 陨天弓 is indeed extraordinary. It is said that in the end of the eternal life of the endless years, it is almost impossible to shoot the sinister eyes of the sinister sky..."

"Unfortunately, you are still too weak after all. Although the combat power is better than that of the shoulders, it has not really entered this realm..."

If you are a true heavenly powerhouse, even if it is only a third-order realm, a slam dunk, the deity is very likely to fall here, but now..."

At this point, the arrow 翎 翎 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再 不再Killing the existence of the younger son of the deity? Hand over the heavenly treasure, the deity... leave your whole body!"

"It seems that you are so powerful, isn't it a late Tiandao in the seventh-order world? And it will fall soon. I really don't understand what you have to say..."

Xuanyuan mouth, squinting at the huge size of the arrow 翎 翎 翎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the middle of the cold, the sound of the gods shrouded a void: "Come out, know that you are attracted, don't pretend to be stupid, this temple really does not understand, have promised to give you a Baodan, why do you want in this way?""

Oh..." with

His words fell, and the left side of the tens of billions of miles away, the body of the deer stick appeared, but it was not the blood of the body, but the form of the remains of the **** blood, blood and blood. "

A Baodan, the old man is not enough..."

Since the torn skin has been torn, the deer stick has nothing to worry about. He has already raised his vigilance and will not approach it. Together with the four heavenly powers, he has already fallen, invisible deterrence. He believes that Ye Xuan is not willing to act rashly.

"It turns out that, let you look at this choice... the end result!"

Xuan nodded, did not say too much, from the side of the deer sticks back, the eyes once again swept to the arrow 翎 magic carving: "Abandoned ancient night fork has not yet entered the heavens, 陨天弓 in his hands, really can not beat you kill……"

"But... what about the temple?"


The sound is still not falling, his left arm has been lifted, the left palm of the original empty hand, is also a sudden golden man, a golden bow of energy form appears...

However, it is the Xingqiang Shentong Tiangong bow, which is the same as the left hand held by the left-handed Yaksha. The only difference is that Ye Xuan is now a human form, so his various bows look much smaller. but

This powerful supreme power, the size of the bow has no effect at all.

On the contrary, because of the six-step powerful cultivation of his heavenly environment, the small version of the scorpion bow that appeared in his left hand at this time, the breath that was invisibly dispersed, was even more terrifying...

Even the arrow eagle carvings have instantly produced an unprecedented sense of life and death crisis. Under the color change, they are exclaimed.


When his exclamation sounded down, an energy arrow appeared on the bowstring, and the body of Ye Xuan suddenly turned sharply, quietly releasing the right hand of the string...

Sharp and sharp, the sound of the sharp and tremulous sounds.

A golden mang rushed out from the bow of Ye Xuan's left arm and disappeared instantly. One ten thousandth of an instant did not arrive, and it was already on the head of the arrowhead's magic carving...


It’s happening too quickly, the next scene is no suspense, and the earth-shattering roaring sounds come instantly...

For the speed-exceeding teleports, which appear directly in front of you, and the horrible golden arrow, the arrow-headed eagle eagle has no time to react, just a little open mouth, even a chance to scream No...tight

Then, a gigantic force that has reached the point of horrifying power has already rushed into his body. When it is not in a moment, it will raging and open. The whole body will burst open and become a rapid spread of the canopy. The red blood is fogging, covering a corner of the sky..."


At one moment, Ye Xuan waved, and with the sound of a whistling whistling sound, invisible, a majestic force whizzed away, swept the **** fog of the huge figure of the arrow 翎 翎 雕 爆, income in the body... this

It was the second heavenly blood that he got, and it was still bombarded with a powerful beast in the late seventh heaven, and all this was done in an instant...

Arrow destroys the magic carving! This

It’s just like a dream, it’s so unreal, and it’s too late to watch. The three evil devils who followed the arrows and the magical carvings were stunned on the spot. to

On the left side of the sky, hundreds of millions of miles away from the deer, it is almost on the spot to take out the eyes. No

What? One

The horror of the seventh order of the heavens and the heavens, so dazzling... is it gone?

This is simply rumor!

He counts all the calculations, counts everything, but he never thought about it. Ye Xuan, who was clearly regarded as a strongman of the survivors, actually mastered the sacred blood of the ancients of the ancients. Take

The sixth-order cultivation of Tiandaojing is to display this horror magical power. In the later period, the strong heavenly and powerful people, under the precautions, have to be killed by the spike...

Only the arrow, under the defense, the arrow 翎 雕 瞬间 is instantly spiked...陨

The Tiangong was too strong. In the battle of the ruined world, the ancient yak was only a half-step of the cultivation of the heavens, and it was possible to almost smash the seven-step sacred heavens of the heavens.

Today, Ye Xuan is the sixth-order heavenly environment. It is only one step weaker than the arrow-headed magic carving. It is also shot when he is not prepared. If this is not the case, it will not be able to kill it. For the strongest blood and magic. With

With the fall of the arrow and the devil, the void is in a short silence. but

Immediately afterwards, the deer stalker reacted first. He did not hesitate, and turned around and fled in the first place...

There are still three powerful beasts in the heavens, and he must escape as soon as possible and escape. to

In Tiandao Baodan, it is no longer a luxury, because only the starry beasts in the early and middle stages of these three heavens can't suppress Ye Xuan...

"Would you like to escape? Have you escaped?"

In this scene, Ye Xuan even sneered..."

Oh la la..."He

For a moment, his figure disappeared, but the original slap in the void had a slap in the water, and the whole body shape of Ye Xuan collapsed. It turned into a **** sea and spread, covering a corner of the universe... ..."

Roar! ""

Roar! ""


Almost in the next moment, from the three different directions of this vast sea of ​​blood, the sound of screaming and screaming, the sound of the boundless blood, there are three huge figures in the blink of an eye, dialing in a moment Starting from the ground.

It is the three great devils of the ancient konjac! Minute

Don't be the flesh and blood, that is, the starry sky!

And the body of the cheekbones, without any flesh and blood, just a purple-golden cheekbones, revealing endless fierce breath, very incomparable!

Finally, there is the body of black fog. although

It is also a form of violent, but the body is a black fog, even a pair of scorpions, just two awnings, it looks very strange! short

Between the short breaks, the three **** seas have been condensed, and the body's repairs are breathtaking, and all of them are all six heavens.

But this is obviously not the end..."

Oh..." with

The figure appeared, and the flesh and blood in the three avatars of the konjac violently waved a hand, accompanied by a sharp burst of sound, and a volley rushed away, welcoming the storm, and the huge distance between the eyes was huge. It is the second-order beast of heaven and earth...

Therefore, with a dazzling effort, the situation on the battlefield was instantly reversed.

The three bloods of the sea, the beast, the virtual giant turtle and the wild night fork... Ye Xuan has six weapons to reach the supremacy of the heavens. and

The party from the forbidden land of the devil has four former, but now there are only three.

The situation suddenly became six-on-three... This is simply a dog's blood. Looking at the distant void, the three heavenly beasts are almost squirting blood on the spot. They all smashed internal injuries, endless resentment and unwillingness! This

Why do you bully people, you know that this is the case, the brain was kicked by the dog and rushed to death...

When the previous arrows were killed by a single arrow, the three of them were shocked and awkward, but they were far from fearful, because they simply did not think that they would fall here today. although

It is impossible to say that things have been lost, but also lost a powerful late-stage heaven in the seventh-order world, but the final result is too big to just turn around and reluctantly leave.

Although there are three people on the other side, the mysterious survivor of the sixth-order Tiandao has already exhibited a scorpion bow. The strength of the body is in a state of deficit. Not only can this singular power be used again, but even the interception of them can be forced to stay. It should be powerless to come down...

As for the Void Giant Turtle, it is directly ignored, but the combat power is better than the first-order heaven, and the weakest of the three of them cannot be left behind.

Although the scorpion bow in the hands of the wild night fork is a threat, it is now prepared, even if the arrow is shot, they can avoid it. but

In fact, the ancient Yaksha does not enter the real heaven and earth. Although the Tianzhu bow is strong, it can not be able to kill the strong people in heaven. Therefore, it will basically only be a kind of deterrent...

In this case, the three of them can leave at any time, naturally, they will not feel the crisis, and they will only feel unwilling and angry.

But now it is different. Correct

The original was only three people, but now it suddenly became six. In addition, the mechanical beast will be gone. The second step of the heavens is that the weak is not weak, and the strong is not too strong. It may not be forced to stay. they.

But the three konjac in the vast sea of ​​blood can be troublesome.

The flesh and blood is violent, and the body is somewhat weak. This should be the deity of the scorpion bow. The two scorpions and the black fog are separated, but the real six-step heaven and earth. …six

Under the third, once it is overwritten by the other side, there are both the old-fashioned cherries holding the scorpion bow in the eye, and there are one weak two strong three heavens in the sixth-order frontal shot...

The three of them don’t say that they have left calmly. It’s almost impossible to escape from the wolf. "

Roar! ”



These thoughts flashed through the brain, and the three beasts from the forbidden land of the magic carvings trembled and finally returned to the soul. each

From the screaming of the head, they almost turned at the same time, rushing toward the distance, trying to take advantage of the other side of the camp has not yet shot, try to escape as much as possible...

"I just want to go now, it’s too late..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan grinned, and the sound of the gods was at the same time, the violent screaming suddenly waved..."


The road was spurred by the glare, and the storm rose. In the blink of an eye, it was turned into a majestic nine-color flame sea. The speed was too fast, and it was stopped in front of the three-headed heavenly beast.

Then, before they returned, the majestic nine-color flame sea was closed and turned into a circular flame ball with a diameter of several hundred million miles.

The flame ball is hollow, and the three beasts that want to escape are now trapped in it..."

Roar! ”

"戾..." has

After the needless empty turtle and the wild night fork, the first beast rushed into the flame ball. At the same time, the cheekbones and the black mist were also screaming and roaring away. in

The shape of the body broke into the flames of the sea, the right hand of the cheekbones clearly showed a quaint big tripod, while the right hand of the black mist split appeared a **** stick...

At one moment, the violent temper also turned to look at the deer who was dying in the distance, not worried, stepping on the void step by step, calmly chasing away.

The deer sticks just turned back at this time, and everything behind him was in the eyes. His body shape suddenly stunned, and his look drastically took a breath. but

There is a flash of aura in the brain, revealing the sound of the gods of endless fear, and it also comes out: "The secret of blood and sea? Shennong Baoding? And the **** stick..."

Damn, you are not a strongman, you are the **** starry sky that year..."